A 3rd year's lab work (project) of the Professional Course of Technician of Programming and Management of Computer Systems made in High School of Monte de Caparica, in the subject of Programming of Computer Systems. This project was built using Adobe Flash and HTML. The scenario of the project was the development of a simple Adobe Flash Schockwave application for Websites. This application it's based on a funny story of a group of classmates inspired in and using as template, the South Park series' characters.
To install and run this application, you will need:
The Git feature and/or a third-party Git Client based GUI, like:
To install this application, you will only need to download or clone this repository and run the application locally:
You can do it downloading the .zip file in download section of this repository.
Or instead, by cloning this repository by a Git Client based GUI, using HTTPS or SSH, by one of the following link:
- SSH:
Or even, by running one of the following commands in a Git Bash Console:
git clone https://github.com/rubenandrebarreiro/funny-south-park-classmates-caricatures-stories.git
- SSH:
git clone git@github.com:rubenandrebarreiro/funny-south-park-classmates-caricatures-stories.git
- ruben.barreiro.92@gmail.com
- r.barreiro@campus.fct.unl.pt
- up201808917@fe.up.pt
- up201808917@g.uporto.pt
- https://github.com/rubenandrebarreiro/
- https://gitlab.com/rubenandrebarreiro/
- https://bitbucket.org/rubenandrebarreiro/
- https://dev.azure.com/rubenandrebarreiro/
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