If your change is relatively minor, you can skip this step. If you are adding new major feature, we suggest that you add a design document and solicit comments from the community before submitting any code.
Create an issue here for the change you would like to make. Provide information on why the change is needed and how you plan to address it. Use the conversations on the issue as a way to validate assumptions and the right way to proceed.
If you have a design document, please refer to the design documents in your Issue. You may even want to create multiple issues depending on the extent of your change.
Once you are clear about what you want to do, proceed with the next steps listed below.
# ensure you are starting from the latest code base
# the following steps, ensure your fork's (origin's) main is up-to-date
$ git fetch upstream
$ git checkout main
$ git merge upstream/main
# create a branch for your issue
$ git checkout -b <your issue branch>
Make the necessary changes. If the changes you plan to make are too big, make sure you break it down into smaller tasks.
Follow the best-practices when you are making changes.
Please ensure your code is adequately documented. Some things to consider for documentation:
- Always include struct, module, and package level docs. We are looking for information about what functionality is provided, what state is maintained, whether there are concurrency/thread-safety concerns and any exceptional behavior that the class might exhibit.
- Document public methods and their parameters.
- Ensure that the code you add is properly formatted as per the
Make sure you consider both backward and forward compatibility issues while making your changes.
- For backward compatibility, consider cases where one component is using the new version and another is still on the old version. Will it break?
- For forward compatibility, consider rollback cases.
Verify code-style
Push changes and create a PR for review
Commit your changes with a meaningful commit message.
$ git add <files required for the change>
$ git commit -m "meaningful message for the change"
$ git push origin <your issue branch>
After this, create a PullRequest in `github <https://github.com/rtsh13/bfGo/pulls>`_. Include the following information in the description:
* The changes that are included in the PR.
* Design document, if any.
* Information on any implementation choices that were made.
* Evidence of sufficient testing. You ``MUST`` indicate the tests done, either manually or automated.
Once you receive comments on github on your changes, be sure to respond to them on github and address the concerns. If any discussions happen offline for the changes in question, make sure to capture the outcome of the discussion, so others can follow along as well.
It is possible that while your change is being reviewed, other changes were made to the main branch. Be sure to pull rebase your change on the new changes thus:
# commit your changes
$ git add <updated files>
$ git commit -m "meaningful message for the change"
# pull new changes
$ git checkout main
$ git merge upstream/main
$ git checkout <your issue branch>
$ git rebase main
At this time, if rebase flags any conflicts, resolve the conflicts and follow the instructions provided by the rebase command.
Run additional tests/validations for the new changes and update the PR by pushing your changes:
$ git push origin <your issue branch>
- When you have addressed all comments and have an approved PR, one of the committers can merge your PR.
- After your change is merged, check to see if any documentation needs to be updated. If so, create a PR for documentation.
Usually for new features, functionalities, API changes, documentation update is required to keep users up to date and keep track of our development.