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667 lines (402 loc) · 18.6 KB

File metadata and controls

667 lines (402 loc) · 18.6 KB


Built Against
built against


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Updated youtube-dl to 2017.07.23
This project has some issues,so is delayed
Cleaning will take place soon
a well documented html is in progress
The next major version will be 0.2 soon,which will have new feature and exception handling
youtube_dl_embed chat


Want to embed youtube-dl,this is some of the ways I do it.
Extend youtube-dl basic functions in python to be more flexible
Call youtube-dl or youtube_dl_embed via java
Call youtube-dl or youtube_dl_embed via c,c++
Call youtube-dl or youtube_dl_embed via PHP


siddht 4/1/3 project maintainer,developer FULL ACCESS
yan12125 youtube-dl -> project collaborator FULL ACCESS


rg3:youtube-dl TRAVIS CI Build Status youtube-dl build status
siddht1:youtube-dl (fork) TRAVIS CI Build Status youtube-dl build status
youtube-dl-embed project TRAVIS CI Build Status youtube-dl-embedd build status
youtube-dl-embed project Coverity Scan Coverity Scan Status Coverity Scan Build Status
youtube-dl-embed project dependencies Dependencies Status youtube-dl-embed dependencies
youtube-dl-embed project License UNLICENSE youtube-dl-embed UNLICENSE LICENSE


@yan12125 Thanks aka Yen Chi Hsuan (youtube-dl contributor/maintainer) for your help to extend this utility
@iriberri Thanks aka Carla Iriberri (Travis Builder) for helping me fixing the builds for TRAVIS CI


youtube-dl 2017.07.23
in youttube-dl [folder] in [python file]


Built against
 - It starts to download the video mentioned in _url_,with ydl_opts as the parameter.
 -  It will create a json file a.json which gets re written every time,you can use it
 to create a custom logger and display it as realtime progress
-  The json is also printed in the terminal and cleared every time,so that you can see 
the realtime progress
-  It will send a custom notification at 80 percent progress so that you can prepare the 
code,at 100 % or finished,a notification of 'file download ' will appear to notify you 
that the file has been downloaded 

How it works :-
 First run this file via terminal by typing "python"
 Based on _url_ (python type list) it will start download
 Code part :
 _url_=['']  # undeclared list ,you can add your own url
 #_url_.append('')  # append to list _url_ ,you can add more url to the existing list,remove #
  For _url=[] ,this is a python type list , 


  Here you can declare all your url 
  example : _url=['url1','url2']   and so one 
   #_url_.append('') is commented,so to also run it uncomment it. 
   Whatever you provide here will be appended to _url
   example : _url=['url1','url2']  
   will make _url=['url1','url2','url3']  

 At 80 %   code part :


    _strr=_str.replace("%", "")
    if _float==80:
  os.system('notify-send '+_str)
  You will see the notification 80% 
  This will also appear for 90%,99% and 100 % or completed
- It provides with meta data of a video/audio 
  This is a mere upgradation of so that one can simply enter a text file which has 
  all the url.
  How this works :-
 First run this file via terminal by typing "python"
 : A message will appear  " Enter the text file  :  "
 : Enter the file name,be sure to also provide the file format.example: 1.txt 
 : From here everything is similar to what you see in
   This is quite similar to "youtube-dl -a  [text_file]"

#Next 1 aka

  - Add a script which will start a new download as soon as the status reaches 95 %
  - This way the time taken to convert the video,start a new download can be avoided
  It starts with _url_[0],_process=1,so as soon it reaches 95 %, _url_[1] is started,
  _process=2  as _url_[0] will soon finish,
  As soon as _url[0] completes that thread will end
  As soon as _url_[1] reaches 95 % the same things occurs and a process is again started 
  which starts _url_[2],_process=3
  As soon as _url_[1] completes and this thread is stopped,
  As soon as _url_[2] reaches 95 %,the invoker will stop as _process+=1 will make it 4 and
  _len=3,so the entire process will      terminate as _url_[2] completes
  This is a form of looping,while loop to be exact,but has to handled

#NEXt 3 aka

   - Parallel downloading from two url.
   - Evenly divides url list into two lists
   Sample code :


  -Make sure you have the source of youtube-dl,source: 


  -Alternatively if you don`t have the source,but have a excutable copy as mentioned in 


       then simply copy the exectuable to your
    current folder,this will work for linux versions only,windows user will have to get the source.
            - sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
           -  sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl 
       These commands were the one you already did,then once run "sudo youtube-dl -U" to update to 
       the latest then get your current path, perform these steps
       - cp /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl   /[your_current_path]
       rename youtube-dl to
       -unzip -d /[the_folder_you_want]
       As soon as you unzip,naviagate to the folder which has youtube-dl,

     or  with the new structure in place simply clone this repository 

     terminal command "git clone"
       the directory will look like 
       youtube_dl [folder]  [main youtube-dl loader file]
       youtube_dl_embed [folder]


        ,as these will directly invoke 
        then added any url inside _url_=[''] residing in or
      to run just provide a file as you did for "youtube-dl -a [file_name]"
        then naviagte to youtube_dl_embed folder

      and in terminal type "python"
        -you must have got a json file "a.json",these stores your current progress realtime.


         -you must have got a notification,when the download reached 80%,90%,99% and when completed
          - you can now modify the code however you want


   If you would instead try the java one,then you would be using


     as a base.

     Requirments :- 

     - python to run youtube-dl,youtube_dl_embed

     - java to run

     How to do :-

     - Make sure you have java installed 

     - copy /java/  to where would you like

     - make necessary changes to (

     - run in terminal "javac", this would create main.class,which is a class file,your is compiled

     - Now run "java main" to get the ouput from the compiled class file

     Structure  :-

     JAVA --> exec  ---> python ----> youtube-dl 

     youtube-dl -> python -> exec --> JAVA


      If you would instead try the C  one,then you would be using


     as a base.

     Requirments :- 

     - python to run youtube-dl,youtube_dl_embed

     - c,I have used gcc,to test and built it

     How to do :-

     - Make sure you have c installed,if you are using linux make sure gcc is installed

     - copy /c/1.c  to where would you like

     - make necessary changes to (

     - open terminal type the command as follows "gcc 1.c",this will compile and create a.out file

     - now in terminal type "./a.out [any_command]",for this once instead,try "./a.out youtube-dl -v"

      Structure :- 

      C  --> std [in]  ---> python ----> youtube-dl

      youtube-dl --> python --> std [out] -- > C

#USAGE - C++

      If you would instead try the C++  one,then you would be using


     as a base.

     Requirments :- 

     - python to run youtube-dl,youtube_dl_embed

     - c++,I have used g++,to test and built it

     How to do :-

     - Make sure you have c++ installed,if you are using linux make sure g++ is installed

     - copy /c++/link.cpp  to where would you like

     - copy (,this the psteam.h
      file/header to execute stdin and stdout for C++,this file opens streams to outside packages

     - make necessary changes to (
       especially (
       changes needed to be made in 'proc("ls", redi::pstreams::pstdout | redi::pstreams::pstderr)'
       to something like proc '("youtube-dl -v ", redi::pstreams::pstdout | redi::pstreams::pstderr)''
       so make necessary changes after 'proc("'' line only 

     - then open terminal type the command as follows "g++ link.cpp",this will compile link.cpp and create a.out file

     - now in terminal type "./a.out ", to see your ouput based on  '("youtube-dl -v ", redi::pstreams::pstdout | redi::pstreams::pstderr)''

      Structure :- 

      C++  --> pstream  ---> python ----> youtube-dl

      youtube-dl --> python --> pstream -- > C++


      If you would instead try the PHP  one,then you would be using


     as a base.

     NOTE :-

     - I am currently final testing PHP one so that a 

     - form with video url is given which is posted using POST method,lets name it form.php

     - a php which will sanitize data received via POST i.e URL,this will call exec function 
       which will then execute youtube-dl,so meanwhile a table will be created which uses json
       sample at (
       which will show realtime log to user.

     - As soon as it reaches 100 % or completed user will be redirtected to the downloaded link   

     Requirments :- 

     - python to run youtube-dl,youtube_dl_embed
     - php 7.0 

     - nginx (PHP CGI) or Apache server .

     How to do :-

     - Make sure you have nginx,php installed and nginx configured to run PHP via FASTCGI

     - copy /php/test.php  to where would you like

     - For testing purpose I am calling (
        as it provides me with the metadata
        You can repurpose it in anyway you would,especially $cmd 

         $cmd="python ../python_embed/";
         ?> '


      Structure :- 

     PHP --> FAST CGI --> NGINX  --> PYTHON --> youtube-dl 

     youtube-dl --> PYTHON --> NGINX --> FAST CGI  --> PHP


Project Name Purpose Info
youtube_dl_java ( using youtube-dl via java i.e youtube-dl-java -> jvm -> python -> youtube-dl This project has been merged and is under sub directory java (
() using youtube-dl via c and c++ - currently testing their behaviour This project has been merged and is under sub directory C and C++ likewise ( (



As youtube-dl is under unlicense, So these mere utilily as an extension is also provided as same as it also directly follows youtube-dl as base


To accompany futher works like integration of the script with php,java,c,c++ the required folder structure is done


   -Clean this readme file 

   -Push the php code,it will be under php_dashboard

   -Push i.e double downloading i.e parallel 2 process of youtube-dl

   -Push i.e serial downlading from two url 
      At 95% of the first process (process #1),process #2 will begin the next 
      download of the URL found in  '_url_ ' list. 
      As soon as the first process reaches 100 %,this process will exit and only
      process #2 will be present.
      As process #2 reaches 95 %,process #3 (rebirth of process #1) will start the next download of the URL
      in the link

      and the chain follows.
      So to say even process is always #2,odd process is always process #1 in ideal situation

      Some cases :-

     Case 1:



        a is 95 MB,b is 10 mb,c is 100 mb ,d is 1 GB ,e is 10 MB,f is 20 MB

        As a i.e process #1 reaches 95 % i.e 90.25 MB
         process #2 will start b,
         process #1 will terminate after reaching 100 % and completing the file

         Currently two process process are running  #1,#2 

         As process #2 reaches 95 % i.e 9.5 MB
          process #3 will start c

          Currently three process are running process #1,#2,#3

          Sooner or later #1,#2 reaches 100 % and both process exists

          So if I instead used the earlier design of

          - it would had process #1 had started 
          - at 95 % ,process #2 would have started
          - process #1 reaching 100% and finishing would start c
          - meanwhile process #2 would have also ended as the file size is small

          - so we see process #2 also starting c,if this happens c would surely get corrupted 
            alongside  both process reaching deadlock,

            so if anycase process #1 and process #2 would call the url, both will overwrite the same file.

            Means to break this :-

            -Implementing process kill or termination 

            - Breaking the list of '_url_' to two smaller list,chances are the same would happen too