Releases: rt-net/raspimouse_sim
Releases · rt-net/raspimouse_sim
3.0.1 for Jazzy
3.0.0 for Jazzy
2.1.0 for Humble
What's Changed
- ライントレース用のコースを作成 by @YusukeKato in #74
- camera_downwardがtrueのときRGBカメラが斜め下を向くように変更 by @YusukeKato in #75
- コントローラのパラメータを調整してオドメトリのズレを修正 by @YusukeKato in #76
- シミュレータ環境でSLAMとNavigationを実行 by @YusukeKato in #77
- 2.1.0リリースのためにCHANGELOG.rstとpackage.xmlを更新 by @YusukeKato in #78
- 2.1.0リリースのためにros2ブランチの変更差分をhumble-develブランチへマージ by @YusukeKato in #79
Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.1.0
2.0.0 for Humble
ROS 2 Humble向けの初回リリース
What's Changed
- ROS 2 Humble環境のraspimouse_with_emptyworld.launch.pyを実装 by @YusukeKato in #66
- robot_description_loaderを使用するように変更 by @YusukeKato in #67
- controller managerノードにプラグインを追加するように変更 by @YusukeKato in #68
- シミュレータ環境に擬似的なラズパイマウスノードを追加 by @YusukeKato in #69
- カメラサンプル用のcolor_objects_worldを作成 by @YusukeKato in #70
- Gazebo上で画像トピックを配信できるようにbridgeを設定 by @YusukeKato in #71
- READMEをROS 2の情報に更新 by @YusukeKato in #72
- 2.0.0リリースのためにCHANGELOG.rstとpackage.xmlを更新 by @YusukeKato in #73
Full Changelog: 0.1.1...2.0.0
0.1.1 for Noetic
What's Changed
- support device file of lightsensors #3, #6 by @Tiryoh in #8
- Add virtual_motors #3 by @yukixx6 in #9
- Small bugfix by @Tiryoh in #11
- Enable motorswitch by @yukixx6 in #10
- Fixed bug #12 by @yukixx6 in #13
- Fixed bug by @yukixx6 in #14
- Refactor package by @Tiryoh in #15
- Fix lightsensor scan error (scan topic empty) by @Tiryoh in #16
- update travis.yml for master & melodic branch by @ShotaAk in #33
- Add an index to each wall model name for fixing #26 by @ShotaAk in #32
- パッケージの説明を更新 by @Tiryoh in #31
- fix raspimouse_with_empetyworld.launch to load robot descrption by @ShotaAk in #35
- Add use_devfile argumet to launch files to make virtual device file optional by @ShotaAk in #34
- ci: Migrate to GitHub Actions by @Tiryoh in #39
- Migrate package.xml to Format 2 by @Tiryoh in #41
- Remove raspimouse_description which is moved to another repository by @Tiryoh in #42
- Add Gazebo model download script by @Tiryoh in #47
- Replace deprecated xacro parser by @Tiryoh in #45
- Add an office-like Gazebo world sample by @Tiryoh in #46
- Refactor XML format files by @Tiryoh in #43
- Change default value of rtswitch0,1,2 by @ShotaAk in #49
- Disable shadows by default to improve simulation speed by @Tiryoh in #51
- Remove image files from repository by @Tiryoh in #52
- Use DiffDriveController defined in xacro to simplify raspimouse_gazebo by @Tiryoh in #53
- Update namespace to fix odom tf error by @Tiryoh in #55
- Update README by @Tiryoh in #54
- Add odom view RViz config to keyboard_teleop.lauch by @Tiryoh in #56
- Add LaserScan topic to RViz configuration file by @shu-rt in #59
- Add urg on/off option and lidar frame rename option by @Tiryoh in #57
- ROS Noeticに向けた修正:python2とpython3のサポート by @ShotaAk in #62
- Update README by @Tiryoh in #63
- noetic対応のために情報を更新 by @YusukeKato in #65
New Contributors
Full Changelog: