An urge to cook something special is too hard to resist sometimes. But what if you lost the recipe? Or your beloved grandma is too busy to answer a call and remind you of your favorite cake recipe? This multi-user web service with Spring Boot allows storing, retrieving, updating, and deleting recipes.
- Java 11+
- IntelliJ IDEA / Netbeans / Eclipse
Start application in IDE or via command line:
./gradlew bootRun
Default port: 8881
Authentication: not required
Authorization: not required
Description: receives a JSON object with two fields: email (string), and password (string). If a user with a specified email does not exist, the program saves (registers) the user in a database.
Request example:
"email": "",
"password": "RecipeInBinary"
Authentication: required
Authorization: not required
Description: receives a recipe as a JSON object and returns a JSON object with one id field. This is a uniquely generated number by which we can identify and retrieve a recipe later.
Request example:
"name": "Mint Tea",
"category": "beverage",
"description": "Light, aromatic and refreshing beverage, ...",
"ingredients": ["boiled water", "honey", "fresh mint leaves"],
"directions": ["Boil water", "Pour boiling hot water into a mug", "Add fresh mint leaves", "Mix and let the mint leaves seep for 3-5 minutes", "Add honey and mix again"]
Response example:
"id": 1
Authentication: required
Authorization: not required
Description: returns a recipe with a specified id as a JSON object.
Response example:
"name": "Fresh Mint Tea",
"category": "beverage",
"date": "2020-01-02T12:11:25.034734",
"description": "Light, aromatic and refreshing beverage, ...",
"ingredients": ["boiled water", "honey", "fresh mint leaves"],
"directions": ["Boil water", "Pour boiling hot water into a mug", "Add fresh mint leaves", "Mix and let the mint leaves seep for 3-5 minutes", "Add honey and mix again"]
Authentication: required
Authorization: required (only recipe owner)
Description: deletes a recipe with a specified id.
Authentication: required
Authorization: required (only recipe owner)
Description: receives a recipe as a JSON object and updates a recipe with a specified id.
Request example:
"name": "Fresh Mint Tea",
"category": "beverage",
"description": "Light, aromatic and refreshing beverage, ...",
"ingredients": ["boiled water", "honey", "fresh mint leaves"],
"directions": ["Boil water", "Pour boiling hot water into a mug", "Add fresh mint leaves", "Mix and let the mint leaves seep for 3-5 minutes", "Add honey and mix again"]
Authentication: required
Authorization: not required
Description: takes one of the two mutually exclusive query parameters:
- category – if this parameter is specified, it returns a JSON array of all recipes of the specified category. Search is case-insensitive, sort the recipes by date (newer first);
- name – if this parameter is specified, it returns a JSON array of all recipes with the names that contain the specified parameter. Search is case-insensitive, sort the recipes by date (newer first).
Response example for the GET /api/v1/recipe/search/?category=dessert request:
"name": "Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream",
"category": "dessert",
"date": "2021-04-06T14:10:54.009345",
"name": "vegan avocado ice cream",
"category": "DESSERT",
"date": "2020-01-06T13:10:53.011342",
Response example for the GET /api/v1/recipe/search/?name=tea request:
"name": "Fresh Mint Tea",
"category": "beverage",
"date": "2021-09-06T14:11:51.006787",
"name": "warming ginger tea",
"category": "beverage",
"date": "2020-08-06T14:11:42.456321",
"name": "Iced Tea Without Sugar",
"category": "beverage",
"date": "2019-07-06T17:12:32.546987",
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Usage is provided under the MIT License. See LICENSE for full details.