Utilize database including information on Terry Stops for a classification analysis to predict if an arrest ended up being made as a final resolution to the police terry stop. This research can be used to help officers better prepare for what to expect during a terry stop based on certain variables that are present.
I leveraged the OSEMN (Obtain, Scrub, Explore, Model, Interpret) process for this project. My notebook is organized to follow this process.
Database containing information on every terry stop made by Seattle police officers (i.e. weapon type, if an arrest was made, reported date, officer precinct, etc.). A terry stop is when a police officer stops a person based on 'reasonable suspicion' that the person may have been involved in criminal activity.
- Predict if an arrest is likely to occur as a result of a terry stop.
- What features are most imprtant in predicting an arrest?
- How can this research be used to improve police officer prepardness for terry stops?