From a3eaa31f476aa5d86621ec2eb7242642da3be890 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neves-P
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2023 13:45:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 01/13] Cpp14 Makevars
DESCRIPTION | 7 +++----
src/Makevars | 2 ++
src/ | 2 ++
src/config.h | 7 +++++--
4 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/Makevars
create mode 100644 src/
index fb8b8f83..4fcee504 100644
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Package: DAISIE
Type: Package
Title: Dynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction
-Date: 2023-02-10
+Version: 4.3.2
+Date: 2023-02-24
Depends: R (>= 4.1.0)
@@ -110,8 +110,7 @@ Description: Simulates and computes the (maximum) likelihood of a dynamical
model of island biota assembly through speciation, immigration and
extinction. See e.g. Valente et al. 2015. Ecology Letters 18: 844-852,
-NeedsCompilation: yes
-SystemRequirements: C++14
+NeedsCompilation: yesc
Encoding: UTF-8
VignetteBuilder: knitr
diff --git a/src/Makevars b/src/Makevars
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fada8d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Makevars
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1fada8d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/src/config.h b/src/config.h
index 9dea9a57..a14c60c8 100644
--- a/src/config.h
+++ b/src/config.h
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
-// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp14)]]
+// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp14)]]
// Special case to make use of some steppers that would include
// boost/functional.hpp
+// moved to Makevars[.win]
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
#define _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC 0
+ */
// Special case to make use of some steppers that would include
// boost/get_pointer.hpp
From ca2c7c295b3c6add38f545c3998fd5e7606b97c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neves-P
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2023 13:53:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 02/13] Increment version number to 4.3.3 [run ci]
DESCRIPTION | 2 +- | 2 +-
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
index 4fcee504..1ab691c1 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: DAISIE
Type: Package
Title: Dynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction
-Version: 4.3.2
+Version: 4.3.3
Date: 2023-02-24
Depends: R (>= 4.1.0)
diff --git a/ b/
index 5aff1939..6effaa8a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# DAISIE (development version)
+# DAISIE 4.3.3
# DAISIE 4.3.1
From 92d86481566f8f18e91e1cba9e99f525351bf717 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hanno Hildenbrandt
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 11:07:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 03/13] odeint valgrind issue fixed
.Rbuildignore | 3 +
.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json | 47 +++
.vscode/genenv.R | 19 +
.vscode/launch.json | 40 ++
.vscode/tasks.json | 13 +
source_odeint.R | 242 +++++++++++
src/DAISIE_loglik_rhs_FORTRAN.f95 | 248 +++++------
src/DAISIE_odeint.h | 1 +
src/config.h | 17 +-
src/patched_bulrisch_stoer.hpp | 661 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11 files changed, 1160 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
create mode 100644 .vscode/genenv.R
create mode 100644 .vscode/launch.json
create mode 100644 .vscode/tasks.json
create mode 100644 source_odeint.R
create mode 100644 src/patched_bulrisch_stoer.hpp
diff --git a/.Rbuildignore b/.Rbuildignore
index 5d79eddc..5954eef4 100644
--- a/.Rbuildignore
+++ b/.Rbuildignore
@@ -16,3 +16,6 @@
diff --git a/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json b/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19fc441b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// c_cpp_properties.json
+// C/C++ extension config file
+// Some settings to augment IntelliSense for C/C++ files
+ "configurations": [
+ {
+ "name": "Linux gdb",
+ "includePath": [
+ // recurse into workspace, picks up ./src/ and ./inst/include/
+ "${workspaceFolder}/**",
+ // R headers
+ "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rroot/lib/R/include",
+ // includes used by our package
+ "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rlibrary/Rcpp/include"
+ // boost: "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rlibrary/BH/include"
+ ],
+ "defines": [],
+ // absolute path to compiler
+ "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/gcc",
+ // "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang"
+ "cStandard": "c11",
+ // should match [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp17)]]
+ "cppStandard": "c++17"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Linux lldb",
+ "includePath": [
+ // recurse into workspace, picks up ./src/ and ./inst/include/
+ "${workspaceFolder}/**",
+ // R headers
+ "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rroot/lib/R/include",
+ // includes used by our package
+ "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rlibrary/Rcpp/include"
+ // boost: "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rlibrary/BH/include"
+ ],
+ "defines": [],
+ // absolute path to compiler
+ "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang",
+ // "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang"
+ "cStandard": "c11",
+ // should match [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp17)]]
+ "cppStandard": "c++17"
+ }
+ ],
+ "version": 4
diff --git a/.vscode/genenv.R b/.vscode/genenv.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2cd0a945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/genenv.R
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# genenv.R
+# Colects environment variables from R, required by the R *binary*.
+# They are normally set by the R *script* which is circumvented if
+# we need to run the binary under the debugger as we want to debug R
+# not bash...
+# This script is configured as a task in 'tasks.json' and referenced within
+# 'launch.json' as the 'preLaunchTask'.
+env <- Sys.getenv()
+envnames <- names(env)
+rnames <- envnames[startsWith(envnames, "R_")]
+cached_names <- rnames
+ld_lib_path <- Sys.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
+if (ld_lib_path != "") {
+ cached_names <- c("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", rnames)
+writeLines(paste0(cached_names, "=", env[cached_names]), ".vscode/.env")
diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..665df8ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// launch.json
+// launch the R *binary* under gdb and run devtools::test()
+ // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
+ // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
+ // For more information, visit:
+ "version": "0.2.0",
+ "configurations": [
+ {
+ "name": "(gbd) devtools::test()",
+ "type": "cppdbg",
+ "request": "launch",
+ // The binary, not the script
+ "program": "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rroot/lib/R/bin/exec/R",
+ "args": [
+ "--vanilla",
+ "-e",
+ "devtools::test()"
+ ],
+ "stopAtEntry": false,
+ // needs to be generated, see below
+ "envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.vscode/.env",
+ "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
+ "externalConsole": false,
+ "MIMode": "gdb",
+ "setupCommands": [
+ {
+ "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
+ "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
+ "ignoreFailures": true
+ }
+ ],
+ // 'R' is a script that sets a ton of environment variables
+ // required by the R binary. This task emulates that part of
+ // the R script:
+ "preLaunchTask": "genenv"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/.vscode/tasks.json b/.vscode/tasks.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e11a2f20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/tasks.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ // See
+ // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
+ "version": "2.0.0",
+ "tasks": [
+ {
+ "label": "genenv",
+ "type": "shell",
+ "command": "Rscript ${workspaceFolder}/.vscode/genenv.R",
+ "problemMatcher": []
+ }
+ ]
index 3cf5beee..9f793cfe 100644
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ export(create_pars)
diff --git a/source_odeint.R b/source_odeint.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a6ea202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source_odeint.R
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# source_odeint.R
+# partial odeint test suite from tests/testthat/test_odeint.R
+# Run with:
+# R -d "valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=1" --vanilla -e "source('source_odeint.R')" &> source_odeint.log
+pars1 <- c(
+pars2 <- c(40, 11, 0, 1)
+methode <- 'deSolve_R::lsodes'
+loglik_lsodes_R <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
+methode <- 'deSolve_R::lsoda'
+loglik_lsoda_R <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
+methode <- 'lsodes'
+loglik_lsodes <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
+methode <- 'lsoda'
+loglik_lsoda <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
+methode <- 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54'
+loglik_rkck54 <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
+methode <- 'odeint::runge_kutta_fehlberg78'
+loglik_rkf78 <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
+methode <- 'odeint::runge_kutta_dopri5'
+loglik_rkd5 <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
+methode <- 'odeint::bulirsch_stoer'
+loglik_bs <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
+methode <- 'odeint::rosenbrock4'
+loglik_rb <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
+methode <- 'odeint::adams_bashforth_moulton_1'
+loglik_abm <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
+==2373== Memcheck, a memory error detector
+==2373== Copyright (C) 2002-2022, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
+==2373== Using Valgrind-3.19.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
+==2373== Command: /home/hanno/opt/Rval/lib/R/bin/exec/R --vanilla -e source('source_odeint.R')
+R Under development (unstable) (2023-03-07 r83950) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
+Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
+Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
+R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
+Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
+R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
+Type 'contributors()' for more information and
+'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
+Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
+'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
+Type 'q()' to quit R.
+> source('source_odeint.R')
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
+lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
+0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
+Loglikelihood: -61.702819
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
+lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
+0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
+Loglikelihood: -61.702819
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
+lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
+0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
+Loglikelihood: -61.702819
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
+lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
+0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
+Loglikelihood: -61.702819
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
+lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
+0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
+Loglikelihood: -61.702819
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
+lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
+0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
+Loglikelihood: -61.702819
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
+lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
+0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
+Loglikelihood: -61.702819
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
+lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
+0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
+Loglikelihood: -61.702819
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
+lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
+0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
+Loglikelihood: -61.702819
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
+Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259847
+Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545893
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576392
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
+Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259847
+Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
+lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
+0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
+Loglikelihood: -61.702808
+==2373== HEAP SUMMARY:
+==2373== in use at exit: 67,395,855 bytes in 14,084 blocks
+==2373== total heap usage: 75,008,366 allocs, 74,994,282 frees, 40,220,411,885 bytes allocated
+==2373== LEAK SUMMARY:
+==2373== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
+==2373== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
+==2373== possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
+==2373== still reachable: 67,395,855 bytes in 14,084 blocks
+==2373== of which reachable via heuristic:
+==2373== newarray : 4,264 bytes in 1 blocks
+==2373== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
+==2373== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
+==2373== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
+==2373== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
+==2373== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
diff --git a/src/DAISIE_loglik_rhs_FORTRAN.f95 b/src/DAISIE_loglik_rhs_FORTRAN.f95
index 2bb49994..5c121830 100644
--- a/src/DAISIE_loglik_rhs_FORTRAN.f95
+++ b/src/DAISIE_loglik_rhs_FORTRAN.f95
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ SUBROUTINE daisie_runmod (neq, t, Conc, dConc, yout, ip)
INTEGER :: neq, ip(*), i, ii
DOUBLE PRECISION :: t, Conc(2 * N + 1), dConc(2 * N + 1), yout(*)
DOUBLE PRECISION :: xx1(N + 3), xx2(N + 3), xx3
- INTEGER :: il1(N), il2(N), il3in3(N), il4(N)
- INTEGER :: in1(N), in2ix2(N)
+ INTEGER :: il1(N), il2(N), il3in3(N), il4(N)
+ INTEGER :: in1(N), in2ix2(N)
INTEGER :: ix1(N), ix3(N), ix4(N)
DOUBLE PRECISION :: laavec(N + 4 + 2 * kk),lacvec(N + 4 + 2 * kk)
DOUBLE PRECISION :: muvec(N + 4 + 2 * kk),gamvec(N + 4 + 2 * kk)
@@ -131,30 +131,30 @@ SUBROUTINE daisie_runmod (neq, t, Conc, dConc, yout, ip)
xx1(1) = 0
xx1(2) = 0
xx2(1) = 0
- xx2(2) = 0
+ xx2(2) = 0
DO I = 3, N + 2
- xx1(I) = Conc(I - 2)
- xx2(I) = Conc(N + I - 2)
- il1(I - 2) = I + kk - 1
- il2(I - 2) = I + kk + 1
- il3in3(I - 2) = I + kk
- il4(I - 2) = I + kk - 2
- in1(I - 2) = I + 2 * kk - 1
- in2ix2(I - 2) = I + 1
- ix1(I - 2) = I - 1
- ix3(I - 2) = I
- ix4(I - 2) = I - 2
- xx1(N + 3) = 0
- xx2(N + 3) = 0
+ xx1(I) = Conc(I - 2)
+ xx2(I) = Conc(N + I - 2)
+ il1(I - 2) = I + kk - 1
+ il2(I - 2) = I + kk + 1
+ il3in3(I - 2) = I + kk
+ il4(I - 2) = I + kk - 2
+ in1(I - 2) = I + 2 * kk - 1
+ in2ix2(I - 2) = I + 1
+ ix1(I - 2) = I - 1
+ ix3(I - 2) = I
+ ix4(I - 2) = I - 2
+ xx1(N + 3) = 0
+ xx2(N + 3) = 0
xx3 = Conc(2 * N + 1)
DO I = 1, N + 4 + 2 * kk
- laavec(I) = P(I)
- lacvec(I) = P(I + N + 4 + 2 * kk)
- muvec(I) = P(I + 2 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
- gamvec(I) = P(I + 3 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
- nn(I) = P(I + 4 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
+ laavec(I) = P(I)
+ lacvec(I) = P(I + N + 4 + 2 * kk)
+ muvec(I) = P(I + 2 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
+ gamvec(I) = P(I + 3 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
+ nn(I) = P(I + 4 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
! dx1 = laavec[il1 + 1] * xx2[ix1] +
@@ -172,15 +172,15 @@ SUBROUTINE daisie_runmod (neq, t, Conc, dConc, yout, ip)
! dx3 <- 0
DO I = 1, N
- dConc(I) = &
- laavec(il1(I) + 1) * xx2(ix1(I)) + &
- lacvec(il4(I) + 1) * xx2(ix4(I)) + &
- muvec(il2(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I)) + &
- lacvec(il1(I)) * nn(in1(I)) * xx1(ix1(I)) + &
- muvec(il2(I)) * nn(in2ix2(I)) * xx1(in2ix2(I)) - &
- (muvec(il3in3(I)) + lacvec(il3in3(I))) * &
- nn(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I)) - &
- gamvec(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I))
+ dConc(I) = &
+ laavec(il1(I) + 1) * xx2(ix1(I)) + &
+ lacvec(il4(I) + 1) * xx2(ix4(I)) + &
+ muvec(il2(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I)) + &
+ lacvec(il1(I)) * nn(in1(I)) * xx1(ix1(I)) + &
+ muvec(il2(I)) * nn(in2ix2(I)) * xx1(in2ix2(I)) - &
+ (muvec(il3in3(I)) + lacvec(il3in3(I))) * &
+ nn(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I)) - &
+ gamvec(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I))
dConc(N + I) = &
gamvec(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I)) + &
lacvec(il1(I) + 1) * nn(in1(I)) * xx2(ix1(I)) + &
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ SUBROUTINE daisie_runmod (neq, t, Conc, dConc, yout, ip)
(muvec(il3in3(I) + 1) + lacvec(il3in3(I) + 1)) * &
nn(il3in3(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I)) - &
laavec(il3in3(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I))
- dConc(2 * N + 1) = 0
+ dConc(2 * N + 1) = 0
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ SUBROUTINE daisie_runmod1 (neq, t, Conc, dConc, yout, ip)
INTEGER :: neq, ip(*), i, ii
DOUBLE PRECISION :: t, Conc(4 * N), dConc(4 * N), yout(*)
DOUBLE PRECISION :: xx1(N + 3), xx2(N + 3), xx3(N + 3), xx4(N + 3)
- INTEGER :: il1(N), il2(N), il3in3(N), il4(N)
- INTEGER :: in1(N), in2ix2(N), in4ix1(N)
+ INTEGER :: il1(N), il2(N), il3in3(N), il4(N)
+ INTEGER :: in1(N), in2ix2(N), in4ix1(N)
INTEGER :: ix3(N), ix4(N)
DOUBLE PRECISION :: laavec(N + 4 + 2 * kk),lacvec(N + 4 + 2 * kk)
DOUBLE PRECISION :: muvec(N + 4 + 2 * kk),gamvec(N + 4 + 2 * kk)
@@ -262,37 +262,37 @@ SUBROUTINE daisie_runmod1 (neq, t, Conc, dConc, yout, ip)
xx1(1) = 0
xx1(2) = 0
xx2(1) = 0
- xx2(2) = 0
+ xx2(2) = 0
xx3(1) = 0
- xx3(2) = 0
+ xx3(2) = 0
xx4(1) = 0
- xx4(2) = 0
+ xx4(2) = 0
DO I = 3, N + 2
- xx1(I) = Conc(I - 2)
- xx2(I) = Conc(N + I - 2)
- xx3(I) = Conc(2 * N + I - 2)
- xx4(I) = Conc(3 * N + I - 2)
- il1(I - 2) = I + kk - 1
- il2(I - 2) = I + kk + 1
- il3in3(I - 2) = I + kk
- il4(I - 2) = I + kk - 2
- in1(I - 2) = I + 2 * kk - 1
- in2ix2(I - 2) = I + 1
- in4ix1(I - 2) = I - 1
- ix3(I - 2) = I
- ix4(I - 2) = I - 2
- xx1(N + 3) = 0
- xx2(N + 3) = 0
+ xx1(I) = Conc(I - 2)
+ xx2(I) = Conc(N + I - 2)
+ xx3(I) = Conc(2 * N + I - 2)
+ xx4(I) = Conc(3 * N + I - 2)
+ il1(I - 2) = I + kk - 1
+ il2(I - 2) = I + kk + 1
+ il3in3(I - 2) = I + kk
+ il4(I - 2) = I + kk - 2
+ in1(I - 2) = I + 2 * kk - 1
+ in2ix2(I - 2) = I + 1
+ in4ix1(I - 2) = I - 1
+ ix3(I - 2) = I
+ ix4(I - 2) = I - 2
+ xx1(N + 3) = 0
+ xx2(N + 3) = 0
xx3(N + 3) = 0
xx4(N + 3) = 0
DO I = 1, N + 4 + 2 * kk
- laavec(I) = P(I)
- lacvec(I) = P(I + N + 4 + 2 * kk)
- muvec(I) = P(I + 2 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
- gamvec(I) = P(I + 3 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
- nn(I) = P(I + 4 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
+ laavec(I) = P(I)
+ lacvec(I) = P(I + N + 4 + 2 * kk)
+ muvec(I) = P(I + 2 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
+ gamvec(I) = P(I + 3 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
+ nn(I) = P(I + 4 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
! dx1 <- lacvec[il1] * xx1[ix1] +
@@ -304,15 +304,15 @@ SUBROUTINE daisie_runmod1 (neq, t, Conc, dConc, yout, ip)
! -gamvec[il3] * xx1[ix3]
DO I = 1, N
- dConc(I) = &
- lacvec(il1(I)) * nn(in1(I)) * xx1(in4ix1(I)) + &
- laavec(il1(I) + 1) * xx2(in4ix1(I)) + &
- lacvec(il4(I) + 1) * xx2(ix4(I)) + &
- muvec(il2(I)) * nn(in2ix2(I)) * xx1(in2ix2(I)) + &
- muvec(il3in3(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I)) - &
- (muvec(il3in3(I)) + lacvec(il3in3(I))) * &
- nn(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I)) - &
- gamvec(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I))
+ dConc(I) = &
+ lacvec(il1(I)) * nn(in1(I)) * xx1(in4ix1(I)) + &
+ laavec(il1(I) + 1) * xx2(in4ix1(I)) + &
+ lacvec(il4(I) + 1) * xx2(ix4(I)) + &
+ muvec(il2(I)) * nn(in2ix2(I)) * xx1(in2ix2(I)) + &
+ muvec(il3in3(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I)) - &
+ (muvec(il3in3(I)) + lacvec(il3in3(I))) * &
+ nn(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I)) - &
+ gamvec(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I))
! dx2 <- gamvec[il3] * xx1[ix3] +
! gamvec[il3] * xx3[ix3] +
@@ -326,11 +326,11 @@ SUBROUTINE daisie_runmod1 (neq, t, Conc, dConc, yout, ip)
gamvec(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I)) + &
gamvec(il3in3(I)) * xx3(ix3(I)) + &
gamvec(il3in3(I) + 1) * xx4(ix3(I)) + &
- lacvec(il1(I) + 1) * nn(in1(I)) * xx2(in4ix1(I)) + &
- muvec(il2(I) + 1) * nn(in2ix2(I)) * xx2(in2ix2(I)) - &
- (muvec(il3in3(I) + 1) + lacvec(il3in3(I) + 1)) * &
- nn(il3in3(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I)) - &
- laavec(il3in3(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I))
+ lacvec(il1(I) + 1) * nn(in1(I)) * xx2(in4ix1(I)) + &
+ muvec(il2(I) + 1) * nn(in2ix2(I)) * xx2(in2ix2(I)) - &
+ (muvec(il3in3(I) + 1) + lacvec(il3in3(I) + 1)) * &
+ nn(il3in3(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I)) - &
+ laavec(il3in3(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I))
! dx3 <- lacvec[il1] * nn[in1] * xx3[ix1] +
! laavec[il1 + 1] * xx4[ix1] +
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ SUBROUTINE daisie_runmod1 (neq, t, Conc, dConc, yout, ip)
! -(lacvec[il3 + 1] + muvec[il3 + 1]) * nn[in3 + 1] * xx4[ix3] +
! -gamvec[il3 + 1] * xx4[ix3]
- dConc(3 * N + I) = &
+ dConc(3 * N + I) = &
lacvec(il1(I) + 1) * nn(in1(I)) * xx4(in4ix1(I)) + &
muvec(il2(I) + 1) * nn(in2ix2(I)) * xx4(in2ix2(I)) - &
(lacvec(il3in3(I) + 1) + muvec(il3in3(I) + 1)) * &
@@ -382,8 +382,8 @@ SUBROUTINE daisie_runmod2 (neq, t, Conc, dConc, yout, ip)
INTEGER :: neq, ip(*), i, ii
DOUBLE PRECISION :: t, Conc(3 * N), dConc(3 * N), yout(*)
DOUBLE PRECISION :: xx1(N + 3), xx2(N + 3), xx3(N + 3)
- INTEGER :: il1(N), il2(N), il3in3(N), il4(N)
- INTEGER :: in1(N), in2ix2(N), in4ix1(N)
+ INTEGER :: il1(N), il2(N), il3in3(N), il4(N)
+ INTEGER :: in1(N), in2ix2(N), in4ix1(N)
INTEGER :: ix3(N), ix4(N)
DOUBLE PRECISION :: laavec(N + 4 + 2 * kk),lacvec(N + 4 + 2 * kk)
DOUBLE PRECISION :: muvec(N + 4 + 2 * kk),gamvec(N + 4 + 2 * kk)
@@ -433,33 +433,33 @@ SUBROUTINE daisie_runmod2 (neq, t, Conc, dConc, yout, ip)
xx1(1) = 0
xx1(2) = 0
xx2(1) = 0
- xx2(2) = 0
+ xx2(2) = 0
xx3(1) = 0
- xx3(2) = 0
+ xx3(2) = 0
DO I = 3, N + 2
- xx1(I) = Conc(I - 2)
- xx2(I) = Conc(N + I - 2)
- xx3(I) = Conc(2 * N + I - 2)
- il1(I - 2) = I + kk - 1
- il2(I - 2) = I + kk + 1
- il3in3(I - 2) = I + kk
- il4(I - 2) = I + kk - 2
- in1(I - 2) = I + 2 * kk - 1
- in2ix2(I - 2) = I + 1
- in4ix1(I - 2) = I - 1
- ix3(I - 2) = I
- ix4(I - 2) = I - 2
- xx1(N + 3) = 0
- xx2(N + 3) = 0
+ xx1(I) = Conc(I - 2)
+ xx2(I) = Conc(N + I - 2)
+ xx3(I) = Conc(2 * N + I - 2)
+ il1(I - 2) = I + kk - 1
+ il2(I - 2) = I + kk + 1
+ il3in3(I - 2) = I + kk
+ il4(I - 2) = I + kk - 2
+ in1(I - 2) = I + 2 * kk - 1
+ in2ix2(I - 2) = I + 1
+ in4ix1(I - 2) = I - 1
+ ix3(I - 2) = I
+ ix4(I - 2) = I - 2
+ xx1(N + 3) = 0
+ xx2(N + 3) = 0
xx3(N + 3) = 0
DO I = 1, N + 4 + 2 * kk
- laavec(I) = P(I)
- lacvec(I) = P(I + N + 4 + 2 * kk)
- muvec(I) = P(I + 2 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
- gamvec(I) = P(I + 3 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
- nn(I) = P(I + 4 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
+ laavec(I) = P(I)
+ lacvec(I) = P(I + N + 4 + 2 * kk)
+ muvec(I) = P(I + 2 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
+ gamvec(I) = P(I + 3 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
+ nn(I) = P(I + 4 * (N + 4 + 2 * kk))
! dx1 = (laavec[il3] * xx3[ix3] +
@@ -484,33 +484,33 @@ SUBROUTINE daisie_runmod2 (neq, t, Conc, dConc, yout, ip)
! -(laavec[il3] + gamvec[il3]) * xx3[ix3]
DO I = 1, N
- dConc(I) = 0
- IF(kk .EQ. 1) THEN
- dConc(I) = laavec(il3in3(I)) * xx3(ix3(I)) + &
- 2 * lacvec(il1(I)) * xx3(in4ix1(I))
- dConc(I) = dConc(I) + &
- laavec(il1(I) + 1) * xx2(in4ix1(I)) + &
- lacvec(il4(I) + 1) * xx2(ix4(I)) + &
- muvec(il2(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I)) + &
- lacvec(il1(I)) * nn(in1(I)) * xx1(in4ix1(I)) + &
- muvec(il2(I)) * nn(in2ix2(I)) * xx1(in2ix2(I)) - &
- (muvec(il3in3(I)) + lacvec(il3in3(I))) * &
- nn(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I)) - &
- gamvec(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I))
- dConc(N + I) = &
- gamvec(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I)) + &
- lacvec(il1(I) + 1) * nn(in1(I)) * xx2(in4ix1(I)) + &
- muvec(il2(I) + 1) * nn(in2ix2(I)) * xx2(in2ix2(I)) - &
- (muvec(il3in3(I) + 1) + lacvec(il3in3(I) + 1)) * &
- nn(il3in3(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I)) - &
- laavec(il3in3(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I))
- dConc(2 * N + I) = &
- lacvec(il1(I)) * nn(in4ix1(I)) * xx3(in4ix1(I)) + &
- muvec(il2(I)) * nn(in2ix2(I)) * xx3(in2ix2(I)) - &
- (lacvec(il3in3(I)) + muvec(il3in3(I))) * &
- nn(il3in3(I)) * xx3(ix3(I)) - &
- (laavec(il3in3(I)) + gamvec(il3in3(I))) * xx3(ix3(I))
+ dConc(I) = 0
+ IF(kk .EQ. 1) THEN
+ dConc(I) = laavec(il3in3(I)) * xx3(ix3(I)) + &
+ 2 * lacvec(il1(I)) * xx3(in4ix1(I))
+ dConc(I) = dConc(I) + &
+ laavec(il1(I) + 1) * xx2(in4ix1(I)) + &
+ lacvec(il4(I) + 1) * xx2(ix4(I)) + &
+ muvec(il2(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I)) + &
+ lacvec(il1(I)) * nn(in1(I)) * xx1(in4ix1(I)) + &
+ muvec(il2(I)) * nn(in2ix2(I)) * xx1(in2ix2(I)) - &
+ (muvec(il3in3(I)) + lacvec(il3in3(I))) * &
+ nn(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I)) - &
+ gamvec(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I))
+ dConc(N + I) = &
+ gamvec(il3in3(I)) * xx1(ix3(I)) + &
+ lacvec(il1(I) + 1) * nn(in1(I)) * xx2(in4ix1(I)) + &
+ muvec(il2(I) + 1) * nn(in2ix2(I)) * xx2(in2ix2(I)) - &
+ (muvec(il3in3(I) + 1) + lacvec(il3in3(I) + 1)) * &
+ nn(il3in3(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I)) - &
+ laavec(il3in3(I) + 1) * xx2(ix3(I))
+ dConc(2 * N + I) = &
+ lacvec(il1(I)) * nn(in4ix1(I)) * xx3(in4ix1(I)) + &
+ muvec(il2(I)) * nn(in2ix2(I)) * xx3(in2ix2(I)) - &
+ (lacvec(il3in3(I)) + muvec(il3in3(I))) * &
+ nn(il3in3(I)) * xx3(ix3(I)) - &
+ (laavec(il3in3(I)) + gamvec(il3in3(I))) * xx3(ix3(I))
END SUBROUTINE daisie_runmod2
diff --git a/src/DAISIE_odeint.h b/src/DAISIE_odeint.h
index bb84dd62..ec63abde 100644
--- a/src/DAISIE_odeint.h
+++ b/src/DAISIE_odeint.h
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "ublas_types.h"
+#include "patched_bulrisch_stoer.hpp" // shadow buggy boost header
diff --git a/src/config.h b/src/config.h
index a14c60c8..32cfa85b 100644
--- a/src/config.h
+++ b/src/config.h
@@ -8,18 +8,21 @@
// moved to Makevars[.win]
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L
-#define _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC 0
+# ifdef _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC
+# undef _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC
+# endif
+# define _HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC 0
// Special case to make use of some steppers that would include
// boost/get_pointer.hpp
+// uncomment if unitialized member variable bulirsch_stoer::m_dt_last
+// is fixed in boost (BH)
diff --git a/src/patched_bulrisch_stoer.hpp b/src/patched_bulrisch_stoer.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cad4f521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/patched_bulrisch_stoer.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+ Patched version of
+ boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/bulirsch_stoer.hpp
+ Addresses unitialized member variable bulirsch_stoer<>::m_dt_last.
+ Include this header before boost/numeric/odeint to shadow
+ boost/numeriuc/odeint/stepper/bulrisch_stoer.hpp
+ The issue is *not* fixed in BOOST_VERSION == 1.81.0.
+ We need to check for fixes in upcomming boost (BH) releases.
+ Hanno Hildenbrandt 2023
+ [auto_generated]
+ boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/bulirsch_stoer.hpp
+ [begin_description]
+ Implementation of the Burlish-Stoer method. As described in
+ Ernst Hairer, Syvert Paul Norsett, Gerhard Wanner
+ Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I. Nonstiff Problems.
+ Springer Series in Comput. Mathematics, Vol. 8, Springer-Verlag 1987, Second revised edition 1993.
+ [end_description]
+ Copyright 2011-2013 Mario Mulansky
+ Copyright 2011-2013 Karsten Ahnert
+ Copyright 2012 Christoph Koke
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or
+ copy at
+#include // for min/max guidelines
+namespace boost {
+namespace numeric {
+namespace odeint {
+ class State ,
+ class Value = double ,
+ class Deriv = State ,
+ class Time = Value ,
+ class Algebra = typename algebra_dispatcher< State >::algebra_type ,
+ class Operations = typename operations_dispatcher< State >::operations_type ,
+ class Resizer = initially_resizer
+ >
+class bulirsch_stoer {
+ typedef State state_type;
+ typedef Value value_type;
+ typedef Deriv deriv_type;
+ typedef Time time_type;
+ typedef Algebra algebra_type;
+ typedef Operations operations_type;
+ typedef Resizer resizer_type;
+ typedef state_wrapper< state_type > wrapped_state_type;
+ typedef state_wrapper< deriv_type > wrapped_deriv_type;
+ typedef controlled_stepper_tag stepper_category;
+ typedef bulirsch_stoer< State , Value , Deriv , Time , Algebra , Operations , Resizer > controlled_error_bs_type;
+ typedef typename inverse_time< time_type >::type inv_time_type;
+ typedef std::vector< value_type > value_vector;
+ typedef std::vector< time_type > time_vector;
+ typedef std::vector< inv_time_type > inv_time_vector; //should be 1/time_type for boost.units
+ typedef std::vector< value_vector > value_matrix;
+ typedef std::vector< size_t > int_vector;
+ typedef std::vector< wrapped_state_type > state_table_type;
+#endif //DOXYGEN_SKIP
+ const static size_t m_k_max = 8;
+ bulirsch_stoer(
+ value_type eps_abs = 1E-6 , value_type eps_rel = 1E-6 ,
+ value_type factor_x = 1.0 , value_type factor_dxdt = 1.0 ,
+ time_type max_dt = static_cast(0))
+ : m_error_checker( eps_abs , eps_rel , factor_x, factor_dxdt ) , m_midpoint() ,
+ m_last_step_rejected( false ) , m_first( true ) ,
+ m_dt_last(static_cast(-1)) , // !!! patched !!!
+ m_max_dt(max_dt) ,
+ m_interval_sequence( m_k_max+1 ) ,
+ m_coeff( m_k_max+1 ) ,
+ m_cost( m_k_max+1 ) ,
+ m_facmin_table( m_k_max+1 ) ,
+ m_table( m_k_max ) ,
+ STEPFAC1( 0.65 ) , STEPFAC2( 0.94 ) , STEPFAC3( 0.02 ) , STEPFAC4( 4.0 ) , KFAC1( 0.8 ) , KFAC2( 0.9 )
+ {
+ /* initialize sequence of stage numbers and work */
+ for( unsigned short i = 0; i < m_k_max+1; i++ )
+ {
+ m_interval_sequence[i] = 2 * (i+1);
+ if( i == 0 )
+ m_cost[i] = m_interval_sequence[i];
+ else
+ m_cost[i] = m_cost[i-1] + m_interval_sequence[i];
+ m_coeff[i].resize(i);
+ m_facmin_table[i] = pow BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( STEPFAC3 , static_cast< value_type >(1) / static_cast< value_type >( 2*i+1 ) );
+ for( size_t k = 0 ; k < i ; ++k )
+ {
+ const value_type r = static_cast< value_type >( m_interval_sequence[i] ) / static_cast< value_type >( m_interval_sequence[k] );
+ m_coeff[i][k] = 1.0 / ( r*r - static_cast< value_type >( 1.0 ) ); // coefficients for extrapolation
+ }
+ }
+ reset();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Version 1 : try_step( sys , x , t , dt )
+ *
+ * The overloads are needed to solve the forwarding problem
+ */
+ template< class System , class StateInOut >
+ controlled_step_result try_step( System system , StateInOut &x , time_type &t , time_type &dt )
+ {
+ return try_step_v1( system , x , t, dt );
+ }
+ /**
+ * \brief Second version to solve the forwarding problem, can be used with Boost.Range as StateInOut.
+ */
+ template< class System , class StateInOut >
+ controlled_step_result try_step( System system , const StateInOut &x , time_type &t , time_type &dt )
+ {
+ return try_step_v1( system , x , t, dt );
+ }
+ /*
+ * Version 2 : try_step( sys , x , dxdt , t , dt )
+ *
+ * this version does not solve the forwarding problem, boost.range can not be used
+ */
+ template< class System , class StateInOut , class DerivIn >
+ controlled_step_result try_step( System system , StateInOut &x , const DerivIn &dxdt , time_type &t , time_type &dt )
+ {
+ m_xnew_resizer.adjust_size( x , detail::bind( &controlled_error_bs_type::template resize_m_xnew< StateInOut > , detail::ref( *this ) , detail::_1 ) );
+ controlled_step_result res = try_step( system , x , dxdt , t , m_xnew.m_v , dt );
+ if( res == success )
+ {
+ boost::numeric::odeint::copy( m_xnew.m_v , x );
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Version 3 : try_step( sys , in , t , out , dt )
+ *
+ * this version does not solve the forwarding problem, boost.range can not be used
+ */
+ template< class System , class StateIn , class StateOut >
+ typename boost::disable_if< boost::is_same< StateIn , time_type > , controlled_step_result >::type
+ try_step( System system , const StateIn &in , time_type &t , StateOut &out , time_type &dt )
+ {
+ typename odeint::unwrap_reference< System >::type &sys = system;
+ m_dxdt_resizer.adjust_size( in , detail::bind( &controlled_error_bs_type::template resize_m_dxdt< StateIn > , detail::ref( *this ) , detail::_1 ) );
+ sys( in , m_dxdt.m_v , t );
+ return try_step( system , in , m_dxdt.m_v , t , out , dt );
+ }
+ /*
+ * Full version : try_step( sys , in , dxdt_in , t , out , dt )
+ *
+ * contains the actual implementation
+ */
+ template< class System , class StateIn , class DerivIn , class StateOut >
+ controlled_step_result try_step( System system , const StateIn &in , const DerivIn &dxdt , time_type &t , StateOut &out , time_type &dt )
+ {
+ if( m_max_dt != static_cast(0) && detail::less_with_sign(m_max_dt, dt, dt) )
+ {
+ // given step size is bigger then max_dt
+ // set limit and return fail
+ dt = m_max_dt;
+ return fail;
+ }
+ static const value_type val1( 1.0 );
+ if( m_resizer.adjust_size( in , detail::bind( &controlled_error_bs_type::template resize_impl< StateIn > , detail::ref( *this ) , detail::_1 ) ) )
+ {
+ reset(); // system resized -> reset
+ }
+ if( dt != m_dt_last )
+ {
+ reset(); // step size changed from outside -> reset
+ }
+ bool reject( true );
+ time_vector h_opt( m_k_max+1 );
+ inv_time_vector work( m_k_max+1 );
+ time_type new_h = dt;
+ /* m_current_k_opt is the estimated current optimal stage number */
+ for( size_t k = 0 ; k <= m_current_k_opt+1 ; k++ )
+ {
+ /* the stage counts are stored in m_interval_sequence */
+ m_midpoint.set_steps( m_interval_sequence[k] );
+ if( k == 0 )
+ {
+ m_midpoint.do_step( system , in , dxdt , t , out , dt );
+ /* the first step, nothing more to do */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_midpoint.do_step( system , in , dxdt , t , m_table[k-1].m_v , dt );
+ extrapolate( k , m_table , m_coeff , out );
+ // get error estimate
+ m_algebra.for_each3( m_err.m_v , out , m_table[0].m_v ,
+ typename operations_type::template scale_sum2< value_type , value_type >( val1 , -val1 ) );
+ const value_type error = m_error_checker.error( m_algebra , in , dxdt , m_err.m_v , dt );
+ h_opt[k] = calc_h_opt( dt , error , k );
+ work[k] = static_cast( m_cost[k] ) / h_opt[k];
+ if( (k == m_current_k_opt-1) || m_first )
+ { // convergence before k_opt ?
+ if( error < 1.0 )
+ {
+ //convergence
+ reject = false;
+ if( (work[k] < KFAC2*work[k-1]) || (m_current_k_opt <= 2) )
+ {
+ // leave order as is (except we were in first round)
+ m_current_k_opt = min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( static_cast(m_k_max)-1 , max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( 2 , static_cast(k)+1 ) );
+ new_h = h_opt[k];
+ new_h *= static_cast( m_cost[k+1] ) / static_cast( m_cost[k] );
+ } else {
+ m_current_k_opt = min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( static_cast(m_k_max)-1 , max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( 2 , static_cast(k) ) );
+ new_h = h_opt[k];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else if( should_reject( error , k ) && !m_first )
+ {
+ reject = true;
+ new_h = h_opt[k];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( k == m_current_k_opt )
+ { // convergence at k_opt ?
+ if( error < 1.0 )
+ {
+ //convergence
+ reject = false;
+ if( (work[k-1] < KFAC2*work[k]) )
+ {
+ m_current_k_opt = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( 2 , static_cast(m_current_k_opt)-1 );
+ new_h = h_opt[m_current_k_opt];
+ }
+ else if( (work[k] < KFAC2*work[k-1]) && !m_last_step_rejected )
+ {
+ m_current_k_opt = min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( static_cast(m_k_max-1) , static_cast(m_current_k_opt)+1 );
+ new_h = h_opt[k];
+ new_h *= static_cast(m_cost[m_current_k_opt])/static_cast(m_cost[k]);
+ } else
+ new_h = h_opt[m_current_k_opt];
+ break;
+ }
+ else if( should_reject( error , k ) )
+ {
+ reject = true;
+ new_h = h_opt[m_current_k_opt];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( k == m_current_k_opt+1 )
+ { // convergence at k_opt+1 ?
+ if( error < 1.0 )
+ { //convergence
+ reject = false;
+ if( work[k-2] < KFAC2*work[k-1] )
+ m_current_k_opt = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( 2 , static_cast(m_current_k_opt)-1 );
+ if( (work[k] < KFAC2*work[m_current_k_opt]) && !m_last_step_rejected )
+ m_current_k_opt = min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( static_cast(m_k_max)-1 , static_cast(k) );
+ new_h = h_opt[m_current_k_opt];
+ } else
+ {
+ reject = true;
+ new_h = h_opt[m_current_k_opt];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( !reject )
+ {
+ t += dt;
+ }
+ if( !m_last_step_rejected || boost::numeric::odeint::detail::less_with_sign(new_h, dt, dt) )
+ {
+ // limit step size
+ if( m_max_dt != static_cast(0) )
+ {
+ new_h = detail::min_abs(m_max_dt, new_h);
+ }
+ m_dt_last = new_h;
+ dt = new_h;
+ }
+ m_last_step_rejected = reject;
+ m_first = false;
+ if( reject )
+ return fail;
+ else
+ return success;
+ }
+ /** \brief Resets the internal state of the stepper */
+ void reset()
+ {
+ m_first = true;
+ m_last_step_rejected = false;
+ // crude estimate of optimal order
+ m_current_k_opt = 4;
+ /* no calculation because log10 might not exist for value_type!
+ const value_type logfact( -log10( max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( eps_rel , static_cast< value_type >(1.0E-12) ) ) * 0.6 + 0.5 );
+ m_current_k_opt = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( static_cast( 1 ) , min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( static_cast( m_k_max-1 ) , logfact ));
+ */
+ }
+ /* Resizer methods */
+ template< class StateIn >
+ void adjust_size( const StateIn &x )
+ {
+ resize_m_dxdt( x );
+ resize_m_xnew( x );
+ resize_impl( x );
+ m_midpoint.adjust_size( x );
+ }
+ template< class StateIn >
+ bool resize_m_dxdt( const StateIn &x )
+ {
+ return adjust_size_by_resizeability( m_dxdt , x , typename is_resizeable::type() );
+ }
+ template< class StateIn >
+ bool resize_m_xnew( const StateIn &x )
+ {
+ return adjust_size_by_resizeability( m_xnew , x , typename is_resizeable::type() );
+ }
+ template< class StateIn >
+ bool resize_impl( const StateIn &x )
+ {
+ bool resized( false );
+ for( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_k_max ; ++i )
+ resized |= adjust_size_by_resizeability( m_table[i] , x , typename is_resizeable::type() );
+ resized |= adjust_size_by_resizeability( m_err , x , typename is_resizeable::type() );
+ return resized;
+ }
+ template< class System , class StateInOut >
+ controlled_step_result try_step_v1( System system , StateInOut &x , time_type &t , time_type &dt )
+ {
+ typename odeint::unwrap_reference< System >::type &sys = system;
+ m_dxdt_resizer.adjust_size( x , detail::bind( &controlled_error_bs_type::template resize_m_dxdt< StateInOut > , detail::ref( *this ) , detail::_1 ) );
+ sys( x , m_dxdt.m_v ,t );
+ return try_step( system , x , m_dxdt.m_v , t , dt );
+ }
+ template< class StateInOut >
+ void extrapolate( size_t k , state_table_type &table , const value_matrix &coeff , StateInOut &xest )
+ /* polynomial extrapolation, see
+ uses the obtained intermediate results to extrapolate to dt->0
+ */
+ {
+ static const value_type val1 = static_cast< value_type >( 1.0 );
+ for( int j=k-1 ; j>0 ; --j )
+ {
+ m_algebra.for_each3( table[j-1].m_v , table[j].m_v , table[j-1].m_v ,
+ typename operations_type::template scale_sum2< value_type , value_type >( val1 + coeff[k][j] , -coeff[k][j] ) );
+ }
+ m_algebra.for_each3( xest , table[0].m_v , xest ,
+ typename operations_type::template scale_sum2< value_type , value_type >( val1 + coeff[k][0] , -coeff[k][0]) );
+ }
+ time_type calc_h_opt( time_type h , value_type error , size_t k ) const
+ /* calculates the optimal step size for a given error and stage number */
+ {
+ using std::pow;
+ value_type expo( 1.0/(2*k+1) );
+ value_type facmin = m_facmin_table[k];
+ value_type fac;
+ if (error == 0.0)
+ fac=1.0/facmin;
+ else
+ {
+ fac = max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( static_cast(facmin/STEPFAC4) , min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION( static_cast(1.0/facmin) , fac ) );
+ }
+ return h*fac;
+ }
+ controlled_step_result set_k_opt( size_t k , const inv_time_vector &work , const time_vector &h_opt , time_type &dt )
+ /* calculates the optimal stage number */
+ {
+ if( k == 1 )
+ {
+ m_current_k_opt = 2;
+ return success;
+ }
+ if( (work[k-1] < KFAC1*work[k]) || (k == m_k_max) )
+ { // order decrease
+ m_current_k_opt = k-1;
+ dt = h_opt[ m_current_k_opt ];
+ return success;
+ }
+ else if( (work[k] < KFAC2*work[k-1]) || m_last_step_rejected || (k == m_k_max-1) )
+ { // same order - also do this if last step got rejected
+ m_current_k_opt = k;
+ dt = h_opt[ m_current_k_opt ];
+ return success;
+ }
+ else
+ { // order increase - only if last step was not rejected
+ m_current_k_opt = k+1;
+ dt = h_opt[ m_current_k_opt-1 ] * m_cost[ m_current_k_opt ] / m_cost[ m_current_k_opt-1 ] ;
+ return success;
+ }
+ }
+ bool in_convergence_window( size_t k ) const
+ {
+ if( (k == m_current_k_opt-1) && !m_last_step_rejected )
+ return true; // decrease stepsize only if last step was not rejected
+ return ( (k == m_current_k_opt) || (k == m_current_k_opt+1) );
+ }
+ bool should_reject( value_type error , size_t k ) const
+ {
+ if( k == m_current_k_opt-1 )
+ {
+ const value_type d = m_interval_sequence[m_current_k_opt] * m_interval_sequence[m_current_k_opt+1] /
+ (m_interval_sequence[0]*m_interval_sequence[0]);
+ //step will fail, criterion 17.3.17 in NR
+ return ( error > d*d );
+ }
+ else if( k == m_current_k_opt )
+ {
+ const value_type d = m_interval_sequence[m_current_k_opt] / m_interval_sequence[0];
+ return ( error > d*d );
+ } else
+ return error > 1.0;
+ }
+ default_error_checker< value_type, algebra_type , operations_type > m_error_checker;
+ modified_midpoint< state_type , value_type , deriv_type , time_type , algebra_type , operations_type , resizer_type > m_midpoint;
+ bool m_last_step_rejected;
+ bool m_first;
+ time_type m_dt_last;
+ time_type m_t_last;
+ time_type m_max_dt;
+ size_t m_current_k_opt;
+ algebra_type m_algebra;
+ resizer_type m_dxdt_resizer;
+ resizer_type m_xnew_resizer;
+ resizer_type m_resizer;
+ wrapped_state_type m_xnew;
+ wrapped_state_type m_err;
+ wrapped_deriv_type m_dxdt;
+ int_vector m_interval_sequence; // stores the successive interval counts
+ value_matrix m_coeff;
+ int_vector m_cost; // costs for interval count
+ value_vector m_facmin_table; // for precomputed facmin to save pow calls
+ state_table_type m_table; // sequence of states for extrapolation
+/******** DOXYGEN ********/
+ * \class bulirsch_stoer
+ * \brief The Bulirsch-Stoer algorithm.
+ *
+ * The Bulirsch-Stoer is a controlled stepper that adjusts both step size
+ * and order of the method. The algorithm uses the modified midpoint and
+ * a polynomial extrapolation compute the solution.
+ *
+ * \tparam State The state type.
+ * \tparam Value The value type.
+ * \tparam Deriv The type representing the time derivative of the state.
+ * \tparam Time The time representing the independent variable - the time.
+ * \tparam Algebra The algebra type.
+ * \tparam Operations The operations type.
+ * \tparam Resizer The resizer policy type.
+ */
+ /**
+ * \fn bulirsch_stoer::bulirsch_stoer( value_type eps_abs , value_type eps_rel , value_type factor_x , value_type factor_dxdt )
+ * \brief Constructs the bulirsch_stoer class, including initialization of
+ * the error bounds.
+ *
+ * \param eps_abs Absolute tolerance level.
+ * \param eps_rel Relative tolerance level.
+ * \param factor_x Factor for the weight of the state.
+ * \param factor_dxdt Factor for the weight of the derivative.
+ */
+ /**
+ * \fn bulirsch_stoer::try_step( System system , StateInOut &x , time_type &t , time_type &dt )
+ * \brief Tries to perform one step.
+ *
+ * This method tries to do one step with step size dt. If the error estimate
+ * is to large, the step is rejected and the method returns fail and the
+ * step size dt is reduced. If the error estimate is acceptably small, the
+ * step is performed, success is returned and dt might be increased to make
+ * the steps as large as possible. This method also updates t if a step is
+ * performed. Also, the internal order of the stepper is adjusted if required.
+ *
+ * \param system The system function to solve, hence the r.h.s. of the ODE.
+ * It must fulfill the Simple System concept.
+ * \param x The state of the ODE which should be solved. Overwritten if
+ * the step is successful.
+ * \param t The value of the time. Updated if the step is successful.
+ * \param dt The step size. Updated.
+ * \return success if the step was accepted, fail otherwise.
+ */
+ /**
+ * \fn bulirsch_stoer::try_step( System system , StateInOut &x , const DerivIn &dxdt , time_type &t , time_type &dt )
+ * \brief Tries to perform one step.
+ *
+ * This method tries to do one step with step size dt. If the error estimate
+ * is to large, the step is rejected and the method returns fail and the
+ * step size dt is reduced. If the error estimate is acceptably small, the
+ * step is performed, success is returned and dt might be increased to make
+ * the steps as large as possible. This method also updates t if a step is
+ * performed. Also, the internal order of the stepper is adjusted if required.
+ *
+ * \param system The system function to solve, hence the r.h.s. of the ODE.
+ * It must fulfill the Simple System concept.
+ * \param x The state of the ODE which should be solved. Overwritten if
+ * the step is successful.
+ * \param dxdt The derivative of state.
+ * \param t The value of the time. Updated if the step is successful.
+ * \param dt The step size. Updated.
+ * \return success if the step was accepted, fail otherwise.
+ */
+ /**
+ * \fn bulirsch_stoer::try_step( System system , const StateIn &in , time_type &t , StateOut &out , time_type &dt )
+ * \brief Tries to perform one step.
+ *
+ * \note This method is disabled if state_type=time_type to avoid ambiguity.
+ *
+ * This method tries to do one step with step size dt. If the error estimate
+ * is to large, the step is rejected and the method returns fail and the
+ * step size dt is reduced. If the error estimate is acceptably small, the
+ * step is performed, success is returned and dt might be increased to make
+ * the steps as large as possible. This method also updates t if a step is
+ * performed. Also, the internal order of the stepper is adjusted if required.
+ *
+ * \param system The system function to solve, hence the r.h.s. of the ODE.
+ * It must fulfill the Simple System concept.
+ * \param in The state of the ODE which should be solved.
+ * \param t The value of the time. Updated if the step is successful.
+ * \param out Used to store the result of the step.
+ * \param dt The step size. Updated.
+ * \return success if the step was accepted, fail otherwise.
+ */
+ /**
+ * \fn bulirsch_stoer::try_step( System system , const StateIn &in , const DerivIn &dxdt , time_type &t , StateOut &out , time_type &dt )
+ * \brief Tries to perform one step.
+ *
+ * This method tries to do one step with step size dt. If the error estimate
+ * is to large, the step is rejected and the method returns fail and the
+ * step size dt is reduced. If the error estimate is acceptably small, the
+ * step is performed, success is returned and dt might be increased to make
+ * the steps as large as possible. This method also updates t if a step is
+ * performed. Also, the internal order of the stepper is adjusted if required.
+ *
+ * \param system The system function to solve, hence the r.h.s. of the ODE.
+ * It must fulfill the Simple System concept.
+ * \param in The state of the ODE which should be solved.
+ * \param dxdt The derivative of state.
+ * \param t The value of the time. Updated if the step is successful.
+ * \param out Used to store the result of the step.
+ * \param dt The step size. Updated.
+ * \return success if the step was accepted, fail otherwise.
+ */
+ /**
+ * \fn bulirsch_stoer::adjust_size( const StateIn &x )
+ * \brief Adjust the size of all temporaries in the stepper manually.
+ * \param x A state from which the size of the temporaries to be resized is deduced.
+ */
From d8a1293f94f33b67564845687c7a0a169aaf8e96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hanno Hildenbrandt
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 12:58:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 04/13] nop
source_odeint.R | 195 ------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 195 deletions(-)
diff --git a/source_odeint.R b/source_odeint.R
index 8a6ea202..5ec7ac01 100644
--- a/source_odeint.R
+++ b/source_odeint.R
@@ -45,198 +45,3 @@ methode <- 'odeint::adams_bashforth_moulton_1'
loglik_abm <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
-==2373== Memcheck, a memory error detector
-==2373== Copyright (C) 2002-2022, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
-==2373== Using Valgrind-3.19.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
-==2373== Command: /home/hanno/opt/Rval/lib/R/bin/exec/R --vanilla -e source('source_odeint.R')
-R Under development (unstable) (2023-03-07 r83950) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
-Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
-Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
-R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
-You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
-Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
-R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
-Type 'contributors()' for more information and
-'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
-Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
-'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
-Type 'q()' to quit R.
-> source('source_odeint.R')
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
-lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
-0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
-Loglikelihood: -61.702819
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
-lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
-0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
-Loglikelihood: -61.702819
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
-lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
-0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
-Loglikelihood: -61.702819
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
-lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
-0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
-Loglikelihood: -61.702819
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
-lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
-0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
-Loglikelihood: -61.702819
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
-lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
-0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
-Loglikelihood: -61.702819
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
-lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
-0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
-Loglikelihood: -61.702819
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
-lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
-0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
-Loglikelihood: -61.702819
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545883
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576394
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259846
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
-lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
-0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
-Loglikelihood: -61.702819
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.007835
-Status of colonist: 0, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -0.008967
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259847
-Status of colonist: 4, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.497364
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 3755.202241, 8.909285, 14.999999, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: 1.545893
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -13.576392
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.966530
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -8.752420
-Status of colonist: 1, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.259847
-Status of colonist: 2, Parameters: 0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605, Loglikelihood: -6.981045
-lambda^c, mu, K, gamma, lambda^a
-0.195442, 0.087960, Inf, 0.002247, 0.873605
-Loglikelihood: -61.702808
-==2373== HEAP SUMMARY:
-==2373== in use at exit: 67,395,855 bytes in 14,084 blocks
-==2373== total heap usage: 75,008,366 allocs, 74,994,282 frees, 40,220,411,885 bytes allocated
-==2373== LEAK SUMMARY:
-==2373== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
-==2373== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
-==2373== possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
-==2373== still reachable: 67,395,855 bytes in 14,084 blocks
-==2373== of which reachable via heuristic:
-==2373== newarray : 4,264 bytes in 1 blocks
-==2373== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
-==2373== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
-==2373== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
-==2373== For lists of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -s
-==2373== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
From 52b008dd848f5ed3178dba844b673613397a2721 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neves-P
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 16:38:36 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 05/13] Remove TB and ABM1 stepper for separate test
tests/testthat/{test_odeint.R => test-odeint.R} | 9 +--------
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 8 deletions(-)
rename tests/testthat/{test_odeint.R => test-odeint.R} (85%)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_odeint.R b/tests/testthat/test-odeint.R
similarity index 85%
rename from tests/testthat/test_odeint.R
rename to tests/testthat/test-odeint.R
index 6a47f4a9..eb03992a 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_odeint.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-odeint.R
@@ -33,18 +33,11 @@ test_that("odeint solvers give the same result as deSolve solvers", {
loglik_rkd5 <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
methode <- 'odeint::bulirsch_stoer'
loglik_bs <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
- methode <- 'odeint::rosenbrock4'
- loglik_rb <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
- methode <- 'odeint::adams_bashforth_moulton_1'
- DAISIE_CS_max_steps(100000000)
- DAISIE_abm_factor(0.000001)
- loglik_abm <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
expect_equal(loglik_lsodes, loglik_rkck54)
expect_equal(loglik_lsodes, loglik_rkf78)
expect_equal(loglik_lsodes, loglik_rkd5)
expect_equal(loglik_lsodes, loglik_bs)
- expect_equal(loglik_lsodes, loglik_rb)
- expect_equal(loglik_lsodes, loglik_abm, tol = 1E-6)
pars1a <- pars1
pars1a[6] <- Inf
From ffee1ae7e28bbab73c6da84b13e12000b11a8858 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neves-P
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 16:39:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 06/13] Add (skipped) RB and ABM1 stepper tests
These steppers take too long to test properly with automation. These tests are kept so they can be run manually.
.../testthat/test-rosenbrock_abm1_steppers.R | 28 +++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 28 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 tests/testthat/test-rosenbrock_abm1_steppers.R
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-rosenbrock_abm1_steppers.R b/tests/testthat/test-rosenbrock_abm1_steppers.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6037871c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-rosenbrock_abm1_steppers.R
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+test_that("rosenbrock4 and adams bashforth moulton1 work", {
+ skip("Too slow to run")
+ utils::data(Galapagos_datalist_2types)
+ pars1 <- c(
+ 0.195442017,
+ 0.087959583,
+ Inf,
+ 0.002247364,
+ 0.873605049,
+ 3755.202241,
+ 8.909285094,
+ 14.99999923,
+ 0.002247364,
+ 0.873605049,
+ 0.163
+ )
+ pars2 <- c(40, 11, 0, 1)
+ methode <- 'deSolve_R::lsodes'
+ loglik_lsodes_R <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
+ methode <- 'odeint::rosenbrock4'
+ loglik_rb <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
+ methode <- 'odeint::adams_bashforth_moulton_1'
+ DAISIE_CS_max_steps(100000000)
+ DAISIE_abm_factor(0.000001)
+ loglik_abm <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
+ expect_equal(loglik_lsodes, loglik_rb)
+ expect_equal(loglik_lsodes, loglik_abm, tol = 1E-6)
From 4a4351584be3116daf9862fc2edf832962385eb6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neves-P
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 16:39:33 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 07/13] Fix typo
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
index 1ab691c1..6363be40 100644
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Description: Simulates and computes the (maximum) likelihood of a dynamical
model of island biota assembly through speciation, immigration and
extinction. See e.g. Valente et al. 2015. Ecology Letters 18: 844-852,
-NeedsCompilation: yesc
+NeedsCompilation: yes
Encoding: UTF-8
VignetteBuilder: knitr
From 78daa9479cef5b4b7d1a61eeabf026cb6e6372e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neves-P
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 16:47:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 08/13] Skip plot tests that would run on headless systems
tests/testthat/test-DAISIE_plot_sims.R | 5 +++--
tests/testthat/test-DAISIE_plot_stt.R | 1 +
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-DAISIE_plot_sims.R b/tests/testthat/test-DAISIE_plot_sims.R
index c6da7367..93417224 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-DAISIE_plot_sims.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-DAISIE_plot_sims.R
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
test_that("Example 1", {
+ skip("Plots: Run and manually inspect output")
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ test_that("Example 1", {
test_that("Example 2", {
+ skip("Plots: Run and manually inspect output")
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ test_that("Example 2", {
test_that("Plot plus one", {
+ skip("Plots: Run and manually inspect output")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-DAISIE_plot_stt.R b/tests/testthat/test-DAISIE_plot_stt.R
index b73b1ff0..45a9faea 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-DAISIE_plot_stt.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-DAISIE_plot_stt.R
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
test_that("use", {
+ skip("Plots: Run and manually inspect output")
utils::data(islands_1type_1000reps, package = "DAISIE")
plot_lists <- DAISIE:::DAISIE_convert_to_classic_plot(
simulation_outputs = islands_1type_1000reps
From 96ee68da0be06bbcdf99a5bff6510c707f1a9473 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neves-P
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 17:44:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 09/13] Add patch notes
--- | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 24 insertions(+)
diff --git a/ b/
index 6effaa8a..bcc74ac3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,29 @@
# DAISIE 4.3.3
+* Address problem detected by valgrind: unitialized member variable
+ * Patched version of `boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/bulirsch_stoer.hpp`. This
+ is done by including the patched header file `src/patched_bulrisch_stoer.hpp`
+ this header before `boost/numeric/odeint` to shadow
+ `boost/numeriuc/odeint/stepper/bulrisch_stoer.hpp`
+ The issue is *not* fixed in BOOST_VERSION == 1.81.0.
+ Must check for fixes in upcomming boost (BH) releases.
+* Fix tab spacing in `src/DAISIE_loglik_rhs_FORTRAN.f95`.
+* Re-implement clang16 `-D_HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC` flag fix via Makevars[.win] to
+comply with CRAN requests and to force C++ standard C++14 without using
+SystemRequirements line in DESCRIPTION, at CRAN's request.
+* Skip plotting tests that cause problems in headless systems. These should
+be run manually.
+* Skip tests of as-of-now experimental steppers from ODEINT rosenbrock4 and
+adams bashfort moulton 1 because they are too slow.
+# DAISIE 4.3.2
+* Apply CRAN suggested fixes to clang16 issues with deprecated C++ functions included the Boost library, which are used in some of the stepper functions.
+ * Add config.h in a macro, checking for, and setting, `_HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC` and `BOOST_NO_AUTO_PTR`.
+ * Change SystemRequirements in DESCRIPTION from C++17 to C++14.
+This same fix was applied in package `'DDD'` version 5.2.1.
# DAISIE 4.3.1
* Fix issue that prevented 'covr' from running correctly.
From 493942dded9e6e13e34d9bc092d96b56e25a579a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neves-P
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 17:44:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 10/13] patched_bulrisch_stoer.hpp -> patched_bulrisch_stoer.h
--- | 24 +++++++++++++++++++
src/DAISIE_odeint.h | 2 +-
...sch_stoer.hpp => patched_bulrisch_stoer.h} | 0
3 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
rename src/{patched_bulrisch_stoer.hpp => patched_bulrisch_stoer.h} (100%)
diff --git a/ b/
index 6effaa8a..640f1f99 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,5 +1,29 @@
# DAISIE 4.3.3
+* Address problem detected by valgrind: unitialized member variable
+ * Patched version of `boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/bulirsch_stoer.hpp`. This
+ is done by including the patched header file `src/patched_bulrisch_stoer.h`
+ this header before `boost/numeric/odeint` to shadow
+ `boost/numeriuc/odeint/stepper/bulrisch_stoer.hpp`
+ The issue is *not* fixed in BOOST_VERSION == 1.81.0.
+ Must check for fixes in upcomming boost (BH) releases.
+* Fix tab spacing in `src/DAISIE_loglik_rhs_FORTRAN.f95`.
+* Re-implement clang16 `-D_HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC` flag fix via Makevars[.win] to
+comply with CRAN requests and to force C++ standard C++14 without using
+SystemRequirements line in DESCRIPTION, at CRAN's request.
+* Skip plotting tests that cause problems in headless systems. These should
+be run manually.
+* Skip tests of as-of-now experimental steppers from ODEINT rosenbrock4 and
+adams bashfort moulton 1 because they are too slow.
+# DAISIE 4.3.2
+* Apply CRAN suggested fixes to clang16 issues with deprecated C++ functions included the Boost library, which are used in some of the stepper functions.
+ * Add config.h in a macro, checking for, and setting, `_HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC` and `BOOST_NO_AUTO_PTR`.
+ * Change SystemRequirements in DESCRIPTION from C++17 to C++14.
+This same fix was applied in package `'DDD'` version 5.2.1.
# DAISIE 4.3.1
* Fix issue that prevented 'covr' from running correctly.
diff --git a/src/DAISIE_odeint.h b/src/DAISIE_odeint.h
index ec63abde..a2d531a5 100644
--- a/src/DAISIE_odeint.h
+++ b/src/DAISIE_odeint.h
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "ublas_types.h"
-#include "patched_bulrisch_stoer.hpp" // shadow buggy boost header
+#include "patched_bulrisch_stoer.h" // shadow buggy boost header
diff --git a/src/patched_bulrisch_stoer.hpp b/src/patched_bulrisch_stoer.h
similarity index 100%
rename from src/patched_bulrisch_stoer.hpp
rename to src/patched_bulrisch_stoer.h
From ada6f784022cec4af1842dbb64fa7ff8ba30d309 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neves-P
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2023 18:51:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 11/13] Fix typo
--- | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index b635dae5..eaf98bc1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ bulirsch_stoer<>::m_dt_last.
* Patched version of `boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/bulirsch_stoer.hpp`. This
is done by including the patched header file `src/patched_bulrisch_stoer.h`
before `boost/numeric/odeint` to shadow
- `boost/numeriuc/odeint/stepper/bulrisch_stoer.hpp`
+ `boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/bulrisch_stoer.hpp`
The issue is *not* fixed in BOOST_VERSION == 1.81.0.
Must check for fixes in upcomming boost (BH) releases.
* Fix tab spacing in `src/DAISIE_loglik_rhs_FORTRAN.f95`.
From 7121e6dd8c983ec5881f8cdce09cd8de2402e318 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neves-P
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2023 11:56:24 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 12/13] Remove test directory and .vscode files
.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json | 47 -----------------------------------
.vscode/genenv.R | 19 --------------
.vscode/launch.json | 40 -----------------------------
.vscode/tasks.json | 13 ----------
source_odeint.R | 47 -----------------------------------
5 files changed, 166 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
delete mode 100644 .vscode/genenv.R
delete mode 100644 .vscode/launch.json
delete mode 100644 .vscode/tasks.json
delete mode 100644 source_odeint.R
diff --git a/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json b/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 19fc441b..00000000
--- a/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// c_cpp_properties.json
-// C/C++ extension config file
-// Some settings to augment IntelliSense for C/C++ files
- "configurations": [
- {
- "name": "Linux gdb",
- "includePath": [
- // recurse into workspace, picks up ./src/ and ./inst/include/
- "${workspaceFolder}/**",
- // R headers
- "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rroot/lib/R/include",
- // includes used by our package
- "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rlibrary/Rcpp/include"
- // boost: "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rlibrary/BH/include"
- ],
- "defines": [],
- // absolute path to compiler
- "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/gcc",
- // "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang"
- "cStandard": "c11",
- // should match [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp17)]]
- "cppStandard": "c++17"
- },
- {
- "name": "Linux lldb",
- "includePath": [
- // recurse into workspace, picks up ./src/ and ./inst/include/
- "${workspaceFolder}/**",
- // R headers
- "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rroot/lib/R/include",
- // includes used by our package
- "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rlibrary/Rcpp/include"
- // boost: "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rlibrary/BH/include"
- ],
- "defines": [],
- // absolute path to compiler
- "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang",
- // "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang"
- "cStandard": "c11",
- // should match [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp17)]]
- "cppStandard": "c++17"
- }
- ],
- "version": 4
diff --git a/.vscode/genenv.R b/.vscode/genenv.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cd0a945..00000000
--- a/.vscode/genenv.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# genenv.R
-# Colects environment variables from R, required by the R *binary*.
-# They are normally set by the R *script* which is circumvented if
-# we need to run the binary under the debugger as we want to debug R
-# not bash...
-# This script is configured as a task in 'tasks.json' and referenced within
-# 'launch.json' as the 'preLaunchTask'.
-env <- Sys.getenv()
-envnames <- names(env)
-rnames <- envnames[startsWith(envnames, "R_")]
-cached_names <- rnames
-ld_lib_path <- Sys.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
-if (ld_lib_path != "") {
- cached_names <- c("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", rnames)
-writeLines(paste0(cached_names, "=", env[cached_names]), ".vscode/.env")
diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 665df8ae..00000000
--- a/.vscode/launch.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// launch.json
-// launch the R *binary* under gdb and run devtools::test()
- // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
- // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
- // For more information, visit:
- "version": "0.2.0",
- "configurations": [
- {
- "name": "(gbd) devtools::test()",
- "type": "cppdbg",
- "request": "launch",
- // The binary, not the script
- "program": "${env:HOME}/opt/bin/Rroot/lib/R/bin/exec/R",
- "args": [
- "--vanilla",
- "-e",
- "devtools::test()"
- ],
- "stopAtEntry": false,
- // needs to be generated, see below
- "envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.vscode/.env",
- "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
- "externalConsole": false,
- "MIMode": "gdb",
- "setupCommands": [
- {
- "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
- "text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
- "ignoreFailures": true
- }
- ],
- // 'R' is a script that sets a ton of environment variables
- // required by the R binary. This task emulates that part of
- // the R script:
- "preLaunchTask": "genenv"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/.vscode/tasks.json b/.vscode/tasks.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e11a2f20..00000000
--- a/.vscode/tasks.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- // See
- // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
- "version": "2.0.0",
- "tasks": [
- {
- "label": "genenv",
- "type": "shell",
- "command": "Rscript ${workspaceFolder}/.vscode/genenv.R",
- "problemMatcher": []
- }
- ]
diff --git a/source_odeint.R b/source_odeint.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ec7ac01..00000000
--- a/source_odeint.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# source_odeint.R
-# partial odeint test suite from tests/testthat/test_odeint.R
-# Run with:
-# R -d "valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=1" --vanilla -e "source('source_odeint.R')" &> source_odeint.log
-pars1 <- c(
-pars2 <- c(40, 11, 0, 1)
-methode <- 'deSolve_R::lsodes'
-loglik_lsodes_R <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
-methode <- 'deSolve_R::lsoda'
-loglik_lsoda_R <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
-methode <- 'lsodes'
-loglik_lsodes <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
-methode <- 'lsoda'
-loglik_lsoda <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
-methode <- 'odeint::runge_kutta_cash_karp54'
-loglik_rkck54 <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
-methode <- 'odeint::runge_kutta_fehlberg78'
-loglik_rkf78 <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
-methode <- 'odeint::runge_kutta_dopri5'
-loglik_rkd5 <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
-methode <- 'odeint::bulirsch_stoer'
-loglik_bs <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
-methode <- 'odeint::rosenbrock4'
-loglik_rb <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
-methode <- 'odeint::adams_bashforth_moulton_1'
-loglik_abm <- DAISIE_loglik_all(pars1, pars2, Galapagos_datalist_2types, methode = methode)
From b37332753d3b95ab65054b03cb05c4fc7bbb1b59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Neves-P
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2023 13:07:59 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 13/13] Update date
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
index 6363be40..813d99dc 100644
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Package: DAISIE
Type: Package
Title: Dynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction
Version: 4.3.3
-Date: 2023-02-24
+Date: 2023-03-10
Depends: R (>= 4.1.0)