- switched from S3 generics (as.network.ICON) to conversion functions (as_network and as_igraph)
- moved network and ggnetwork from Imports to Suggests
- added igraph to Suggests
- implemented
S3 method forprint
generic - added constructor, validator, helper for ICON (not exported - raise GitHub issue if it should be)
- Implemented S3 generic: method = network::as.network; class = ICON
- Added basic unit testing.
- Added code coverage using codecov
- Additional column of metadata in
named "Domain" represents network domain/discipline
Added following datasets:
- procure_* (234 datasets for various EU countries and years)
Added following datasets:
- arxiv_astroph
- arxiv_condmat
- arxiv_grqc
- arxiv_hepph
- arxiv_hepth
- fullerene_c60
- fullerene_c180
- fullerene_c240
- fullerene_c260
- fullerene_c320
- fullerene_c500
- fullerene_c540
- fullerene_c720
- fullerene_c960
- fullerene_c1500
- fullerene_c2160
- fullerene_c2940
- fullerene_c3840
- fullerene_c4860
- fullerene_c6000
- movie_*, where the asterisk can be replaced by most integers between 1 and 914, inclusive
- r_dep
- wordadj_english
- wordadj_french
- wordadj_spanish
- wordadj_japanese
Major change: none of the datasets are stored locally and loaded with the data function.
Instead, all datasets are now stored on a GitHub repo and downloaded/loaded with the get_data
function provided in the ICON package.
Additionally, the ICON_data dataset can be used to find information on the datasets themselves.
This change allows the package to provide datasets larger than the 5 MB limit posed by CRAN.
Added following datasets:
- aishihik_intensity
- aishihik_prevalence
- amazon_copurchase
- AS_relation
- coldlake_intensity
- coldlake_prevalence
- diseasome
- diseasome_shared
- huron_prevalence
- internet_routers
- karate_club
- lakewoods_prevalence
- les_miserables
- mcgregor_intensity
- mcgregor_prevalence
- network_coauthors
- neural_elegans
- parsnip_intensity
- parsnip_prevalence
- plant_pollinator_arroyo
- plant_pollinator_bh
- plants_ants
- power_grid
- ppi_cerevisiae
- ppi_coli
- ppi_elegans
- ppi_human
- ppi_melanogaster
- ppi_musculus
- ppi_norvegicus
- ppi_pombe
- ppi_sativa
- ppi_subtilis
- ppi_taurus
- ppi_thaliana
- seed_disperse_beehler
- smallwood_intensity
- smallwood_prevalence
- terrorist_pairs
- word_adj
Renamed the following datasets:
- yeast_ppi -> ppi_yeast
Added initial set of networks from ICON:
- chess
- seed_disperse
- yeast_ppi