The input case file buildingUniform can simulate flow around a cube for Re=100 with uniform inlet velocity of (1,0,0). The ASEE-introduction.pdf has the detail of how to install and run the case file and how to install and visualize the data file created using OpenFOAM.
Executing the case file:
To run the simulation, the following commands should be executed under the buildingUniform directory:
• Generate hexahedral multi-block mesh
$ blockMesh
• Run the simulation
$ icoFoam
These are part of the ASEE-2021 paper,'Incorporating Two Weeks Open Source Software Lab Module in CFD and Fluids Courses' by S. Verma, Z. Mansouri and R.P. Selvam from the Univeristy of Arkansas. Please cite this web page when you use it.
This work is supported by NSF under award number CMMI-1762999 for R.P. Selvam and S. Verma. Ms. Z. Mansouri is supported by Womble Professorship.
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