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Markdown of literate Haskell program. Program source: /src/CTNotes/P3Ch07b_Comonad.lhs
Loose notes about commonads focused on the focus intuition and code examples.
Book reference: CTFP P3 Ch7 Comonads.
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs
, ScopedTypeVariables
module CTNotes.P3Ch07b_Comonad where
import Control.Comonad
import Utils.Stream
import CTNotes.P3Ch07a_GameOfLife (Store(..))
extract . duplicate = id
fmap extract . duplicate = id
duplicate . duplicate = fmap duplicate . duplicate
Comonads are pointed spaces (spaces with focus point) containing possible application states. Focus point can be explicit (like in Store) or implicit (like in Stream). With explicit focus point there seems to be less work implementing Comonad instance but more work implementing co-arrows.
As pointed out in the book, Stream can be easily made bidirectional.
data BidiStream a = BidiStream (Stream a) a (Stream a)
data Nav = B | F
move :: Nav -> BidiStream a -> BidiStream a
move F (BidiStream (Cons x xneg) xa xpos) = BidiStream xneg x (Cons xa xpos)
move B (BidiStream xneg xa (Cons x xpos)) = BidiStream (Cons xa xneg) x xpos
streamIterate' :: (a -> a) -> a -> Stream a
streamIterate' f x = Cons (f x) (streamIterate' f (f x))
instance Functor BidiStream where
fmap f (BidiStream as1 a as2) = BidiStream (fmap f as1) (f a) (fmap f as2)
instance Comonad BidiStream where
extract :: BidiStream a -> a
extract (BidiStream _ a _) = a
duplicate :: BidiStream a -> BidiStream (BidiStream a)
duplicate line = BidiStream (streamIterate' (move F) line ) line (streamIterate' (move B) line)
This has implicit (center) focus point. Arrows are simple and have more 'hardcoded' feel.
avg3 :: BidiStream Double -> Double
avg3 (BidiStream (Cons b1 _) c (Cons a1 _)) = b1 + c + a1 / 3
movingAvg :: BidiStream Double -> BidiStream Double
movingAvg = extend avg3
Compare this to
data MyNatural = One | Succ MyNatural
data MyInt = Neg MyNatural | Zero | Pos MyNatural
type IntStore a = Store MyInt a
avg3' :: IntStore Double -> Double
avg3' (Store f s) =
(f (pred s)) + (f s) + (f (succ s)) / 3
where pred :: MyInt -> MyInt
pred = undefined -- that great lambda calc exercise again
succ :: MyInt -> MyInt
succ = undefined
movingAvg' :: IntStore Double -> IntStore Double
movingAvg' = extend avg3'
needs to operate on specified focus point making it just slightly harder to implement.
But the Commonad instance is much less work for the Store!
Note, BidiStream type is isomorphic to
newtype BiDiLine a = BiDiLine (MyInt -> a)
and Stream is isomorphic to
newtype HalfLine a = HalfLine (MyNatural -> a)
iso1 :: HalfLine a -> Stream a
iso1 (HalfLine f) = Cons (f One) (iso1 (HalfLine (f . Succ)))
iso2 :: Stream a -> HalfLine a
iso2 stream =
let f :: Stream a -> MyNatural -> a
f (Cons a _) One = a
f (Cons _ ax) (Succ n) = f ax n
in HalfLine $ f stream
and both BiDiLine
look like Store without a focus point.
Both could can easily implement Comonad instance.
- Some Comonads that are also Monads: NonEmpty List, Tree,
(,) e
- CoFree is out of scope for this note
HalfLine focus point would be One
, for BiDiLine
would be Zero
. Traced
provides this
interesting twist:
data Traced m a = Traced {runTraced:: m -> a}
instance Functor (Traced m) where
fmap f (Traced f0) = Traced (f . f0)
instance Monoid m => Comonad (Traced m) where
extract (Traced f) = f mempty
duplicate (Traced f) = Traced (\m1 -> Traced (\m2 -> f (m2 `mappend` m1)))
Traced uses monoid m to point to (focus on) information what can be retrieved using it.
Traced extends to a comonad transformer (defined in the comonad
My implementation BidiStream
is sometimes referred to as Zipper comonad.
More judicious Zipper based on finite lists:
data Zipper a = Zipper [a] a [a]
instance Functor Zipper where
fmap f (Zipper ax1 a ax2) = Zipper (map f ax1) (f a) (map f ax1)
instance Comonad Zipper where
extract (Zipper ax1 a ax2) = a
duplicate z = Zipper (iterateLeft z) z (iterateRight z)
iterateLeft :: Zipper a -> [Zipper a]
iterateLeft (Zipper [] a rs) = []
iterateLeft (Zipper (l:ls) a rs) = let nz = Zipper ls l (a:rs) in nz : iterateLeft nz
iterateRight :: Zipper a -> [Zipper a]
iterateRight (Zipper ls a []) = []
iterateRight (Zipper ls a (r:rs)) = let nz = Zipper (a:ls) r rs in nz : iterateRight nz
returns a zipper where each element is itself a zipper focused on the corresponding element in the original zipper.
is like a map only with access to all elements in the zipper, not just one.
Supposedly, every zipper is a comonad.
data Tree a = Node a [Tree a]
instance Functor Tree where
fmap f (Node x ts) = Node (f x) (map (fmap f) ts)
instance Comonad Tree where
extract (Node a _) = a
duplicate n@(Node _ as) = Node n (map duplicate as)
returns root label, duplicate
replaces all labels with a corresponding tree.
Refs: http://blog.functorial.com/posts/2016-08-07-Comonads-As-Spaces.html http://comonad.com/reader/2011/monads-from-comonads/
- CoFree is out of scope for this note. I will add notes about Cofree in N_P3Ch08b_FalgFreeMonad.
Monads preserve product, comonads coproduct.
(Comonad f, Comonad g) => Comonad (Sum f g)