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Markdown of literate Haskell program. Program source: /src/CTNotes/P2Ch05a_YonedaAndMap.lhs


Notes about CTFP Part 2 Chapter 5. Yoneda Lemma and fmap

This note is about what helped me internalize Yoneda from the programming point of view.

Book ref: CTFP Part 2. Ch.5 Yoneda Lemma.

 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

 module CTNotes.P2Ch05a_YonedaAndMap where
 import CTNotes.P1Ch10_NaturalTransformations((:~>))

Yoneda in Hask

Yoneda Lemma can be viewed, by a programmer, as a stronger version of fmap. The great news is that this strength is there for free. Yoneda Lemma states (in pseudo-Haskell, ~= represents type level isomorphism) that

Functor f => f a ~= forall x. (a -> x) -> f x

Lets start with one direction:

yoneda_1 :: Functor f => f a -> forall x. (a -> x) -> f x

This is preety much, fmap

fmap :: Functor f => (a -> x) -> f a -> f x

Here are both, spelled out in English:

fmap : for a given value fa of type f a and function a -> x I can produce value of type f x.
yoneda_1: for a given value fa of type f a and function a -> x I can produce value of type f x.

If it walks like a duck ...

I will show the details too.
To define yoneda_1 I just need to flip the arguments on fmap and notice that fmap is a perfectly polymorphic function

 fmap_1 :: Functor f => f a -> ((a -> x) -> f x)
 fmap_1 = flip fmap  

 yoneda_1 :: Functor f => f a -> forall x. (a -> x) -> f x
 yoneda_1 = fmap_1

or using NT definition from N_NaturalTransformations

 yoneda_1' :: Functor f => f a -> ((->) a :~> f)
 yoneda_1' = fmap_1

To get yoneda_2 in the other direction, I need to look at forall x. (a -> x) -> f x and understand what it is. It looks close to a Continuation Passing Style computation and, as programmer, I would like to use it as such. I need to pass a function to it and the code writes itself, giving me only one polymorphic option, the id.

 yoneda_2 :: Functor f => (forall x. (a -> x) -> f x) -> f a
 yoneda_2 trans = trans id
 -- or
 yoneda_2' :: Functor f => ((->) a :~> f) -> f a
 yoneda_2' trans = trans id

In Type Theoretical lambda terms, this applies type a to quantification forall x. This is like a function application only at type level. In psedo-Haskell that would look like (forall x) $ a resulting in a.
In Category Theoretical terms, this picks the component of the natural transformation at object a. That component starts at the hom-set C(a,a) (a -> a in Hask), id is the point value on which that component operates.
A very helpful intuition from the book, for me, was that Yoneda allows me to pick any value of type f a when transforming id and there rest is uniquely determined by naturality conditions.

Equational reasoning in pseudo-Haskell shows that these are indeed isomorphic (current impredicative polymorphism limitations prevent from using GHC to do much of this)

(yoneda_2 . yoneda_1) :: Functor f => f a -> f a

(yoneda_2 . yoneda_1) fa 
== (\t -> t id) . (flip fmap $ fa)
== (flip fmap $ fa) id 
== fmap id fa 
== id -- because f is functor

(yoneda_1 . yoneda_2) :: Functor f => ((->) a :~> f) -> ((->) a :~> f)

(yoneda_1 . yoneda_2) trans 
==  ((flip fmap) . (\t -> t id)) trans 
==  (flip fmap) (trans id) 
== (\f -> fmap f (trans id)) 
== (\f -> trans (fmap f id)) -- naturality *
== (\f -> trans (f . id)) -- definition of reader (->) functor
== (\f -> trans f) 
== trans

Equality marked with * is the naturality condition applied to id :: a -> a

fmap f . trans == trans . fmap f
      (a -> x) ------->  f x
         ^                ^
         |                |
  fmap f |                | fmap f
         |                |
      (a -> a) ------->  f a

Co-Yoneda in Hask

Co-Yoneda states that:

Functor f => f a ~= forall x . (x -> a) -> f x

This has the same (dual) similarity to fmap

F a ~= forall x . (x -> a) -> f x
coyoneda_2 :: (forall x . (x -> a) -> f x) -> f a

fmap :: Functor f => (x -> a) -> f x -> f a

and is based on the contravariant end of the reader functor.

Yoneda with no Hask categories

Can we get some of the same goodness for functors F :: C -> Hask, where C is a non-Hask category such as some discrete category (N_P1Ch03c_DiscreteCat) or a simple finite category created with GADTs (N_P1Ch03b_FiniteCats, N_P1Ch03c_Equalizer)? I am doubtful.

In Hask natural transformations are simply polymorphic functions forall x. f x -> g x, with other categories this is not as nice but this aspect seems doable (N_P1Ch03c_Equalizer).

The breaking point is the hom-set. For endofunctor F:: Hask -> Hask the hom-set functor used in Yoneda Lemma is the Reader functor (->) and there is no nice equivalent like that for no-Hask categories. For example, for discrete categories the hom-set would be a singleton for Discrete(a,a) hom-set and Void for everything else.
Whatever type equivalence can be achieved in these cases, I think it will be ugly.

TODO examples (maybe a separate file)