a simple plugin to fix the CORS authentication issue of the simple-web-server
The "simple-web-server" is a simple web server for macOS, intended to be used for web app development and test. It comes as an application which can be easily installed, configured and started with a few clicks and without the need to install a bunch of other things.
It supports CORS and basic authorization out-of-the-box - but unfortunately, these two functions do not play together: CORS preflight requests (using the HTTP method "OPTIONS") want to be authorized as well - which is wrong (and browsers will not send any "Authorization" headers along with such requests)
Fortunately, however, the "simple-web-server" comes with a plugin mechanism which can be used to intercept incoming requests and handle them when necessary.
And that's exactly what the files in this repository do: they provide a plugin which intercepts incoming OPTIONS requests and sends permissive responses back - even if all other operations require authorization.
Follow these steps:
- download this repository, in particular the files
. Keep these files in a common folder - open the settings screen in "Simple Web Server" UI and add a new plugin. When asked, pen the folder with the abovementioned files
- then go back, select a server, scroll down and select the plugin in order to activate it
That's it!