The following provides the steps used for Scaffolding the abalone genome using Omni-C data. Omni-C approach, code for the analysis and Hi-C maps is based on workflow from Omni-C’s documentation - Dovetail Genomics. The scaffolding was done using YaHS
git clone
In some cases, your paired-end Hi-C data will be sequenced in multiple lanes. Usually, you will receive the data for each lane separately. In this case, you should merge all forward reads into one file and all reverse reads into one file. To do so, use:
- Forward reads:
cat R1_lane001.fastq.gz R1_lane002.fastq.gz R1_lane003.fastq.gz > OmniC.R1.fastq.gz
- Reverse reads:
cat R2_lane001.fastq.gz R2_lane002.fastq.gz R2_lane003.fastq.gz > OmniC.R2.fastq.gz
samtools faidx genome.fa
cut -f1,2 genome.fa.fai > genome.genome
bwa index genome.fa
Library QC and library complexity were both performed by the sequencing service provider as part of the project. These steps are not described in this workflow. For the library QC step click here For the library complexity step click here
bwa mem -5SP -T0 -t16 genome.fa OmniC.R1.fastq.gz OmniC.R2.fastq.gz -o aligned.sam
pairtools parse --min-mapq 40 --walks-policy 5unique --max-inter-align-gap 30 --nproc-in 8 --nproc-out 8 --chroms-path genome.genome aligned.sam > parsed.pairsam
pairtools sort --nproc 16 --tmpdir=temp/ parsed.pairsam > sorted.pairsam
pairtools dedup --nproc-in 8 --nproc-out 8 --mark-dups --output-stats stats.txt --output dedup.pairsam sorted.pairsam
pairtools split --nproc-in 8 --nproc-out 8 --output-pairs mapped.pairs --output-sam unsorted.bam dedup.pairsam
samtools sort -@16 -T temp/temp.bam -o mapped.bam unsorted.bam
samtools index mapped.bam
There is an option of running it all using one command by piping all of the above. This can be done using: |
bwa mem -5SP -T0 -t<cores> <ref.fa> <OmniC.R1.fastq.gz> <OmniC.R2.fastq.gz>| \
pairtools parse --min-mapq 40 --walks-policy 5unique \
--max-inter-align-gap 30 --nproc-in <cores> --nproc-out <cores> --chroms-path <ref.genome> | \
pairtools sort --tmpdir=<full_path/to/tmpdir> --nproc <cores>|pairtools dedup --nproc-in <cores> \
--nproc-out <cores> --mark-dups --output-stats <stats.txt>|pairtools split --nproc-in <cores> \
--nproc-out <cores> --output-pairs <mapped.pairs> --output-sam -|samtools view -bS -@<cores> | \
samtools sort -@<cores> -o <mapped.PT.bam>;samtools index <mapped.PT.bam>
Moving on to the scaffolding:
Scaffolding using YaHS
yahs genome.fa mapped.bam -o yahs.out
This step is done using Juicer - AidenLab. More tools from Aiden Lab are available for manual curation and analysis of Hi-C data AidenLab
java -Xmx48000m -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar juicertools.jar pre --threads 16 mapped.pairs contact_map.hic genome.genome
samtools faidx yahs.out.fa
awk '{print $1 " " $2}' yahs.out.fa.fai > yahs_scaffolds_final.chrom.sizes
juicer pre yahs.out.bin yahs.out.agp genome.fa.fai | sort -k2,2d -k6,6d -T ./ --parallel=8 -S32G | awk 'NF' > alignments_sorted.txt.part && mv alignments_sorted.txt.part alignments_sorted.txt
java -Xmx48000m -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar juicertools.jar pre alignments_sorted.txt out.hic.part yahs_scaffolds_final.chrom.sizes && mv out.hic.part out.hic
out.hic can be used to visualise the Hi-C heatmap using JuiceBox