Plugin that enables keyboard shortcuts, like gmail.
Supports almost all possible keyboard shortcuts (any combination of alt, ctrl, meta and shift keys), and all of character, number, punctuation, direction, F1-F12 keys with addition of backspace and delete key + ctrl+enter for send mail.
This plugins have a branch for almost each version of common roundcube, see irt at
Anyhow: issues, comments are welcome but are only answered if have a pull request or solution are provided. Beware that pull requests will probably be integrated very slowly of are a stupid feature or does not fix a problem, as additional comments will be waited for.
Like any normal Roundcube plugin. Use composer.json or use manual way.
See each file in each branch depending of your roundcube version at
This plugin came to life as an offspring of original keyboard_shortcuts plugin, joined by a series of merges of almost all unmerged WORKING changes throughout GitHub.
Remaining parts of keyboard_shortcuts are pending for replacement or rewrite:
- help screen
- .css file
- content in localization/
- content in skins/