I make work about human irrationality, usually in confrontation with logical systems.
My favorite medium is the esolang: programming language design as a means of expression and experimentation. A few examples:
Valence (2024), a programming language that brings structural ambiguity of spoken language to code
Folders (2015), where code is written only in the combination of folders within folders, ignoring files and text
FatFinger (2017), a dialect of JavaScript that forgives, and encourages, typos and misspellings
Entropy (2010), where data decays the more it is used, with programs that slowly slip out of the programmer's control
Olympus (2022), where we code in incantations to the gods -- a language that better reflects the actual power dynamic of programmer and machine
There are many more, some public here already, others to release with my book in late 2025
For ten years, I wrote about esolangs for my blog, esoteric.codes.
See my artwork:
My website, danieltemkin.com