This will deploy Ansible's upstream Tower project, AWX, as a distributed deployment in Kubernetes.
This is a work in progess. AWX does not support this configuration so there are some errors currently that render this unusable. Read more here
git clone
cd ansible-awx-kubernetes
kubectl apply -f .
After this is done deploying it takes awhile to spin up. The best way to tell when its done is by tailing the awx-task
file and watching for this entry
kubectl logs -f awx-web-<some_id>
>>> <User: admin>
>>> Default organization added.
Demo Credential, Inventory, and Job Template added.
Successfully registered instance awx-task-1954310302-q6p24
(changed: True)
Creating instance group tower
Added instance awx-task-1954310302-q6p24 to tower
(changed: True)