This library provide ability to use Oracle Advanced Queuing (Oracle AQ) as transport in NServiceBus framework.
You can specify transport as part of the IConfigureThisEndpoint class declaration, e.g:
public class EndpointConfig : IConfigureThisEndpoint, AsA_Server, UsingTransport<OracleAQ>
Or you can specify it using fluent configuration:
One benefit of using NServiceBus OracleAQ transport is ability to send message from database PL/SQL procedure or code block. The following snippet ilustrate how to do that:
headers NSB.HEADERS;
-- Configure message headers
headers('User') := sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_USER');
-- Send message
endpoint => 'Customers',
namespace => 'Amazon.Customers.Messages.Commands',
message => 'CreateCustomer',
data => '<FirstName>John</FirstName><LastName>Doe</LastName>',
headers => headers
If you want to create your own queue name policy you should implement IQueueNamePolicy
Here is sample implementation of it:
public class MyQueueNamePolicy : IQueueNamePolicy
public string GetQueueName(Address address)
return address.Queue.Replace(".", "_").ToUpper();
public string GetQueueTableName(Address address)
return "AQ_" + address.Queue.Replace(".", "_").ToUpper();