An app for the busy bees who don't have time to think about what to cook. PlanEat is a recipe based app that allows users to organise their seven day meal plan. Users are able to get recipe inspiration from the PlanEat community, save it to their favourites, add these onto their weekly meal plan and send a cumulative list of shopping ingredients to their email. There is also a functionality that will allow users to submit one of their own recipes to the community by adding in details such as recipe name, ingredients, instructions and a photo. React/Redux was used to build the front end whilst Python/Flask for the back end.
- Clone or download the repo using
git clone --recurse-submodules <repo>
(this clones the client and server submodules too)
- Navigate to the root directory of this repository
- Client side:
- cd into
- run
npm install
- run
npm run dev
- Webpage should start up automatically on localhost:8080/
- cd into
- Server side:
- cd into
- run
pipenv shell
- run
pipenv install
- run
pipenv run dev
- Flask API will be running on localhost:5000/
- cd into
- Database:
- Run
bash _scripts/<script name>.sh
to run or close docker containers:
- starts up db container- to start up an interactive mongo shell you will need to run
docker exec -it dev_db bash
and thenmongo -u user -password password
- to start up an interactive mongo shell you will need to run
- closes the
- closes the containers and completely removes volumes
- Run
- Client side: React/Redux, CSS
- Dependencies: refer to the package.json file within the client folder for the full list of dependencies
- Server side: Python
- Dependencies: flask, flask-cors, gunicorn, pymongo, flask-mail, dnspython, pytest
- Brainstorm different ideas for our food & drink related app
- Design the basic idea of our user interface using Figma
- Use the GitHub project board to split up the required tasks and assign to team members
- Set up the file structure using git submodules, initialised database and configured the docker containers/script files
- Create the relevant pages and components for React front end
- Implement logic on the backend to retreive and send back relevant information to the front end
- Test with pytest and react testing library
- Debugging and fine tuning our app
- Deploy server on Heroku and client on Netlify
- Good git flow and communication between team members to avoid conflicts
- Protecting the routes which require login
- Implmenting flask mail wherby users can get a cumulative list of ingredients sent to their email
- Drag and drop feature to allow users to drag recipes from their favourites and put them on their meal plan
- Coming up with ideas for our app which would be feasible in the given timeframe
- Difficulties with sending and retrieving information with a Python backend and React frontend
- Deploying an app with an API connected to Mongo database
- Implementing a functionality whereby the save button will switch to unsave if the user has already saved the recipe
- When creating a recipe, the add ingredients section must be filled out completely with no blanks. Otherwise sending a shopping list to the email will not work
- When a new recipe is added it doesn't load on the recipes page straight away, it seems like you need to navigate onto another page and back or refresh for it to appear
- Users can like and comment on the community submitted recipes
- Toggle button to filter recipes for the users specific dietary requirements
- Meal plans to be tracked and refreshed every 7 days
- Nutritional information on the recipes