Welcome to the ROS-Industrial GitHub organization.
The ROS-Industrial open source project seeks to provide modules and resources to enable industrial relevant hardware, tools and applications leveraging the ROS ecosystem. The purpose of this organization is to track foundational capabilities and resources that are community leveraged, maintained and fully open source. This GitHub organization supports both community and consortia generated projects, modules and resources to enable the use of ROS and ROS 2 specifically, in industrial settings.
ROS-Industrial is not a replacement for ROS but is intended to work within the ROS ecosystem. The strategy has been to provide utilities and resources in a ROS agnostic way to provide those interested in leveraging ROS and ROS 2 resources in the way that meets their needs. Many of the core developed resources are ROS agnostic with ROS or ROS 2 wrappers provided. In some cases specific ROS and ROS 2 versions are maintained and this is determined based on the nature of the resource and how it interacts with the ROS or ROS 2 ecosystem.
You can learn more about ROS-Industrial, the Consortia that support the project and other GitHub organizations at rosindustrial.org.
All projects in this organization are open source and business friendly licensed. All the repositories herein are actively supported, by the supporting teams, and members of the ROS-Industrial open source community along with the supporting consortia organizations of the specific project.
We welcome engagement with the projects via issue trackers and welcome pull requests and discussions around the future projection and opportunities for improvement of any the projects within the organization.