- id
- coordinate_system
- lat
- lon
- x
- y
- points
- id
- building
- name
- city
- country
- height
- min_level
- max_level
- non_existant_levels
- color
- material
- floors : returns all the floors part of the building
- elevators : returns all the elevators part of the building
- stairs : returns all the stairs part of the building
- geometry : returns geometry of the building
- floor(ref) : returns specific floor of building based on its semantic ref
- elevator(ref) : returns specific elevator of building based on its semantic ref
- stair(ref) : returns specific stair of building based on its semantic ref
- id
- ref
- name
- height
- walls : returns walls present on the floor but not part of any room or corridor
- connections : returns all the global connection on given floor (connections between rooms, corridors and doors)
- rooms : returns all the rooms present on given floor
- corridors : returns all the corridors present on given floor
- room(ref) : returns specific room on floor based on its semantic ref
- corridor(ref): returns specific corridor on floor based on its semantic ref
- id
- highway :
- localway : connects local areas
- footway: connects rooms, corridors, doors etc.
- oneway
- lanes_forward
- lanes_backward
- lanes_forward_speed
- lanes_backward_speed
- points : returns all the points part of the connections
- id
- levels
- ref
- geometry : returns geometry of the elevator
- topology : returns topological node corresponding to the given elevator
- walls : returns all the walls part of the elevator
- doors : returns all the doors part of the elevator
- features : returns any feature part of the elevator such as ceiling lights
- connections : returns all the connections between local areas part of elevator as well as entry and exit connections to elevator on each floor
- local_areas : returns all local areas part of the elevator
- local_area(ref) : returns specific local area part of elevator based on its semantic name
- id
- levels
- conveying
- stair_height
- stair_width
- stair_length
- geometry : returns geometry of the room/area containing stairs
- topology : returns topological node corresponding to the given stairs
- walls : returns walls part of the stairs room
- doors : returns doors part of the stairs room
- features : returns any features part of stairs room such as ceiling lights
- connections : returns all the connections between local areas part of stairs room/area as well as entry and exit connections to it
- local_areas : returns all local areas part of the stairs room/area
- local_area(ref) : returns specific local area part of the stairs room/area based on its semantic name
- id
- amenity
- ref
- name
- surface
- surface_smoothness
- internet
- level
- geometry : returns geometry of the room
- topology : returns topological node corresponding to the given room
- walls : returns walls part of the room
- doors : returns doors part of the room
- features : returns any features part of the room such as ceiling lights
- connections : returns all the connections between local areas part of room as well as entry and exit connections to it
- local_areas : returns all local areas part of the room
- local_area(ref) : returns specific local area part of the stairs room based on its semantic name
- ref
- name
- surface
- surface_smoothness
- internet
- level
- geometry : returns geometry of the corridor
- topology : returns topological node corresponding to the given corridor
- walls : returns walls part of the corridor
- doors : returns doors part of the corridor
- features : returns any features part of the corridor such as ceiling lights
- connections : returns all the connections between local areas part of corridor as well as entry and exit connections to it
- local_areas : returns all local areas part of the corridor
- local_area(ref) : returns specific local area part of the stairs corridor based on its semantic name
- id
- ref
- name
- surface
- surface_smoothness
- internet
- level
- geometry : returns geometry of the area
- topology : returns topological node corresponding to the given area
- walls : returns walls part of the area
- doors : returns doors part of the area
- features : returns any features part of the area such as ceiling lights
- connections : returns all the connections between local areas part of area as well as entry and exit connections to it
- local_areas : returns all local areas part of the area
- local_area(ref) : returns specific local area part of the stairs area based on its semantic name
- id
- behaviour
- ref
- geometry : returns geometry of the local area
- topology : returns topological node corresponding to the given local area
- id
- height
- min_height
- level
- geometry : returns 2D shape of the wall
- sides : returns all the sides of the wall
- id
- door
- door_automatic
- door_direction
- step_count
- double_doors
- always_closed
- level
- geometry : retuns 2D shape of the wall
- topology : returns topological node corresponding to the door
- sides : returns all the sides of the wall
- id
- texture
- paint
(additional attributes possible)
- corners : returns 2 corner points of the wall/door side. These can be used to identify which side of the wall or door.
- features : returns any features present on side such as fire extinguishers
- id
- height
- width
- length
(additional attributes possible)
- All the attributes maynot be available immediately once any
is initialised as different attributes are stored under different models in OSM. Most of the attributes will be available after loading geometry (if exist). - Querying each model requires atleast 1 overpass query, which can be time consuming as well as unnecessary most of thr times hence all the models are not loaded during initialisation