This is a code demonstration of a Monolithic API application built with Express.js, where users can register, authenticate, and verify authorization levels. It includes Swagger API documentation for easy route exploration.
The Swagger UI documentation can be viewed and tested at:
- Swagger API Documentation: Provides documentation for each route directly accessible via the browser.
- Monolithic Code Structure:
- All routes and server logic are defined in a single file (no separate route files or models).
- Uses core packages such as cors, dotenv, and express.
- User Data Handling:
- User data is stored in a local file (managed using the fs module).
- No classes or models are used to define the data format.
- Registration and Authentication:
- User passwords are encrypted using bcrypt before storing them.
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens) are generated upon login, provided as Bearer Tokens for subsequent requests.
- Authorization Middleware:
- Demonstrates varied responses depending on the user role; different responses if user is, either: an unauthenticated user, an authenticated non-admin user, or an authenticated admin user.
Use these sample users to test the API:
- Admin User:
{ "username": "admin", "password": "p@55w0rD" }
- Non-admin User:
{ "username": "U_ser-nam.e", "password": "p@55w0rD" }
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd expressjs-fs-monolithic-user-api-demo
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Create a
File: Define the environment variables (like the JWT secret) in the .env file. Example:JWT_SECRET=your_jwt_secret PORT=your_port_number
Run the Server:
node index.js
Access Swagger Documentation:
- Visit
in your browser to explore the API routes with Swagger UI.- PORT - Port number indicated in the environment variables.
- POST /users/register: Registers a new user.
- POST /users/login: Authenticates a user and returns a JWT token.
- GET /users/admin: Restricted to authenticated admin users.
- GET /users/non-admin: Restricted to authenticated non-admin users.
- GET /users/visitors: Restricted to unauthenticated users.
express: Web framework for Node.js
cors: Enables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
dotenv: Loads environment variables from .env
fs: File system module to handle data storage
bcrypt: Encrypts user passwords
jsonwebtoken: Generates and verifies JWT tokens
swagger-jsdoc: Generates Swagger documentation from JSDoc comments
swagger-ui-express: Serves Swagger documentation via a web interface
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.