Koa port of the popular express-openapi-validator library. See Intention
I was looking for a OpenAPI validation middleware solution for Koa. However, I was unable to find anything that (a) had the required functionality and (b) was actively maintained. Therefore, I wrote this library as a port to the popular express-openapi-validator which satisfies the requirements and with which I have worked before.
This does come with some drawbacks as the solution used in express-openapi-validator has been tailored for express and thus is not useable as koa-openapi-validator shows.
If there is any solution for Koa that is sufficient, I would recommend using this instead of this.
This library should be integrated as a normal Koa middleware. Error-Handling and everything else should be done the normal "Koa way".
- Install the library
npm i koa-x-oapi-validator
- Initialize the middleware
const validator = new KoaOpenAPIValidator({
validateRequests: true,
validateResponses: true,
const validatorMw = validator.use();
- Use the middleware
router.post('/hello', validatorMw, async (ctx: Koa.Context) => {
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = {
message: 'Hello World!',
To enable debug logging set the environment variable DEBUG=validator.*
(see debug).