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Plant 3D Vision v0.11.99 (dev)

This Python library is part of the ROMI European project. It provides tools to reconstruct digital twins of plants from a set of RGB images acquired with the "Plant Imager". It also provides tools to quantify some traits of the plant's aerial architecture like angles between successive organs and inter-nodes length.

A more comprehensive documentation about the "Plant Imager" project can be found here.

WARNING: this is an ongoing development and changes will arise unannounced!

Table of Contents


You will need to install:

  • the Docker Engine (except if you plan to install COLMAP from sources, good luck with that!)
  • the appropriate NVIDIA driver
  • and the NVIDIA Container Toolkit to benefit from GPU accelerated algorithms inside the docker container.

Getting Started

Let's first install some useful tools like git, curl, wget & nano:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y git curl wget nano

For matplotlib in romiseg you will need:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y g++ gcc pkg-config libfreetype-dev libpng-dev

For romicgal you will need:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y libeigen3-dev libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libboost-dev

Docker Engine

To install the Docker Engine, you can follow the official instructions or use the convenience script:

curl | sh \
  && sudo systemctl --now enable docker

You also have to follow the Post-installation steps for Linux.

NVIDIA drivers

On Ubuntu, you can install the latest compatible NVIDIA drivers with:

sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall

NVIDIA Container Toolkit

To install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit, follow the official Installation Guide from NVIDIA.

Build a docker image (recommended)

To avoid making a big mess while installing source code, it may be easier to build a Docker image and use it to performs reconstruction and analysis tasks.

This strategy has been successfully tested on: docker --version=19.03.6 | nvidia driver version=450.102.04 | CUDA version=11.0

Build the image

To build a Docker image you have to:

  1. clone the plant-3d-vision git repository
  2. initialize & clone the submodules (plantdb, romitask, romiseg, romicgal & dtw)
  3. use the convenience build script docker/

This can be done as follows:

git clone
cd plant-3d-vision/
git submodule init
git submodule update

This will create a Docker image named roboticsmicrofarms/plant-3d-vision:latest.

If you want to tag your image with a specific one, here named mytag, just pass the tag argument as follows:

./docker/ -t mytag

To show more options, just type ./docker/ -h.

Note that you must run the script from the root of the plant-3d-vision repository as it will copy the files to the filesystem of the container.

Test the image

In the docker folder, you will find a convenience script named You may want to test the built image by running a container and performing some tests.

Every test assumes you are in the plant-3d-vision root directory of the repository.

Do NOT forget to specify your tag with the -t option if you changed it (i.e. not latest)

Test GPU access

To test if you have access to your GPU(s) can easily be done as follows:

./docker/ --gpu_test

Test the geometric pipeline

To test if you can run the geometric pipeline:

./docker/ --geom_pipeline_test

Test the machine learning pipeline

To test if you can run the machine learning pipeline:

./docker/ --ml_pipeline_test

Enable write access to local database with bind mount

To avoid running the container app as root user, we created a non-root user named romi with an uid of 2020. In turn, when you mount a local plantdb database, if the directory does not have an uid of 2020 you will not be able to write.

In the ./docker/ convenience script, we added a few lines to automatically get the group id of the host database directory. To be a bit cleaner and go further in sharing the database with other users, we suggest to:

  1. create a group named romi,
  2. add all potential users of the docker image to this group
  3. change the group of the local plantdb database to the romi group
  4. start the docker container with the --user romi:$romi_gid option, where $romi_gid is the group id (gid) of the romi group

This will also allow all users from the romi group to access the files within the database, effectively making this a shared database.

Initialise and register a local plantdb database

Assuming you want to put your local plantdb database under /Data/ROMI/DB.

Let's start by setting an environment variable named $ROMI_DB to the end of our .bashrc file:

cat << EOF >> /home/$USER/.bashrc
# ROMI plant-3d-vision - Set the local plantdb database location:
export ROMI_DB='/data/ROMI/DB'

Then create the directories and the required romidb marker file with:

source ~/.bashrc  # to 'activate' the $ROMI_DB environment variable
mkdir -p $ROMI_DB
touch $ROMI_DB/romidb

In any case, please avoid doing horrendous things like chmod -R 777 $ROMI_DB!

Create a romi group and give it rights over the local plantdb database

  1. Create the romi group
    sudo addgroup romi --gid 2020
  2. Add the current user to the romi group
    sudo usermod -a -G romi $USER
  3. Change the group of the local DB
    sudo chown -R :romi $ROMI_DB
  4. Check the rights with:
    ls -al $ROMI_DB
    This should yield something like:
    drwxrwxr-x  2 myuser romi     4096 nov.  21 12:00 .
    drwxrwxrwx 31 myuser myuser   4096 nov.  21 12:00 ..
    -rw-rw-r--  1 myuser romi        0 nov.  21 12:00 romidb
    Where myuser is your username.

Install from sources



In the following instructions, we use conda, have a look at the official installation instructions here or use this convenience script:


Follow the instructions and proceed to remove the convenience script:



COLMAP is required to run the reconstruction tasks.

You have two options:

  1. use the roboticsmicrofarms/colmap:3.7 available from our docker hub [recommended]
  2. follow the official install instructions to install COLMAP for linux here.

Python OpenCL

This library use pyopencl and thus require the following system libraries:

  • ocl-icd-libopencl1
  • opencl-headers

On Debian and Ubuntu, you can install all these dependencies with:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y ocl-icd-libopencl1 opencl-headers

Then we add the PYOPENCL_CTX environment variable to the end of our .bashrc file:

cat << EOF >> /home/$USER/.bashrc

# ROMI plant-3d-vision - Select the first available device for PyOpenCL:
export PYOPENCL_CTX='0'

Install sources

  1. Clone the plant-3d-vision sources:
    git clone
    cd plant-3d-vision
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  2. Create a conda environment named plant3dvision with Python3.8 for example:
    conda create --name plant3dvision "python=3.9"
  3. Install the submodules (plantdb, romitask, romiseg, romicgal & dtw) and plant3dvision in activated environment:
    conda activate plant3dvision
    python3 -m pip install -e ./plantdb/.
    python3 -m pip install -r ./romitask/requirements.txt
    python3 -m pip install -e ./romitask/.
    python3 -m pip install -e ./skeleton_refinement/.
    python3 -m pip install -e ./romiseg/.
    conda install -c conda-forge libstdcxx-ng  # required to use `open3d.visualization.draw`
    python3 -m pip install -e ./romicgal/.
    python3 -m pip install -r ./dtw/requirements.txt
    python3 -m pip install -e ./dtw/.
    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    python3 -m pip install -e .
  4. Test import of plant3dvision library:
    conda activate plant3dvision
    python3 -c 'import plant3dvision'
  5. Longer tests using shipped "test dataset":
    cd tests/
    rm testdata/models/models/


This package is built around luigi and adopt a similar pipeline oriented philosophy with Tasks and Parameters.

To reconstruct and analyse the RGB images acquired with the Plant Imager you will have to define a pipeline as a series of task and set their parameters. To make things simpler, we provide two TOML configuration files defining the two main type of pipeline we use:

  • the geometric pipeline in plant-3d-vision/config/geom_pipe_real.toml
  • the machine learning pipeline in plant-3d-vision/config/ml_pipe_real.toml.toml

This configuration files should be used on "real plant" dataset, i.e. on RGB images acquired with the Plant Imager.

To start a task defined in this configuration files, use the romi_run_task CLI. You will have to specify which task you want to perform, on which dataset and pass the path to the configuration file using the --config option. You will find examples of this using either the Docker container or the sources installed in a conda environment.

For more details about the task and their parameters, have a look at the "Plant Imager" documentation here.

Docker container

There is now two options to use the previously built Docker image:

  1. you have experience with the Docker CLI and are willing to use it
  2. you prefer to use a convenience script with fewer but safer options

Docker CLI

You can use the Docker CLI to start a container using the previously built roboticsmicrofarms/plant-3d-vision image.

In the following example, we will use the real_plant dataset from the test database and the geometric pipeline configuration file shipped in this repository. Assuming you are in the plant-3d-vision root directory of the repository:

CWD=$(pwd)  # get the absolute path to the `plant-3d-vision` directory
docker run -it --rm --gpus all \
  -v $CWD/tests/testdata/:/myapp/db \
  -v $CWD/configs/:/myapp/configs \
  roboticsmicrofarms/plant-3d-vision:latest \
  bash -c "romi_run_task AnglesAndInternodes /myapp/db/real_plant/ --config /myapp/config/geom_pipe_real.toml"

In details, the previous command:

  • get the current working directory and assign it to CWD variable as docker needs absolute path when performing bind mount
  • starts a pseudo-TTY interactive shell with -it
  • will automatically remove the container when it exits with --rm
  • add all available GPUs to the container
  • bind mount $CWD/tests/testdata/ from the host to /myapp/db in the container (created if non-existent) with the -v option
  • bind mount $CWD/config/ from the host to /myapp/config in the container (created if non-existent) with the -v option
  • use the roboticsmicrofarms/plant-3d-vision image with the tag latest to create the container
  • call a bash command with bash -c "..."
  • performs the AnglesAndInternodes task (reconstruction and analysis) of the real_plant test dataset using the geom_pipe_real.toml configuration

Convenience bash script

There is a convenience bash script, named in the docker/ directory, that start a docker container using the roboticsmicrofarms/plant-3d-vision image. It aims at making thing a bit simpler than with the Docker CLI.

In the following example, we will use the real_plant dataset from the test database and the geometric pipeline configuration file shipped in this repository. Assuming you are in the plant-3d-vision root directory of the repository:

CWD=$(pwd)  # get the absolute path to the `plant-3d-vision` directory
./docker/ \
  -db $CWD/tests/testdata/ \
  -v $CWD/configs/:/myapp/configs \
  -c "romi_run_task AnglesAndInternodes /myapp/db/real_plant/ --config /myapp/config/geom_pipe_real.toml"

In details, the previous command does (the same thing as the CLI example):

  • get the current working directory and assign it to CWD variable as docker needs absolute path when performing bind mount
  • bind mount $CWD/tests/testdata/ from the host to /myapp/db in the container (created if non-existent) with the -db option
  • bind mount $CWD/config/ from the host to /myapp/config in the container (created if non-existent) with the -v option
  • call a bash command with -c "..."
  • performs the AnglesAndInternodes task (reconstruction and analysis) of the real_plant test dataset using the geom_pipe_real.toml configuration

Note that:

  • with the -db option you do not have to specify the destination in the container
  • you do not have to specify the bash before the -c option

Conda environment

In the plant3dvision conda environment, things are a bit simpler to starts as there is no Docker options to specify.

To execute the same series of tasks on the real_plant dataset from the test database and the geometric pipeline configuration file shipped in this repository we only have to call the romi_run_task CLI. Assuming you are in the plant-3d-vision root directory of the repository:

cp -R tests/testdata /tmp/.  # copy the test DB to the temporary directory
conda activate plant3dvision  # activate the conda environment
romi_run_task AnglesAndInternodes /tmp/testdata/real_plant/ --config configs/test_geom_pipe_real.toml

This will perform the AnglesAndInternodes task (reconstruction and analysis) of the real_plant test dataset using the geom_pipe_real.toml configuration.



To monitor the CPU resource usage, you can use the htop tool.

To install it from Ubuntu PPA repositories:

sudo apt install htop

To install it from the snap store:

snap install htop


To monitor the GPU resource usage, you can use the following command:

watch -n1 nvidia-smi

where the -n option is the time interval in seconds.



  • ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory can be fixed with:
    apt-get install libgl1-mesa-glx
  • ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory can be fixed with:
    apt-get install libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev

If you have an NVIDIA GPU, you may solve some issues with:

mkdir -p /etc/OpenCL/vendors
echo "" > /etc/OpenCL/vendors/nvidia.icd

To avoid troubles during pyopencl install, check /usr/lib/ exists, if not add it with:

ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/