Project Description:
Meteorological sensor. This sensor measures the ambient temperature and can detect whether it is raining or not. We simulate the sensor using WeatherSensorClient module. Getting data from the sensor and saving it to the database using the WeatherSensorRestApplication. Also, "WeatherSensorClient" module is able to draw a graph (by 'DrawChart' class) based on the temperatures received from the server.
Technology stack used : ✅Java ✅Spring (Core, MVC, Boot, Web, REST, Data JPA, Validation) ✅Hibernate ✅PostgreSQL ✅Maven
✅XChart (to draw a graph)
- Register new sensor:
- Add new measurement:
- Return the all measurements from the database:
- Return count of rainy days from the database:
- The graph from the testing temperature data (generated in 'WeatherSensorClient' module)