diff --git a/resources/lib/ARDnew.py b/resources/lib/ARDnew.py
index d1f3311..e8ef707 100644
--- a/resources/lib/ARDnew.py
+++ b/resources/lib/ARDnew.py
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
# 21.11.2019 Migration Python3 Modul kodi_six + manuelle Anpassungen
-# 37 # Numerierung für Einzelupdate
-# Stand: 12.04.2023
+# 38 # Numerierung für Einzelupdate
+# Stand: 15.04.2023
# Python3-Kompatibilität:
from __future__ import absolute_import # sucht erst top-level statt im akt. Verz.
@@ -206,15 +206,15 @@ def Main_NEW(name='', CurSender=''):
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.ARDnew.SendungenAZ",
fanart=R(ICON_MAIN_ARD), thumb=R(ICON_ARD_AZ), tagline=tag, fparams=fparams)
- # 07.04.2023 Web-Call -> api-Call
+ # 07.04.2023 Web-Call -> api-Call, 14.04.2023 ARDStart -> ARDRubriken
path = "https://api.ardmediathek.de/page-gateway/pages/ard/editorial/sport?embedded=false"
title = 'ARD Sport'
summ = sender_summ
img = R("ard-sport.png")
title=py2_encode(title); path=py2_encode(path);
- fparams="&fparams={'title': '%s', 'sender': '%s', 'path': '%s'}" % (quote(title), sender, quote(path))
- addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.ARDnew.ARDStart",
+ fparams="&fparams={'li': '', 'path': '%s'}" % quote(path)
+ addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.ARDnew.ARDRubriken",
fanart=img, thumb=img, summary=summ, fparams=fparams)
# ARD Sportschau nach Web-Änderung abgeschaltet - s. Forum Post vom 12.06.2022
@@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ def ARDStart(title, sender, widgetID='', path=''):
tag = u"aktuelle Region: [B]%s[/B]" % rname
summ = u"Partnersender: [B]%s[/B]" % partner
func = "ARDStartRegion" # neu ab 29.06.2022
+ # todo: ARDStartRubrik -> ARDRubriken (Bsp.: Button 'ARD Sport' in Main_NEW)
if cnt == 1: # neu ab 12.02.2023: ev. "Regionales"-Menü hinter Stage
regio_kat = [ # nach Bedarf ergänzen + auslagern
@@ -387,10 +388,10 @@ def img_preload(ID, path, title, caller, icon=ICON_MAIN_ARD):
PLog("img_preload: " + title)
PLog(caller); PLog(path)
- if caller == 'ARDStart':
+ if caller == 'ARDStart' or caller == 'ARDRubriken':
leer_img = R(ICON_DIR_FOLDER)
- leer_img = R(icon-bild-fehlt.png)
+ leer_img = R("icon-bild-fehlt.png")
oname = os.path.join(SLIDESTORE, "ARDNeu_Startpage")
@@ -430,53 +431,75 @@ def img_preload(ID, path, title, caller, icon=ICON_MAIN_ARD):
# Auflistung der Rubriken in json-Inhalt page (json bei html-Seite
# in script id="fetchedContextValue")
-def ARDRubriken(li, page):
+def ARDRubriken(li, path="", page=""):
+ li_org=li
- container = blockextract ('compilationType":', page) # Test auf Rubriken
- PLog(len(container))
- title_list=[]
- for cont in container:
- title = stringextract('"title":"', '"', cont) # Bild-Titel
- self =stringextract('"self":{', '}', cont)
- title = stringextract('"title":"', '"', self)
- title = repl_json_chars(title)
- if title in title_list: # Doppel? - s.o.
- break
- title_list.append(title)
+ if page == '':
+ skip_subs=False
+ page, msg = get_page(path)
+ else:
+ skip_subs=True # Subrubriken nicht erneut listen
+ PLog(len(page))
+ page = page.replace('\\"', '*') # quotierte Marks entf.
- ID = stringextract('"id":"', '"', cont)
- anz= stringextract('"totalElements":', '}', cont)
- anz= mystrip(anz)
- if title.startswith("Subrubriken"): # -1: Wegfall "Übersicht" in get_page_content
- anz = str(int(anz)-1)
- PLog("anz: " + anz)
- if anz == '1':
- tag = u"%s Beitrag" % anz
- else:
- if anz == "null": anz='mehrere'
- tag = u"%s Beiträge" % anz
+ if li == "":
+ li = xbmcgui.ListItem()
+ li = home(li, ID='ARD Neu') # Home-Button
- path = stringextract('"href":"', '"', cont)
- path = path.replace('&embedded=false', '') # bzw. '&embedded=true'
- img = stringextract('"src":"', '"', cont) # mehrere Formate möglich, 1. Treffer
- img = img.replace('{width}', '640');
- if img == '':
- img = img_preload(ID, path, title, 'ARDStart')# kann dauern..
- if img == '':
+ try:
+ obs = json.loads(page)
+ PLog(str(page)[:80])
+ widgets = obs["widgets"] # "teasers" hier leer
+ except Exception as exception:
+ PLog(str(exception))
+ return
+ PLog(len(widgets))
+ for s in widgets:
+ PLog(str(s)[:60])
+ img_alt=""; anz="null"
+ typ = s["type"]
+ title = s["title"]
+ if title.startswith("Subrubriken"): # wurde hier bereits gelistet, s.o.
+ if skip_subs:
+ continue
+ if title == "Rubriken": # rekursiv zur Startseite
+ continue
+ ID = s["id"]
+ if "links" in s:
+ path = s["links"]["self"]["href"]
+ path = path.replace('&embedded=false', '') # bzw. true
+ try:
+ imgsrc = s["images"]["aspect16x9"]
+ img = imgsrc["src"]
+ img = img.replace('{width}', '640')
+ img_alt = imgsrc["alt"]
+ except:
+ img=""
+ if img == "":
+ img = img_preload(ID, path, title, 'ARDRubriken')
+ tag = "Folgeseiten"
+ if img_alt:
+ tag = u"%s\Bild: %s" % (tag, img_alt)
ID = 'ARDStartRubrik'
PLog(title); PLog(ID); PLog(anz); PLog(img); PLog(path);
path=py2_encode(path); title=py2_encode(title);
fparams="&fparams={'path': '%s', 'title': '%s', 'widgetID': '', 'ID': '%s'}" %\
(quote(path), quote(title), ID)
- addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.ARDnew.ARDStartRubrik", fanart=img, thumb=img,
- tagline=tag, fparams=fparams)
+ addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.ARDnew.ARDStartRubrik",
+ fanart=img, thumb=img, tagline=tag, fparams=fparams)
- return
+ if li_org == "":
+ xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)
+ else:
+ return
@@ -545,7 +568,7 @@ def ARDStartRegion(path, title, widgetID='', ID=''):
ID = "ARDStartRubrik"
- li = get_page_content(li, page, ID, mark) # Auswertung Rubriken + Live-/Eventstreams
+ li = get_json_content(li, page, ID, mark) # Auswertung Rubriken + Live-/Eventstreams
img = icon
msg1 = "Region"
@@ -629,7 +652,7 @@ def ARDStartRubrik(path, title, widgetID='', ID='', img=''):
if len(container) > 1:
- ARDRubriken(li, page) # direkt
+ ARDRubriken(li, page=page) # direkt
else: # detect Staffeln/Folgen
# cnt = page.count(u'"Folge ') # falsch positiv für "alt":"Folge 9"
if 'hasSeasons":true' in page and '"heroImage":' in page:
@@ -644,11 +667,12 @@ def ARDStartRubrik(path, title, widgetID='', ID='', img=''):
fparams="&fparams={'path': '%s', 'title': '%s'}" % (quote(path), quote(title))
addDir(li=li, label=label, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.ARDnew.ARD_FlatListEpisodes",
fanart=ICON, thumb=R(ICON_DIR_FOLDER), tagline=tag, fparams=fparams)
- ID = "ARDStartRubrik"
+ if ID != "Livestream":
+ ID = "ARDStartRubrik"
if "Subrubriken" in title_org: # skip Subrubrik Übersicht
- li = get_page_content(li, page, ID, mark) # Auswertung Rubriken + Live-/Eventstreams
+ li = get_json_content(li, page, ID, mark)
# 24.08.2019 Erweiterung auf pagination, bisher nur AutoCompilationWidget
@@ -1404,6 +1428,192 @@ def get_page_content(li, page, ID, mark='', mehrzS=''):
return li
+# 14.04.2023 get_page_content -> get_json_content
+def get_json_content(li, page, ID, mark='', mehrzS=''):
+ PLog('get_json_content: ' + ID); PLog(mark)
+ ID_org=ID
+ CurSender = Dict("load", 'CurSender') # Debug, Seite bereits senderspez.
+ sendername, sender, kanal, img, az_sender = CurSender.split(':')
+ PLog(sender) #-> href
+ mediatype=''; pagetitle=''
+ jsonpath = "teasers" # Default
+ if "SearchCompilationWidget" in page: # Suchergebnis
+ pagetitle = stringextract('CompilationWidget:', '"', page)# SearchCompilationWidget:..
+ if page.startswith(u'{"aZContent"'):
+ pagetitle = stringextract('title":"', '"', page) # Buchstabe A, B..
+ if page.startswith(u'{"binaryFeatures"'):
+ jsonpath = "widgets|0|teasers"
+ pagetitle = stringextract('title":"', '"', page) # Titel 1. image
+ PLog("pagetitle: " + pagetitle)
+ page = page.replace('\\"', '*')
+ PLog(page[:80])
+ try:
+ obs = json.loads(page)
+ PLog(len(obs))
+ obs = GetJsonByPath(jsonpath, obs)
+ except Exception as exception:
+ PLog(str(exception))
+ obs=[]
+ PLog(len(obs))
+ for s in obs:
+ PLog("Mark10")
+ uhr=''; ID=ID_org; duration=''; summ=''; availableTo='';
+ matRat="Ohne"
+ try:
+ if "availableTo" in s:
+ availableTo = s["availableTo"] # Einzelbetrag
+ typ = s["type"]
+ mehrfach = False
+ except Exception as exception:
+ PLog(str(exception))
+ if availableTo == "":
+ if typ != "live" and typ != "event" : # Livestream in Stage od. ARD Sport
+ mehrfach = True # Default weitere Rubriken
+ try:
+ imgsrc = s["images"]["aspect16x9"]
+ img = imgsrc["src"]
+ img = img.replace('{width}', '640')
+ img_alt = imgsrc["alt"]
+ except:
+ img = R(ICON_DIR_FOLDER) # Bsp.: Subrubriken
+ title = s["longTitle"]
+ title = repl_json_chars(title)
+ if mark:
+ PLog(title); PLog(mark)
+ title = title.strip()
+ title = make_mark(mark, title, "", bold=True) # Markierung
+ if mehrzS: # Setting pref_more
+ title = u"Mehr: %s" % title
+ if mark == "Subrubriken":
+ if title.startswith(u"Übersicht"): # skip Subrubrik Übersicht (rekursiv, o. Icons)
+ PLog("skip_Übersicht")
+ continue
+ href = s["links"]["target"]["href"]
+ if ID != "Livestream" and mehrfach == False: # Einzelbeiträge außer Live
+ PLog("eval_video:")
+ if "publicationService" in s:
+ pubServ = s["publicationService"]["name"]
+ else:
+ pubServ = s["show"]["publisher"]["name"]
+ if "maturityContentRating" in s:
+ matRat = s["maturityContentRating"]
+ matRat = matRat.replace('NONE', 'Ohne')
+ if "duration" in s:
+ duration = s["duration"] # sec-Wert
+ duration = seconds_translate(duration) # 0:15
+ if duration and pubServ:
+ duration = u'Dauer %s | [B]%s[/B]' % (duration, pubServ)
+ if matRat:
+ if duration == '':
+ duration = "Dauer unbekannt"
+ duration = u"%s | FSK: %s\n" % (duration, matRat)
+ if s["show"]: # null?
+ summ = s["show"]["synopsis"]
+ PLog(summ[:60])
+ if summ == None:
+ summ = ""
+ summ = repl_json_chars(summ)
+ if typ != "live":
+ verf = availableTo # s.o.
+ if verf == None:
+ verf=""
+ verf = time_translate(verf)
+ if verf:
+ summ = u"[B]Verfügbar bis [COLOR darkgoldenrod]%s[/COLOR][/B]\n\n%s" % (verf, summ)
+ if "broadcastedOn" in s:
+ pubDate = s["broadcastedOn"]
+ pubDate = time_translate(pubDate)
+ pubDate = u" | Sendedatum: [COLOR blue]%s Uhr[/COLOR]\n\n" % pubDate
+ if u'erfügbar bis' in summ:
+ summ = summ.replace('\n\n', pubDate) # zwischen Verfügbar + summ einsetzen
+ else:
+ summ = "%s%s" % (pubDate[3:], summ)
+ if duration and summ:
+ summ = "%s\n%s" % (duration, summ)
+ else:
+ summ = title
+ if "Sendedatum:" in summ: # aus Rückabe get_summary_pre
+ uhr = summ.split(' ')[-2]
+ summ = repl_json_chars(summ)
+ # ARDVerpasstContent: Zeit im Titel, Langfass. tagline:
+ if 'broadcast' in typ and uhr: # EPG: broadcastMainClip
+ title = "[COLOR blue]%s[/COLOR] | %s" % (uhr, title)
+ pubServ = stringextract('publicationService":{"name":"', '"', s) # publicationService (Sender)
+ if pubServ:
+ summ = "%sSender: %s" % (summ, pubServ)
+ if SETTINGS.getSetting('pref_usefilter') == 'true': # Filter
+ filtered=False
+ for item in AKT_FILTER:
+ if up_low(item) in py2_encode(up_low(s)):
+ filtered = True
+ break
+ if filtered:
+ PLog('filtered: <%s> in %s ' % (item, title))
+ continue
+ PLog('Satz:');
+ PLog(mehrfach); PLog(title); PLog(href); PLog(img); PLog(summ[:60]); PLog(duration);
+ if mehrfach:
+ summ = "Folgeseiten"
+ href=py2_encode(href); title=py2_encode(title);
+ fparams="&fparams={'path': '%s', 'title': '%s'}" % (quote(href), quote(title))
+ addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.ARDnew.ARDStartRubrik", \
+ fanart=img, thumb=img, fparams=fparams, summary=summ, mediatype='')
+ else:
+ PLog("eval_settings:")
+ if pagetitle == '': # pagetitle -> title_samml
+ if "homepage" in s: # Home-Titel kann fehlenden Sendungstitel enthalten
+ pagetitle = s["homepage"]
+ pagetitle = stringextract('"title":"', '"', pagetitle)
+ title_samml = "%s|%s" % (title, pagetitle) # Titel + Seitentitel (A-Z, Suche)
+ if SETTINGS.getSetting('pref_mark_full_shows') == 'true':
+ if "duration" in s:
+ dur = s["duration"];
+ dur = str(int(dur))
+ title = ardundzdf.full_shows(title, title_samml, summ, dur, "full_shows_ARD")
+ if SETTINGS.getSetting('pref_load_summary') == 'true': # summary (Inhaltstext) im Voraus holen
+ summ_new = get_summary_pre(path=href, ID='ARDnew', duration=duration) # s.o. pre:
+ if summ_new:
+ summ = summ_new
+ if SETTINGS.getSetting('pref_video_direct') == 'true': # Sofortstart?
+ mediatype='video'
+ if typ == "live" or typ == "event" : # Livestream in Stage od. ARD Sport
+ ID = "Livestream"
+ summ = "%s | [B]Livestream[/B]" % summ
+ else:
+ ID=ID_org
+ PLog("Satz_cont3: typ: %s, ID: %s" % (typ, ID))
+ summ_par = summ.replace('\n', '||')
+ href=py2_encode(href); title=py2_encode(title); summ_par=py2_encode(summ_par);
+ fparams="&fparams={'path': '%s', 'title': '%s', 'summary': '%s', 'ID': '%s'}" %\
+ (quote(href), quote(title), quote(summ_par), ID)
+ addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.ARDnew.ARDStartSingle", fanart=img, thumb=img,
+ fparams=fparams, summary=summ, mediatype=mediatype)
+ return li
# Ermittlung der Videoquellen für eine Sendung - hier Aufteilung Formate Streaming + MP4
# Bei Livestreams (m3u8-Links) verzweigen wir direkt zu SenderLiveResolution.
@@ -1428,7 +1638,7 @@ def ARDStartSingle(path, title, summary, ID='', mehrzS=''):
title_org = title
- # Header für Verpasst-Beiträge (ARDVerpasstContent -> get_page_content)
+ # Header für Verpasst-Beiträge (ARDVerpasstContent -> get_json_content)
if ID == 'EPG' or ID == 'A-Z':
headers = "{'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate', 'Pragma':'no-cache',\
'Expires': '0'}"
@@ -1551,7 +1761,7 @@ def ARDStartSingle(path, title, summary, ID='', mehrzS=''):
# Nutzung build_Streamlists_buttons (Haupt-PRG), einschl. Sofortstart
- # summ = get_summary_pre(path, ID='ARDnew', page=page) # entfällt mit summary aus get_page_content
+ # summ = get_summary_pre(path, ID='ARDnew', page=page) # entfällt mit summary aus get_json_content
Plot = "Titel: %s\n\n%s" % (title_org, summary) # -> build_Streamlists_buttons
PLog('Plot:' + Plot)
thumb = img; ID = 'ARDNEU'; HOME_ID = "ARD Neu"
@@ -1571,9 +1781,10 @@ def ARDStartSingle(path, title, summary, ID='', mehrzS=''):
if len(elements) > 1 and SETTINGS.getSetting('pref_more') == 'true':
gridlist = elements[1:] # hinter den Videodaten (1. Element)
PLog('gridlist_more: ' + str(len(gridlist)))
- page = "\n".join(gridlist) # passend für get_page_content
+ page = "\n".join(gridlist) # passend für get_json_content
get_page_content(li, page, ID=ID, mehrzS=True, mark='')
+# get_json_content(li, page, ID=ID, mehrzS=True, mark='')
xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)
@@ -1847,57 +2058,8 @@ def SendungenAZ_ARDnew(title, button, href):
page = page.replace('\\"', '*') # quotierte Marks entf., Bsp. \"query\"
- gridlist = blockextract('"decor":', page) # Beiträge im Block
- PLog(len(gridlist))
- if len(gridlist) == 0:
- msg1 = u'Keine Beiträge gefunden zu %s' % button
- MyDialog(msg1, '', '')
- return li
- for s in gridlist:
- href_list = blockextract('"href":"', s, '"')
- PLog(href_list);
- for url in href_list:
- if 'embedded=true' in url:
- href = stringextract('"href":"', '"', url)
- break
- title = stringextract('"longTitle":"', '"', s)
- if title == '':
- title = stringextract('"mediumTitle":"', '"', s)
- title = title.replace('- Standbild', '')
- title = unescape(title)
- if title.startswith('#') == False:
- title = repl_json_chars(title)
- img = stringextract('"src":"', '"', s)
- img = img.replace('{width}', '720')
- summ = stringextract('synopsis":"', '"', s)
- pubServ = stringextract('"name":"', '"', s) # publicationService (Sender)
- partner = stringextract('"partner":"', '"', s)
- tagline = "Sender: %s" % pubServ
- PLog(az_sender); PLog(pubServ); PLog(partner);
- if pubServ == '' and partner == '': # pubServ kann fehlen
- continue
- if SETTINGS.getSetting('pref_usefilter') == 'true': # Filter
- filtered=False
- for item in AKT_FILTER:
- if up_low(item) in py2_encode(up_low(s)):
- filtered = True
- break
- if filtered:
- # PLog('filtered: ' + title)
- continue
- PLog('Satz2:');
- PLog(title); PLog(href); PLog(img); PLog(summ); PLog(tagline);
- ID = 'A-Z'
- summ = "%s\n\n%s" % (tagline, summ)
- href=py2_encode(href); title=py2_encode(title);
- fparams="&fparams={'path': '%s', 'title': '%s', 'ID': '%s'}" % (quote(href), quote(title), ID)
- addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.ARDnew.ARDStartRubrik", fanart=img, thumb=img,
- fparams=fparams, summary=summ)
+ ID = 'A-Z'
+ li = get_json_content(li, page, ID, mark="")
# 24.08.2019 Erweiterung auf pagination, bisher nur AutoCompilationWidget
# pagination mit Basispfad immer vorhanden, Mehr-Button abhängig von Anz. der Beiträge
@@ -2146,7 +2308,7 @@ def ARDSearchnew(title, sender, offset=0, query=''):
PLog('gridlist: ' + str(len(gridlist)))
ID='Search' # mark für farbige Markierung
- li = get_page_content(li, page, ID, mark=unquote(query))
+ li = get_json_content(li, page, ID, mark=unquote(query))
# Mehr-Button:
title = "Mehr zu >%s<" % unquote(query)
@@ -2283,8 +2445,8 @@ def ARDVerpasstContent(title, startDate, endDate, CurSender):
xbmcgui.Dialog().notification(msg1,msg2,icon,5000, sound=False)
- li = get_page_content(li, page, ID='EPG', mark='')
+# li = get_page_content(li, page, ID='EPG', mark='')
+ li = get_json_content(li, page, ID='EPG', mark='')
xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)
diff --git a/resources/lib/util.py b/resources/lib/util.py
index 50d6856..19b059a 100644
--- a/resources/lib/util.py
+++ b/resources/lib/util.py
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
# 02.11.2019 Migration Python3 Modul future
# 17.11.2019 Migration Python3 Modul kodi_six + manuelle Anpassungen
-# 44 # Numerierung für Einzelupdate
-# Stand: 02.04.2023
+# 45 # Numerierung für Einzelupdate
+# Stand: 14.04.2023
# Python3-Kompatibilität:
from __future__ import absolute_import
@@ -1919,6 +1919,8 @@ def CalculateDuration(timecode):
def seconds_translate(seconds, days=False):
+ seconds = str(seconds)
if "." in str(seconds): # Ausschluss Basis 1000
seconds = seconds.split(".")[0]
if seconds == '' or seconds == 0 or seconds == 'null':