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rols1 committed Feb 15, 2025
1 parent 54865b1 commit 9b0fce7
Showing 1 changed file with 192 additions and 110 deletions.
302 changes: 192 additions & 110 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
# +++++ ARDundZDF - Addon Kodi-Version, migriert von der Plexmediaserver-Version +++++

# VERSION -> addon.xml aktualisieren
# <nr>229</nr> # Numerierung für Einzelupdate
# <nr>230</nr> # Numerierung für Einzelupdate
VERSION = '5.1.8'
VDATE = '05.02.2025'
VDATE = '15.02.2025'

# (c) 2019 by Roland Scholz,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6081,6 +6081,7 @@ def thread_getpic(path_url_list,text_list,folder=''):

mytxt = text_list[i]
mytxt = wrap(mytxt,mytxt_col) # Zeilenumbruch
mytxt = cleanmark(mytxt) # Farb-/Fett-Markierungen entfernen

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6111,7 +6112,7 @@ def thread_getpic(path_url_list,text_list,folder=''):
# PLog("Größe Bildtext: " + str(txtsz))

# w,h = draw.textsize(mytxt, font=font) # textsize() nicht mehr verfügbar
x=1; y=1 # Start links oben
x=20; y=1 # Start links oben mit linken Rand
# outlined Text - für helle Flächen erforderlich, aus
# /questions/41556771/is-there-a-way-to-outline-text-with-a-dark-line-in-pil
# try-Block für Draw
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -11112,7 +11113,9 @@ def get_form_streams(page):
return formitaeten, duration, geoblock, sub_path

# ZDF-Websuche nach "Bilderserie" (api dafür bisher unbekannt),
# Einzelseite -> ZDF_BildgalerieSingle
def ZDF_Bildgalerien(pagenr=""):
PLog('ZDF_Bildgalerien: ' + str(pagenr));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -11220,23 +11223,22 @@ def ZDF_Bildgalerien(pagenr=""):
# 23.09.2021 Umstellung Bildname aus Quelle statt "Bild_01" (eindeutiger beim
# Nachladen).
# 19.05.2022 Param. li: Vermeid. Home-Doppel (Aufruf ZDF_get_content)
# 15.02.2025 neues Datenformat berücksichtigt auf
# (mode="caption")
def ZDF_BildgalerieSingle(path, title, li=''):
PLog('ZDF_BildgalerieSingle:'); PLog(path); PLog(title)
title_org = title

page, msg = get_page(path=path)
if page == '':
msg1 = 'Seite kann nicht geladen werden: [B]%s[/B]' % title
msg2 = msg
MyDialog(msg1, msg2, '')

if li == '':
li = xbmcgui.ListItem()
li = home(li, ID="ZDF") # Home-Button

#--------------------------------------------------------------- # Suche nach Bilderserie

# gallery-slider-box: echte Bildgalerien, andere spielen kaum eine Rolle
# bei Fehlen auf Weiterleitung prüfen (z.B. in lazyload-container):
if page.find(u'class="content-box gallery-slider-box') < 0:
Expand All @@ -11254,13 +11256,22 @@ def ZDF_BildgalerieSingle(path, title, li=''):

content = stringextract(u'class="content-box gallery-slider-box', u'title="Bilderserie schließen"', page)
content = blockextract('class="img-container', content)
PLog("content: " + str(len(content)))
mode="content" # Default

if len(content) == 0:
pos = page.find('\\"slides\\"')
if pos >= 0:
content = blockextract('\\"title\\"', page[pos:]) # neues ZDF-Format Promi-News in Bildern
PLog("caption_content: %d" % len(content))
PLog("content: %d" % len(content))

if len(content) == 0:
msg1 = 'ZDF_BildgalerieSingle: keine Bilder gefunden.'
msg2 = title
MyDialog(msg1, msg2, '')
return li

fname = make_filenames(title) # Ordnername: Titel
fpath = os.path.join(SLIDESTORE, fname)
Expand All @@ -11273,116 +11284,70 @@ def ZDF_BildgalerieSingle(path, title, li=''):
msg2 = "%s/%s" % (SLIDESTORE, fname)
PLog(msg1); PLog(msg2)
MyDialog(msg1, msg2, '')
return li

image=0; background=False; path_url_list=[]; text_list=[]
for rec in content:
category = stringextract('teaser-cat-category">', '</span>', rec)
category = mystrip(category)
brand = stringextract('brand-ellipsis">', '</span>', rec)
brand = mystrip(brand)

img_links = stringextract('data-srcset="', '"', rec) # mehrere Links, aufsteig. Bildgrößen
img_links = blockextract('http', img_links)
for img_link in img_links:
img_link = img_link.split(' ')[0] # Link bis 1. Blank: ..?cb=1462007560755 384w 216h
w_h = stringextract('~', '?cb', img_link) # Bsp.: ..-2014-100~384x216?cb=1462007562325
PLog(img_link); PLog(w_h)
if "x" in w_h:
w = w_h.split('x')[0] # Bsp.: 384
if int(w) > w_old and int(w) <= 1280: # Begrenz.: 1280 (gesehen: 3840)
w_old = int(w)

img_src = img_link
PLog("img_src: %s, w: %d" % (img_link, w_old))

href = stringextract('a href', '</a>', rec)
path = stringextract('="', '"', href)
if path == '': # Sicherung
path = stringextract('plusbar-url="', '"', rec)
if path.startswith("http") == False:
path = "" + path
title = stringextract('title="', '"', href) # falls leer -> descr, s.u.
#--------------------------------------------------------------- # Bilder einsammeln

pic_list = ZDF_BilderCollect(content, title_org, mode=mode)
if len(pic_list) == 0:
msg1 = 'ZDF_BildgalerieSingle: keine Bilder gefunden.'
msg2 = title
MyDialog(msg1, msg2, '')

descr = stringextract('description">', '<', rec)
if descr == '':
descr = stringextract('teaser-text">', '<', rec) # mehrere Varianten möglich
if descr == '':
descr = stringextract('class="teaser-text" >', '<', rec)
descr = mystrip(descr.strip())
PLog('descr:' + descr) # UnicodeDecodeError möglich

if title == '':
title = descr
lable = title # Titel in Textdatei
#--------------------------------------------------------------- # Ausgabe Liste

if li == '':
li = xbmcgui.ListItem()
li = home(li, ID="ZDF") # Home-Button

path_url_list=[]; text_list=[];
img_cnt=0; background=False
for pic in pic_list:
img_src, title, tag, summ = pic.split("||")
# Kodi braucht Endung für SildeShow; akzeptiert auch Endungen, die
# nicht zum Imageformat passen
# pic_name = 'Bild_%04d.jpg' % (img_cnt+1) # Bildname
pic_name = img_src.split('/')[-1] # Bildname aus Quelle
if '?' in pic_name: # Bsp.: ~2400x1350?cb=1631630217812
pic_name = pic_name.split('?')[0]
local_path = "%s/%s.jpg" % (fpath, pic_name)
PLog("local_path: " + local_path)
# title = "Bild %03d: %s" % (img_cnt+1, pic_name) # Numerierung
title = "Bild %03d: %s" % (img_cnt+1, title) # Numerierung
PLog("Bildtitel: " + title)

tag = stringextract('"teaser-info">', '</dd>', rec) # Quelle
tag = cleanhtml(tag); tag = mystrip(tag)
airtime = stringextract('class="air-time" ', '</time>', rec)
airtime = stringextract('">', '</time>', airtime)
if airtime:
tag = "%s | %s" % (tag, airtime)
if category:
tag = "%s | %s" % (tag, category)
if brand:
tag = "%s | %s" % (tag, brand)

if img_src == '': # Sicherung
PLog('Problem in Bildgalerie: Bild nicht gefunden')
if tag:
tag = "%s | %s" % (tag, title_org)

# Kodi braucht Endung für SildeShow; akzeptiert auch Endungen, die
# nicht zum Imageformat passen
# pic_name = 'Bild_%04d.jpg' % (image+1) # Bildname
pic_name = img_src.split('/')[-1] # Bildname aus Quelle
if '?' in pic_name: # Bsp.: ~2400x1350?cb=1631630217812
pic_name = pic_name.split('?')[0]
local_path = "%s/%s.jpg" % (fpath, pic_name)
PLog("local_path: " + local_path)
title = "Bild %03d: %s" % (image+1, pic_name) # Numerierung
PLog("Bildtitel: " + title)
summ = unescape(descr)

thumb = ''
local_path = os.path.abspath(local_path)
thumb = local_path
if os.path.isfile(local_path) == False: # schon vorhanden?
# path_url_list (int. Download): Zieldatei_kompletter_Pfad|Bild-Url,
# Zieldatei_kompletter_Pfad|Bild-Url, ..
path_url_list.append('%s|%s' % (local_path, img_src))
thumb = ''
local_path = os.path.abspath(local_path)
thumb = local_path
if os.path.isfile(local_path) == False: # schon vorhanden?
# path_url_list (int. Download): Zieldatei_kompletter_Pfad|Bild-Url,
# Zieldatei_kompletter_Pfad|Bild-Url, ..
path_url_list.append('%s|%s' % (local_path, img_src))

if SETTINGS.getSetting('pref_watermarks') == 'true':
txt = "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (fname,title,tag,summ)
background = True

if SETTINGS.getSetting('pref_watermarks') == 'true':
txt = "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (fname,title,tag,summ)
background = True

if thumb: # Button Einzelbild
PLog("thumb: " + thumb)
title=repl_json_chars(title); summ=repl_json_chars(summ)
if thumb:
fparams="&fparams={'path': '%s', 'single': 'True'}" % quote(local_path)
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="ZDF_SlideShow",
fanart=thumb, thumb=thumb, fparams=fparams, summary=summ, tagline=tag)

image += 1
fparams="&fparams={'path': '%s', 'single': 'True'}" % quote(local_path)
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="ZDF_SlideShow",
fanart=thumb, thumb=thumb, fparams=fparams, summary=summ, tagline=tag)
img_cnt += 1

if background and len(path_url_list) > 0: # Thread-Call mit Url- und Textliste
PLog("background: " + str(background))
PLog("background: " + str(background)) # für Watermarks
folder = fname
background_thread = Thread(target=thread_getpic,
args=(path_url_list, text_list, folder))

PLog("image: " + str(image))
if image > 0:
PLog("image_anz: %d" % len(pic_list))
if len(pic_list) > 0:
fparams="&fparams={'path': '%s'}" % quote(fpath) # fpath: SLIDESTORE/fname
addDir(li=li, label="SlideShow", action="dirList", dirID="ZDF_SlideShow",
Expand All @@ -11393,8 +11358,7 @@ def ZDF_BildgalerieSingle(path, title, li=''):
summ= u'Bei Problemen: Bilder löschen, Wasserzeichen ausschalten, Bilder neu einlesen'
fparams="&fparams={'dlpath': '%s', 'single': 'False'}" % quote(fpath)
addDir(li=li, label=lable, action="dirList", dirID="DownloadsDelete", fanart=R(ICON_DELETE),
thumb=R(ICON_DELETE), fparams=fparams, summary=summ, tagline=tag)

thumb=R(ICON_DELETE), fparams=fparams, summary=summ, tagline=tag)

xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True) # ohne Cache, um Neuladen zu verhindern

Expand All @@ -11415,7 +11379,125 @@ def ZDF_SlideShow(path, single=None):
return xbmc.executebuiltin('SlideShow(%s, %s)' % (local_path, 'notrandom'))

# Bilder einsammeln für ZDF_BildgalerieSingle
# content: Liste der Bilderblöcke
def ZDF_BilderCollect(content, title_org, mode):
PLog('ZDF_BilderCollect: ' + mode)

PLog("mode: %s" % mode)
if mode == "content": # Standard-Galerie
for rec in content:
category = stringextract('teaser-cat-category">', '</span>', rec)
category = mystrip(category)
brand = stringextract('brand-ellipsis">', '</span>', rec)
brand = mystrip(brand)

img_links = stringextract('data-srcset="', '"', rec) # mehrere Links, aufsteig. Bildgrößen
img_links = blockextract('http', img_links)
for img_link in img_links:
img_link = img_link.split(' ')[0] # Link bis 1. Blank: ..?cb=1462007560755 384w 216h
w_h = stringextract('~', '?cb', img_link) # Bsp.: ..-2014-100~384x216?cb=1462007562325
PLog(img_link); PLog(w_h)
if "x" in w_h:
w = w_h.split('x')[0] # Bsp.: 384
if int(w) > w_old and int(w) <= 1280: # Begrenz.: 1280 (gesehen: 3840)
w_old = int(w)

img_src = img_link
PLog("img_src: %s, w: %d" % (img_link, w_old))
if img_src == "":

href = stringextract('a href', '</a>', rec)
path = stringextract('="', '"', href)
if path == '': # Sicherung
path = stringextract('plusbar-url="', '"', rec)
if path.startswith("http") == False:
path = "" + path
title = stringextract('title="', '"', href) # falls leer -> descr, s.u.

tag = stringextract('"teaser-info">', '</dd>', rec) # Quelle
tag = cleanhtml(tag); tag = mystrip(tag)
airtime = stringextract('class="air-time" ', '</time>', rec)
airtime = stringextract('">', '</time>', airtime)
if airtime:
tag = "%s | %s" % (tag, airtime)
if category:
tag = "%s | %s" % (tag, category)
if brand:
tag = "%s | %s" % (tag, brand)
if tag:
tag = "%s | %s" % (tag, title_org)

descr = stringextract('description">', '<', rec)
if descr == '':
descr = stringextract('teaser-text">', '<', rec) # mehrere Varianten möglich
if descr == '':
descr = stringextract('class="teaser-text" >', '<', rec)
summ = mystrip(descr.strip())
summ = unescape(summ)
PLog('summ: ' + summ)

if title == '':
title = summ
PLog('neu: %d' % cnt);PLog(title);PLog(img_src);PLog(summ[0:40]);
p = "%s||%s||%s||%s" % (img_src, title, tag, summ)

if mode == "caption": # neues ZDF-Format Promi-News in Bildern
for item in content:
item = (item.replace('\\', ""). replace ('\\\\', "*"))
title = stringextract('"title":"', '"', item)
alt = stringextract('"altText":"', '"', item)
alt = stringextract('"altText":"', '"', item)
cr = stringextract('"source":"', '"', item)
caption = stringextract('"source":"', '"copyrightNotice', item)
summ = unescape(caption)

tag = "%s | Quelle: %s" % (alt, cr)
if tag:
tag = "%s\nBilderserie: [B]%s[/B]" % (tag, title_org)

hrefs = item.split('layouts')[-1] # layouts :{ 1140x120 : https://www.zd
href_list = blockextract("https", hrefs)
# if cnt == 0:
# PLog(href_list) # Debug
# img_src = href_list[-1] # Kennz. "original", große CPU-Last, teilw. 2850w
for img_src in href_list:
if "1280xauto" in img_src: # -> 1280x720, ev. Setting einführen
if '"' in img_src:
img_src = img_src.split('"')[0]
if ' ' in img_src: # cb=1570622747821 1280w
img_src = img_src.split(' ')[0]

except Exception as exception:
PLog("hrefs_error: " + str(exception))

if img_src == "" or ".html" in img_src or "/assets/" not in img_src: # kein Bild

PLog('neu: %d' % cnt);PLog(title);PLog(img_src);PLog(summ[0:40]);
if img_src:
p = "%s||%s||%s||%s" % (img_src, title, tag, summ)

return pic_list

def Parseplaylist(li, url_m3u8, thumb, geoblock, descr, sub_path='', stitle='', buttons=True, track_add='', live=''):
# # master.m3u8 bzw. index.m3u8 auswerten, Url muss komplett sein.
Expand Down

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