diff --git a/resources/lib/TagesschauXL.py b/resources/lib/TagesschauXL.py
index df81018..957de51 100644
--- a/resources/lib/TagesschauXL.py
+++ b/resources/lib/TagesschauXL.py
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
# TagesschauXL.py - Teil von Kodi-Addon-ARDundZDF
# Modul für für die Inhalte von tagesschau.de
-# 7 # Numerierung für Einzelupdate
-# Stand: 30.04.2023
+# 8 # Numerierung für Einzelupdate
+# Stand: 01.05.2023
# Anpassung Python3: Modul future
# Anpassung Python3: Modul kodi_six + manuelle Anpassungen
@@ -128,13 +128,13 @@ def Main_XL():
(quote(title), "ARD", quote(func))
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.yt.MVWSearch", fanart=ICON_MAINXL,
thumb=R("suche_mv.png"), tagline=tag, summary=summ, fparams=fparams)
- '''
title="Suche auf www.tagesschau.de"
summ = "Suche Sendungen und Videos auf www.tagesschau.de"
fparams="&fparams={'query': ''}"
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.TagesschauXL.XL_Search", fanart=ICON_MAINXL,
thumb=R(ICON_SEARCH), fparams=fparams)
- '''
# --------------------------------- # Livestreams
# Live: akt. PRG + vom Sender holen, json-Links in XL_Live
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ def Main_XL():
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.TagesschauXL.XL_Live", fanart=ICON_MAINXL,
thumb=ICON_LIVE, fparams=fparams, summary=summ, tagline=tag, mediatype=mediatype)
- # --------------------------------- # menu_hub -> XL_LastSendung
+ # --------------------------------- # -> menu_hub -> XL_LastSendung -> get_content_json
tag = u"[B][COLOR red]Letzte Sendung[/COLOR][/B], zurückliegende Sendungen"
summ = u"Tagesschau und Tagesschau:\n..in 100 Sekunden\n..17:50 Uhr\n..20 Uhr\n..vor 20 Jahren.."
title = 'Tagesschau'
@@ -192,14 +192,15 @@ def Main_XL():
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.TagesschauXL.menu_hub", fanart=ICON_MAINXL,
thumb=ICON_TTHEMEN, fparams=fparams, tagline=tag, mediatype=mediatype)
- # --------------------------------- # in menu_hub Direktsprung zu get_content:
- title = 'Bericht aus Berlin'
+ # ---------------------------------
+ title = 'Bericht aus Berlin' # -> menu_hub -> ARDnew.get_json_content
tag = u"In Berichten, Interviews und Analysen beleuchtet politische Sachthemen und die Persönlichkeiten, die damit verbunden sind."
fparams="&fparams={'title': '%s','path': '%s', 'ID': '%s'}" %\
(quote(title), quote(ARD_bab), 'ARD_bab')
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.TagesschauXL.menu_hub", fanart=ICON_MAINXL,
thumb=ICON_BAB, tagline=tag, fparams=fparams)
+ # --------------------------------- # -> get_VideoAudio -> get_content_json
title = 'Investigativ'
tag = u"Investigative Inhalte der ARD - aufwändig recherchierte Beiträge und Exclusivgeschichten der "
tag = u"%sPolitik-Magazine Monitor, Panorama, Report und Kontraste. " % tag
@@ -229,10 +230,10 @@ def Main_XL():
# nun auf der Webseite als quoted json eingebettet, Direktsprung zu XLGetSourcesHTML
# entfällt - Auswertung nun über vorgeschaltete Funktion XL_LastSendung ->
# XLGetSourcesJSON
-# 15.04.2023 get_page_content -> get_json_content
+# 15.04.2023 get_page_content -> get_content_json
def menu_hub(title, path, ID, show=""):
- PLog('menu_hub:')
+ PLog('menu_hub : + ID')
PLog(title); PLog(path);
page, msg = get_page(path=path)
@@ -247,18 +248,13 @@ def menu_hub(title, path, ID, show=""):
if ID=='ARD_100' or ID=='ARD_Last' or ID=='ARD_20Uhr' or ID=='ARD_Gest' or ID=='ARD_tthemen':
XL_LastSendung(title, page, show=show)
- # Seiten mit unterschiedlichen Archiv-Inhalten - ARD_bab, ARD_Archiv, ARD_Blogs,
- # Podcasts_Audios, ARD_Bilder, ARD_kurz, BASE_FAKT
- li = xbmcgui.ListItem()
- li = home(li, ID='TagesschauXL') # Home-Button
if ID == 'ARD_bab': # 14.02.2023 umgestellt auf api.ardmediathek.de
mark=''; ID="XL_menu_hub"
+ li = xbmcgui.ListItem()
+ li = home(li, ID='TagesschauXL') # Home-Button
li = get_json_content(li, page, ID, mark) # -> ARDnew
- else:
- li = get_content(li, page, ID=ID, path=path)
xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)
@@ -336,7 +332,8 @@ def Archiv(path, ID, img): # 30 Tage - ähnlich Verpasst
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def XL_Search(query='', pagenr=''):
- PLog("XL_Search:")
+ PLog("XL_Search: " + pagenr)
if query == '':
query = get_query(channel='ARD')
@@ -345,229 +342,132 @@ def XL_Search(query='', pagenr=''):
query_org = query
query=py2_decode(query) # decode, falls erf. (1. Aufruf)
- items_per_page = 10 # höhere Werte sind wirkungslos (Vorgabe ARD)
- PLog('XL_Search:'); PLog(query); PLog(pagenr);
if pagenr == '': # erster Aufruf muss '' sein
pagenr = 1
+ else:
+ pagenr = int(pagenr)
- path = "https://www.tagesschau.de/json/search?searchText=%s" % query # 30.04.2023
- page, msg = get_page(path=path, JsonPage=True) # -> dump
- if page == '':
+ path1 = "https://www.tagesschau.de/json/search?searchText=%s&documentType=video&pageIndex=%d" % (query, pagenr)
+ path2 = "https://www.tagesschau.de/json/search?searchText=%s&documentType=audio&pageIndex=%d" % (query, pagenr)
+ page1, msg = get_page(path=path1)
+ page2, msg = get_page(path=path2)
+ if not page1 and not page2:
msg1 = "Fehler in XL_Search:"
msg2 = msg
MyDialog(msg1, msg2, '')
- return
- jsonObject = json.loads(page)
- PLog(len(jsonObject))
- cnt = jsonObject["totalEntriesCount"]
- PLog("cnt: %d" % cnt)
- if cnt == 0:
- query = (query.replace('%252B', ' ').replace('+', ' ')) # quotiertes ersetzen
- msg1 = u'Leider keine Beiträge zu: [B]%s[/B] gefunden' % query
- MyDialog(msg1, '', '')
- XL_SearchCluster(jsonObject, query)
- return
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-def XL_SearchCluster(jsonObject, query):
- PLog("XL_SearchCluster:")
li = xbmcgui.ListItem()
li = home(li, ID='TagesschauXL') # Home-Button
- # todo: "imageGallery" ergänzen:
- typ_list = ["video", "audio"] # nicht: "all", "article"
- for objs in jsonObject["documentTypes"]:
- PLog(str(objs)[:60])
- summ=""
- typ = objs ["type"]
- cnt = objs["count"]
- PLog("cnt: %d" % cnt)
- if typ not in typ_list:
- continue
- for item in objs["items"]:
- PLog(str(item)[:60])
- headline = item["headline"]
- title = "[B]%s: [/B] %s" % (up_low(typ), headline)
- tag = "weiter zum Beitrag | Suche: %s" % query
- if "teaserImage" in item: # kann fehlen
- img = item["teaserImage"]["urlM"]
- img_alt = item["teaserImage"]["altText"]
- img_cr = item["teaserImage"]["imageRights"]
- summ = "Bild: %s | %s" % (img_alt, img_cr)
- else:
- url = BASE_URL + item["url"]
- query=py2_encode(query); url=py2_encode(url)
- fparams="&fparams={'title': '%s', 'path': '%s'}" %\
- (quote(query), quote(url))
- addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.TagesschauXL.get_VideoAudio",
- fanart=img, thumb=img, tagline=tag, summary=summ, fparams=fparams)
+ jsonObject1 = json.loads(page1)
+ PLog(str(jsonObject1)[:80])
+ jsonObject2 = json.loads(page2)
+ docObject1 = jsonObject1["documentTypes"][0]
+ docObject2 = jsonObject2["documentTypes"][0]
+ cnt1 = docObject1["count"]
+ cnt2 = docObject2["count"]
+ PLog("cnt1: %d, cnt2: %d" % (cnt1, cnt2))
+ items1 = docObject1["items"]
+ items2 = docObject2["items"]
+ PLog("items1: %d, items2: %d" % (len(items1), len(items2)))
+ try:
+ item1 = docObject1["items"][0]
+ PLog(str(item1)[:80])
+ except:
+ cnt1=0
+ try:
+ item2 = docObject2["items"][0]
+ except:
+ cnt2=0
+ if len(items1):
+ title = "[B]Videos: Seite %d[/B]" % pagenr
+ img = get_img(item1) # Bild 1. Beitrag
+ url = BASE_URL + item1["url"]
+ tag = "Folgeseiten | zu den Videos"
+ query=py2_encode(query); url=py2_encode(url)
+ fparams="&fparams={'url': '%s', 'query': '%s', 'typ': 'VIDEO'}" %\
+ (quote(path1), quote(query)) # hier Such-Url11 -> XL_SearchContent
+ addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.TagesschauXL.XL_SearchContent",
+ fanart=img, thumb=img, tagline=tag, fparams=fparams)
- xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)
+ if len(items2):
+ title = "[B]Audios: Seite %d[/B]" % pagenr
+ img = get_img(item2) # Bild 1. Beitrag
+ url = BASE_URL + item2["url"]
+ tag = "Folgeseiten | zu den Audios"
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# mark dient der Farbmarkierung bei ID='Search'
-# 14.02.2023 ARD_bab hier entfernt (umgestellt auf api, s. menu_hub)
-def get_content(li, page, ID, mark='', path=''):
- PLog('get_content:')
- PLog(len(page)); PLog(ID);
+ query=py2_encode(query); url=py2_encode(url)
+ fparams="&fparams={'url': '%s', 'query': '%s', 'typ': 'AUDIO'}" %\
+ (quote(path2), quote(query)) # hier Such-Url2 -> XL_SearchContent
+ addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.TagesschauXL.XL_SearchContent",
+ fanart=img, thumb=img, tagline=tag, fparams=fparams)
- if ID=='Search' or ID=='ARD_Bilder':
- content = blockextract('class="teaser">', page)
- if ID=='ARD_Blogs' or ID=='ARD_kurz' or ID=='ARD_Archiv_Day':
- content = blockextract('class="teaser" >', page)
- base_url = BASE_FAKT
+ xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def XL_SearchContent(url, query, typ):
+ PLog("XL_SearchContent: " + url)
- PLog(len(page)); PLog(len(content));
- if len(content) == 0: # kein Ergebnis oder allg. Fehler
- msg1 = 'Keine Inhalte gefunden.' #
- msg2 = u'Bitte die Seite im Web überprüfen.'
- msg3 = path
- MyDialog(msg1, msg2, msg3)
- return
- base_url = BASE_URL
- cnt = 0
- for rec in content:
- cnt = cnt +1 # Satz-Zähler
- teaser_img = ''
- teaser_img = stringextract('src="', '"', rec)
- if teaser_img.find('http://') == -1: # ohne http:// bei Wetter + gelöschten Seiten
- teaser_img = base_url + teaser_img
- teaser_url = stringextract('href="', '"', rec) # 1. Stelle ', '
', rec).strip() # Teasertext mit url + Langtext,
- teasertext = teasertext.replace('| ', '')
- teasertext = cleanhtml(teasertext)
- dachzeile = stringextract('dachzeile">', '', rec).strip() # Dachzeile mit url + Typ + Datum
- dachzeile = cleanhtml(dachzeile)
- teaser_typ = stringextract('', '', dachzeile)
- teaser_date = stringextract('', '', dachzeile)
- tagline = teaser_typ + teaser_date
- headlineclass = stringextract('headline">', '', rec).strip() # Headline mit url + Kurztext
- headline = stringextract('html">', '', headlineclass)
- teasertext = "%s | %s" % (dachzeile, teasertext.strip())
- PLog(teasertext[:80])
- if ID=='ARD_Blogs' or ID=='ARD_kurz':
- if cnt == 1 and ID=='ARD_Blogs': # allg. Beschreibung in ARD_Blogs, 1. Satz
- continue
- headline = stringextract('class="headline">', '', '', rec) # fehlt im 1. Satz
- teasertext = stringextract('class="teasertext">', '| ', rec) # 1. Satz mit Leerz. vor ", mit url + Typ
- tagline = dachzeile
- pos = rec.find('class="gallerie">') # Satz mit zusätzl. Bilderserie?
- if pos > 0: # wir erzeugen 2. Button, s.u.
- leftpos, leftstring = my_rfind('', rec)
- gallery_url = base_url + stringextract('href="', '"', leftstring)
- if ID=='ARD_Bilder':
- onlyGallery=True # kein Hybrid-Satz
- gallery_url = base_url + stringextract('href="', '"', rec) # 1. Stelle ', '', rec).strip() # Headline mit url + Kurztext
- headline = stringextract('html">', '', headlineclass)
- teasertext = stringextract('title="', '"', rec) # Bildtitel als teasertext
- teaserdate = stringextract('class="teasertext">', '| ', rec) # nur Datum
- tagline = teaserdate
- if ID=='ARD_Archiv_Day':
- headlineclass = stringextract('headline">', '', rec) # Headline mit url + Kurztext
- headline = stringextract('html">', '', headlineclass)
- teasertext = stringextract('class="teasertext ">', '', rec).strip() # Teasertext mit url + Langtext,
- teasertext = stringextract('html">', '', teasertext) # Text hinter url, nach | folgt typ
- if teasertext == '': # leer: tagesschau vor 20 Jahren
- teasertext = headline
- dachzeile = stringextract('dachzeile">', '', rec)
- tagline = dachzeile
- headline = "%s: %s" % (headline, dachzeile[-9:]) # Titel mit Uhrzeit
- PLog('pre_Satz3:')
- PLog(teaser_url); PLog(headline); PLog(teasertext[:80]);
- PLog(dachzeile); PLog(teaser_typ); PLog(teaser_date);
- title = headline; title = repl_json_chars(title)
- title = mystrip(title); title = unescape(title)
- if ID=='Search':
- title = make_mark(mark, title, "red") # farbige Markierung
- tagline = cleanhtml(tagline); tagline = repl_json_chars(tagline)
- summary = unescape(teasertext.strip())
- summary = cleanhtml(summary); summary = repl_json_chars(summary)
- summ_par = summary.replace('\n','||')
- if tagline == summary:
- tagline = ''
- if title=='':
- PLog('title leer: skip')
- continue
- PLog('Satz3:')
- PLog(teaser_img);PLog(teaser_url);PLog(title);PLog(summary[:80]);PLog(tagline);
- PLog(ID); PLog(mp3_url);
- title=py2_encode(title); gallery_url=py2_encode(gallery_url)
- teaser_url=py2_encode(teaser_url); summary=py2_encode(summary)
- teaser_img=py2_encode(teaser_img); tagline=py2_encode(tagline); summ_par=py2_encode(summ_par)
+ title = repl_json_chars(title); summ = repl_json_chars(summ);
- if mp3_url: # mp3-Quelle bereits bekannt
- ID='TagesschauXL'
- fparams="&fparams={'url': '%s', 'title': '%s', 'thumb': '%s', 'Plot': '%s', 'ID': '%s'}" % (quote(mp3_url),
- quote(title), quote(teaser_img), quote_plus(summ_par), ID)
- addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="ardundzdf.AudioPlayMP3", fanart=teaser_img, thumb=teaser_img,
- fparams=fparams, summary=summary)
- else: # -> XLGetSourcesHTML / XLGetSourcesJSON
- mediatype='' # (direkt -> PlayVideo)
- if SETTINGS.getSetting('pref_video_direct') == 'true': # Kennz. Video für Sofortstart
- mediatype='video'
- if ID=="ARD_Archiv_Day" or ID=="Search": # ohne ts-mediaplayer in Webseite
- func = "XLGetSourcesPlayer"
- Dict_ID=teaser_url # XLGetSourcesPlayer lädt conf von Zielseite
- fparams="&fparams={'title': '%s', 'Dict_ID': '%s', 'Plot': '%s', 'img': '%s'}" %\
- (quote(title), Dict_ID, quote(summ_par), quote(teaser_img))
- addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.TagesschauXL.%s" % func,
- fanart=teaser_img, thumb=teaser_img, fparams=fparams, mediatype=mediatype, summary=summary)
- else:
- func = "XLGetSourcesHTML" # Default Zielfunktion
- fparams="&fparams={'title': '%s', 'path': '%s', 'summ': '%s', 'thumb': '%s', 'tag': '%s', 'ID': '%s'}" %\
- (quote(title), quote(teaser_url), quote(summ_par), quote(teaser_img), quote(tagline), ID)
- addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.TagesschauXL.%s" % func,
- fanart=teaser_img, thumb=teaser_img, summary=summary, tagline=tagline, fparams=fparams,
- mediatype=mediatype)
- return li
+ fparams="&fparams={'title': '%s','path': '%s'}" %\
+ (quote(title), quote(url))
+ addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.TagesschauXL.get_VideoAudio",
+ fanart=img, thumb=img, tagline=tag, summary=summ, fparams=fparams)
+ # Mehr-Seiten - ohne Berechnung
+ tag = u"nächste Seite, aktuell: %s" % pagenr
+ nextpage = str(int(pagenr) + 1)
+ PLog("nextpage: %s" % nextpage)
+ title = "Mehr: [B]%s[/B]" % query
+ fparams="&fparams={'query': '%s', 'pagenr': '%s'}" % (query, nextpage)
+ addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="resources.lib.TagesschauXL.XL_Search", fanart=R(ICON_MEHR),
+ thumb=R(ICON_MEHR), fparams=fparams, tagline=tag)
+ xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def get_img(item):
+ PLog('get_img:')
+ PLog(str(item))
+ try:
+ img = item["teaserImage"]["urlM"]
+ except:
+ return img
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def XL_Live(ID=''):
@@ -679,6 +579,7 @@ def get_VideoAudio(title, path): # Faktenfinder
xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_content_json(item):
@@ -723,95 +624,11 @@ def get_content_json(item):
PLog('Get_content typ: %s | av_typ: %s | title: %s | tag: %s | descr: %s |img: %s | stream: %s' %\
(typ,av_typ,title,tag,summ,img,stream) )
return typ,av_typ,title,tag,summ,img,stream
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# holt Videoquellen aus data-config-Bereich des eingebetteten
-# ts-mediaplayers, hier erneut geladen via Dict_ID
-# Ev. vorh. Audioquelle wird sofort gestartet
-# Sofortstart: Direktaufruf in build_Streamlists_buttons
-# Dict_ID enthält path bei Aufruf aus get_content (ID's: ARD_Archiv_Day,
-# Search - Webseiten ohne ts-mediaplayer)
-def XLGetSourcesPlayer(title, Dict_ID, Plot, img):
- PLog('XLGetSourcesPlayer: ' + title)
- PLog(Dict_ID)
- if Dict_ID.startswith('http'):
- page, msg = get_page(path=Dict_ID) # json-Daten mit Video-/Audio-Link
- conf = stringextract("data-config='", ',"_sharing', page) # quoted ohne Abschnitt services
- conf = unescape(conf); conf = conf.replace('\\"', '"')
- conf = conf + '}}' # json-komp.
- if page == '' or conf == '':
- conf=False
- else:
- conf = Dict("load", Dict_ID) # unescape durch Aufrufer
- PLog(conf[:80])
- if conf == False:
- msg1 = u"XLGetSourcesPlayer: Playerdaten nicht gefunden für"
- msg2 = title
- MyDialog(msg1, msg2, '')
- return
- typ = stringextract('"_type":"', '"', conf) # Ausleitung Audio
- if typ == "audio":
- Plot = Plot.replace("VIDEO", "AUDIO")
- url = stringextract('"url":"', '"', conf)
- ID='TagesschauXL'
- AudioPlayMP3(url, title, img, Plot, ID)
- return
- base_url = BASE_URL
- li = xbmcgui.ListItem()
- li = home(li, ID='TagesschauXL') # Home-Button
- title = stringextract('"title":"', '"', conf)
- title = title.replace('#', '*') # # ist Trenner in title_href in StreamsShow
- PLog("title: " + title)
- typ = stringextract('"_type":"', '"', conf)
- sub_path = stringextract('_subtitleUrl":"', '"', conf)
- geoblock = stringextract('geoblocked":', ',', conf)
- if geoblock == 'true': # Geoblock-Anhang für title, summary
- geoblock = ' | Geoblock: JA'
- else:
- geoblock = ' | Geoblock: nein'
- try:
- VideoObj = json.loads(conf)
- mediaArray = VideoObj["mc"]["_mediaArray"][0]
- StreamArray = mediaArray["_mediaStreamArray"]
- PLog("VideoObj: %d, mediaArray: %d, StreamArray: %d" % (len(VideoObj),len(mediaArray), len(StreamArray)))
- except Exception as exception:
- PLog(str(exception))
- msg1 = u'keine Videoquellen gefunden'
- PLog(msg1)
- MyDialog(msg1, '', '')
- return
- HLS_List,MP4_List,HBBTV_List = XLGetVideoLists(li, title, StreamArray)
- if not len(HLS_List) and not len(MP4_List):
- msg1 = "keine Streamingquelle gefunden: %s" % title
- PLog(msg1)
- MyDialog(msg1, '', '')
- return li
- #----------------------------------------------- Abschluss wie XLGetSourcesJSON
- # Nutzung build_Streamlists_buttons (Haupt-PRG), einschl. Sofortstart
- #
- PLog('Lists_Investigativ_ready:');
- ID = ""; HOME_ID = 'TagesschauXL';
- ID = 'TXL'; thumb=img;
- Plot=Plot.replace('||', '\n')
- build_Streamlists_buttons(li,title,thumb,geoblock,Plot,sub_path,\
- HLS_List,MP4_List,HBBTV_List,ID,HOME_ID)
- xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bau HBBTV_List (leer), HLS_List, MP4_List via Modul ARDnew
# page -> json
+# 01.05.2023 z.Z. nicht genutzt - häufige Beiträge mit nur 1 Stream
def XLGetVideoLists(li, title, StreamArray):
PLog('import_ARDnew:'); # ARDStartVideoHLSget, ARDStartVideoMP4get
@@ -830,205 +647,10 @@ def XLGetVideoLists(li, title, StreamArray):
return HLS_List,MP4_List,HBBTV_List
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-def get_content_text(page, title, summ, tag,): # Textausgabe statt Video
- PLog('get_content_text: ' + title)
- show_text=[];
- show_text_title = "ohne Video | %s" % title
- pos = page.find("") # Rest abschneiden
- page = page[:pos]
- page = mystrip(page)
- item_list=[]
- meldungskopf = stringextract('class="meldungskopf', 'list-element__date', page)
- item_list.append(meldungskopf) # Hauptmeldung
- meldungen = blockextract('"list-element__date">', page, "picture class")
- PLog(len(meldungen)) # weitere Meldungen
- item_list= item_list + meldungen
- PLog(len(item_list))
- for item in item_list:
- PLog(item[:200])
- PLog('Mark0')
- datum = stringextract('_date">', '', item) # 1. Kopfdaten
- if datum == '':
- datum = stringextract('datetime">', '', item) # Meldungskopf
- topline = stringextract('_topline">', '', item)
- headline = stringextract('_headline">', '', item)
- if "meldungskopf_" in item: # Meldungskopf
- headline = stringextract('_headline--text">', '', item)
- headline = cleanhtml(headline); headline = py2_decode(headline)
- headline = unescape(headline)
- datum=mystrip(datum);topline=mystrip(topline);
- headline=mystrip(headline);
- absatztitle = u"[COLOR red]%s | %s | %s[/COLOR]\n" % (datum, topline, headline)
- if datum == '': # statt Datum tag + summ
- PLog(topline); PLog(headline);
- absatztitle = u"[COLOR red]%s | %s[/COLOR]\n\n%s\n" % (title, tag, summ)
- show_text.append(absatztitle)
- PLog('Satz5:')
- PLog(datum); PLog(topline);PLog(headline);PLog(title); PLog(absatztitle)
- #------------------
- absatz='';
- absatz_list = blockextract('class="m-ten', item, "") # 2. Absätze
- PLog(len(absatz_list))
- for line in absatz_list:
- line = stringextract('twelve">', '', line)
- line = mystrip(line)
- PLog(line[:80])
- absatz = "%s\n%s\n" % (absatz, line)
- show_text.append(absatz)
- PLog('Mark1')
- PLog(len(show_text))
- PLog(str(show_text)[:80])
- show_text = "\n".join(show_text)
- show_text = cleanhtml(show_text)
- ShowText(path='', title=show_text_title, page=show_text)
- return
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Problem Texte (tagline, summary): hier umfangreicher, aber Verzicht, da mindestens 3 Seitenkonzepte.
-# Wir übernehmen daher die Texte vom Aufrufer.
-# Seiten können sowohl Video- als auch Audio-Beiträge enthalten - für Kodi-Player keine getrennte
-# Behandlung erforderlich.
-# 03.02.2021 neu: Videoquellen erreichbar als json-Datei via player_id (Kopfbereich html-Seite)
-def XLGetSourcesHTML(path, title, summ, tag, thumb, ID=''):
- PLog('XLGetSourcesHTML: ' + path)
- PLog(title); PLog(summ); PLog(tag); PLog(ID);
- title_org = title
- tagline = tag; summary =summ
- thumb_org = thumb
- page, msg = get_page(path=path)
- # Bsp. ../multimedia/video/video-813379~ardplayer.html:
- if '/multimedia/video/video-' in page:
- player_id = stringextract('/multimedia/video/video-', '.html', page)
- videolink = BASE_URL + '/multimedia/video/video-' + player_id + ".html"
- videolink = videolink.replace('~ardplayer', '')
- PLog("player_id: %s, videolink: %s" % (player_id, videolink))
- page, msg = get_page(path=videolink)
- player = stringextract('player:stream"', '/>', page)
- player_url = stringextract('content="', '"', player) # i.d.R. mp3-url
- Plot = "%s\n\n%s" % (tag, summ)
- if SETTINGS.getSetting('pref_video_direct') == 'true': # or Merk == 'true': # Sofortstart
- PLog('Sofortstart: XLGetSourcesHTML')
- PlayVideo(player_url, title, thumb, Plot)
- return
- if ID =="Podcasts_Audios":
- url = stringextract('title="MP3-Format', '>mp3<', page)
- url = stringextract('href="', '"', url)
- if url == '': # Altermative
- url = stringextract('player:stream', '/>', page)
- url = stringextract('content="', '"', url)
- PLog('audio_url' + url)
- if url:
- ID='TagesschauXL'
- AudioPlayMP3(url, title, thumb, Plot=title, ID=ID) # direkt (ardundzdf.py)
- xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)
- return
- media_base = "https://www.tagesschau.de/multimedia/video/video-%s~mediajson.json"
- player_id = player_id.replace('~ardplayer', '')
- path = media_base % player_id
- page, msg = get_page(path=path, JsonPage=True)
- if page == '':
- msg1 = u"Keine Videoquellen gefunden für:"
- msg2 = "%s" % title
- msg3 = msg
- MyDialog(msg1, msg2, msg3)
- return
- PLog(len(page))
- # wir verwenden nur _plugin":1 (skip .f4m-Formate in _plugin":0, s.
- # ARDStartSingle:
- page = page.replace('\n', '') # anpassen an übl. Format
- page = page.replace('": ', '":')
- Plugin1 = page.split('_plugin":1')[1]
- li = xbmcgui.ListItem()
- li = home(li, ID='TagesschauXL') # Home-Button
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Rest bei Gelegenheit mit XLGetSourcesJSON zusammenführen:
- #link_img = stringextract('_previewImage":"', '",', page) # ev. nur Mediatheksymbol
- thumb = stringextract('xl":"', '"', page) # ev. nur Mediatheksymbol
- if thumb == '':
- thumb = stringextract('xs":"', '"', page)
- if thumb.startswith('http') == False:
- thumb = BASE_URL + thumb
- geoblock = stringextract('geoblocked":', ',', page) # Geoblock-Markierung ARD
- sub_path = stringextract('_subtitleUrl":"', '"', page)
- if geoblock == 'true': # Geoblock-Anhang für title, summary
- geoblock = ' | Geoblock: JA'
- title = title + geoblock
- else:
- geoblock = ' | Geoblock: nein'
- dauer = stringextract('duration":"', '"', page)
- dauer = seconds_translate(dauer)
- tagline = "%s | Dauer: %s" % (tagline, dauer)
- if summary:
- tagline = "%s\n\n%s" % (tagline, summary)
- tagline = "Titel: %s\n\n%s" % (title_org, tagline) # Titel neu in Streamlists_buttons
- Plot = tagline.replace('\n', '||')
- PLog('Satz2:')
- PLog(title); PLog(dauer); PLog(geoblock); PLog(tagline);
- PLog('import_ARDnew:'); # ARDStartVideoHLSget, ARDStartVideoMP4get
- import resources.lib.ARDnew as ARDnew
- VideoUrls = blockextract('_quality', Plugin1)
- PLog(len(VideoUrls))
- # Formate siehe StreamsShow # HLS_List + MP4_List anlegen
- # generisch: "Label | Bandbreite | Auflösung | Titel#Url"
- # fehlende Bandbreiten + Auflösungen werden ergänzt
- HBBTV_List='' # nur ZDF
- HLS_List = ARDnew.ARDStartVideoHLSget(title, VideoUrls) # Extrakt HLS
- PLog("HLS_List: " + str(HLS_List)[:80])
- MP4_List = ARDnew.ARDStartVideoMP4get(title, VideoUrls) # Extrakt MP4
- Dict("store", 'TXL_HLS_List', HLS_List)
- Dict("store", 'TXL_MP4_List', MP4_List)
- PLog("download_list: " + str(MP4_List)[:80])
- PLog(str(MP4_List))
- if not len(HLS_List) and not len(MP4_List):
- msg1 = "keine Streamingquelle gefunden: %s" % title
- PLog(msg1)
- MyDialog(msg1, '', '')
- return li
- #-----------------------------------------------
- # Nutzung build_Streamlists_buttons (Haupt-PRG), einschl. Sofortstart
- #
- PLog('Lists_ready:');
- ID = ""; HOME_ID = 'TagesschauXL';
- ID = 'TXL';
- build_Streamlists_buttons(li,title_org,thumb,geoblock,Plot,sub_path,\
- HLS_List,MP4_List,HBBTV_List,ID,HOME_ID)
- xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------