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rols1 committed Mar 26, 2023
1 parent b25cbdb commit 4710491
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Showing 3 changed files with 96 additions and 123 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion addon.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<addon id="" name="ARDundZDF" version="4.6.5+matrix" provider-name="rols1 (">
<addon id="" name="ARDundZDF" version="4.6.6+matrix" provider-name="rols1 (">
<import addon="xbmc.python" version="3.0.0"/>
<import addon="script.module.kodi-six" />
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206 changes: 84 additions & 122 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@

# VERSION -> addon.xml aktualisieren
# <nr>90</nr> # Numerierung für Einzelupdate
VERSION = '4.6.5'
VDATE = '19.03.2023'
VERSION = '4.6.6'
VDATE = '26.03.2023'

# (c) 2019 by Roland Scholz,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1726,6 +1726,7 @@ def Audio_get_nexturl(li, url_org, title_org, elements, cnt, myfunc):
def Audio_get_items_single(item, ID=''):
base = ""

item = item.replace('\\"', '*')
mp3_url=''; web_url=''; attr=''; img=''; dur=''; title='';
Expand All @@ -1737,14 +1738,14 @@ def Audio_get_items_single(item, ID=''):
mp3_url = stringextract('"url":"', '"', audios)
if mp3_url == '':
web_url = stringextract('"sharingUrl":"', '"', item) # Weblink
#path = stringextract('path":', '},', item) # Titel-Ersatz in tag z.Z.n. genutzt
#path = path.split("/")
#path = "".join(path[2:3])
if mp3_url == '' and web_url == "": # neu ab 25.03.2023
web_url = base + stringextract('"path":"', '"', item)

attr = stringextract('"attribution":"', '"', item) # Sender, CR usw.
if attr:
attr = "Bild: %s" % attr

img = stringextract('image":', '},', item)
img = stringextract('image":', ',"', item)
img = stringextract('"url":"', '"', img)
img = img.replace('{width}', '640')
img = img.replace('16x9', '1x1') # 16x9 kann fehlen, z,B. bei Suche
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1787,7 +1788,6 @@ def AudioSearch(title, query='', path=''):
CacheTime = 6000 # 1 Std.
title_org = title

base = ""
# api-Bsp.:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1822,17 +1822,18 @@ def AudioSearch(title, query='', path=''):
MyDialog(msg1, msg2, '')

AudioSearch_cluster(li, path, title="Suche: %s" % query, ID=ID, query=query)
AudioSearch_cluster(li, path, title="Suche: %s" % query, key="", query=query)

xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)
# 1. Aufruf: lädt Webseite für Suche + ermittelt Cluster im Webteil,
# erstellt die passenden api-Calls
# 2. Aufruf: führt api-Call aus und übergibt an Audio_get_search_cluster
# entfallen: Suchergebnisse -> PodFavoriten
# 25.03.2023 Umstellung Web -> json nach ARD-Änderungen
def AudioSearch_cluster(li, url, title, page='', ID='', query=''):
PLog('AudioSearch_cluster: ' + ID)
def AudioSearch_cluster(li, url, title, page='', key='', query=''):
PLog('AudioSearch_cluster: ' + key)
PLog(query); PLog(li)

if page == '': # Permanent-Redirect-Url
Expand All @@ -1845,147 +1846,108 @@ def AudioSearch_cluster(li, url, title, page='', ID='', query=''):
MyDialog(msg1, msg2, '')
search_url = url # für Step2

page = Audio_get_webslice(page, mode="json") # json ausschneiden
page = json.loads(page)
objs = page["pageProps"]["initialData"]["data"]["search"]
except Exception as exception:
PLog("search_error: " + str(exception))

#-------------------------------- # 2. Aufruf Sendungen, Sammlungen
if ID=="Categories" or ID=="Collections" or ID=="ProgramSets":
Audio_get_search_cluster(page, ID) # Mehrfach -> Verteilung
xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)
if ID=="Episodes" : # Einzel, ProgramSets -> Audio_get_sendung_api
Audio_get_sendung_api(url, title, page, ID=ID)
if key:
Audio_get_search_cluster(objs, key) # -> Verteilung
xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)

#-------------------------------- # 1. Aufruf


PLog("Step1:") # 1. Aufruf
if li == '':
li = xbmcgui.ListItem()
li = home(li,ID='ARD Audiothek') # Home-Button

if page.startswith('<!DOCTYPE html>'):
page = Audio_get_webslice(page, mode="web") # HTML ausschneiden
href_add = "offset=0&limit=20"
# Bsp. Cluster: <h2 class="H2-sc-1h18a06-3 hzOdMY">Sendungen <span..
# oder: <h2 class="Headlines__H2-sc-1vhiq7g-3 jkjoxW">Sendungen
cluster = blockextract('<h2 class="H', page)
# Der zusätzl. Abschnitt "deviceType": "responsive" mit
# allen Rubriken wird nicht gelistet
cluster = [u"editorialCategories|Rubriken",
u"items|Episoden (Einzelbeiträge)"]

tag = "Folgeseiten"
for clus in cluster:
href_web = stringextract('href="', '"', clus) # Web-href
sid = href_web.split("/")[-1] # z.B. 21679406
href_title = stringextract('hwYlFp">', '<', clus) # hier n.b.

ftitle = stringextract('<h3 class="H3', '<div>', clus) # 1. Titel für tag
ftitle = stringextract('">', '</h3>', ftitle)
ftitle = unescape(ftitle); ftitle = repl_json_chars(ftitle)
img = stringextract('img src="', '"', clus) # 1. img vor srcSet
if img == '':

tag = "[B]Folgeseiten[/B]"
if '/sendung/' in href_web:
href = ARD_AUDIO_BASE + "search/programsets?query=%s&%s" % (quote(query), href_add)
title = "Sendungen"
ID = "ProgramSets"
if '/sammlung/' in href_web:
href = ARD_AUDIO_BASE + "search/editorialcollections?query=%s&%s" % (quote(query), href_add)
title = "Sammlungen"
ID = "Collections"
if '/rubrik/' in href_web:
href = ARD_AUDIO_BASE + "search/editorialcategories?query=%s&%s" % (quote(query), href_add)
title = "Rubriken"
ID = "Categories"
if '/episode/' in href_web or ID == "Error_404_Search": # optionale Websuche
href = ARD_AUDIO_BASE + "search/items?query=%s&%s" % (quote(query), href_add)
title = "Episoden (einzelne Beiträge)"
ID = "Episodes"

if ftitle:
tag = "%s\n\n1. Beitrag: %s" % (tag, ftitle)

PLog(href_web); PLog(href); PLog(sid); PLog(title); PLog(img);
key, tag = clus.split("|")
PLog("%s | %s" % (key, tag))
anz = str(objs[key]["totalCount"])

if objs[key]["totalCount"] > 0:
item = objs[key]["nodes"][0] # 1. Beitrag
tag = u"Folgeseiten | [B]%s[/B]" % (tag)
if key != "items": #
tag = u"%s\nAnzahl: %s" % (tag, anz)
# Anpassung für string-Auswertung:
s=str(item); s=s.replace("'", '"'); s=s.replace('": "', '":"'); s=s.replace('", "', '","')
s = s.replace('\\"', '*')
mp3_url, web_url, attr, img, dur, title, summ, source, sender, pubDate = Audio_get_items_single(s)
PLog(key); PLog(title); PLog(search_url); PLog(attr);

search_url=py2_encode(search_url); title=py2_encode(title); # -> 2. Aufruf mit web_url
fparams="&fparams={'li': '','url': '%s', 'title': '%s', 'key': '%s'}" % (quote(search_url),
quote(title), key)
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="AudioSearch_cluster", \
fanart=img, thumb=img, fparams=fparams, tagline=tag, summary=summ)

href=py2_encode(href); title=py2_encode(title); ID=py2_encode(ID) # -> 2. Aufruf
fparams="&fparams={'li': '','url': '%s', 'title': '%s', 'ID': '%s'}" % (quote(href),
quote(title), quote(ID))
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="AudioSearch_cluster", \
fanart=img, thumb=img, fparams=fparams, tagline=tag)

xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)

# 20.02.2022 Erneuerung Audiothek
# Auswertung Mehrfach-Beiträge für AudioSearch_cluster
# ID's: Categories = Rubriken
# Collections = Sammlungen -> Audio_get_sendung_api
# ProgramSets = Sendungen -> Audio_get_sendung)
# Episodes = Einzelsendungen (hier nicht relevant)
# keys: editorialCategories = Rubriken
# editorialCollections = Sammlungen -> Audio_get_sendung_api
# programSets = Sendungen -> Audio_get_sendung)
# items = Einzelsendungen (Episoden)
# 25.03.2023 Anpassungen an ARD-Änderungen
def Audio_get_search_cluster(page, ID):
PLog('Audio_get_search_cluster: ' + ID)
def Audio_get_search_cluster(objs, key):
PLog('Audio_get_search_cluster: ' + key)

li = xbmcgui.ListItem()
li = home(li,ID='ARD Audiothek') # Home-Button

href_add = "offset=0&limit=12"
elements = stringextract('"numberOfElements":', ',', page) # für Mehr anzeigen
PLog("elements: " + elements)
page = page.replace('\\"', '*')

if ID == "ProgramSets": # Sendungen
items = items = blockextract('"id":', page, '}}')
if key=="items" : # Einzel (Episoden)
items = objs[key]["nodes"]
s=str(items); s=s.replace("'", '"'); s=s.replace('": "', '":"'); s=s.replace('", "', '","')
s = s.replace('\\"', '*')
Audio_get_sendung(url="", title="", page=s)
else: # Kategorien, Kollektionen, ProgrammSets
li = home(li,ID='ARD Audiothek') # Home-Button
items = objs[key]["nodes"]
for item in items:
if ID == "ProgramSets" and item.find("sharingUrl") < 0: # skip doppel-Block ID

mp3_url, web_url, attr, img, dur, title, summ, source, sender, pubDate = Audio_get_items_single(item, ID)

tag = "Folgeseiten\nSender: %s" % sender
for item in items:
# Anpassung für string-Auswertung:
s=str(item); s=s.replace("'", '"'); s=s.replace('": "', '":"'); s=s.replace('", "', '","')
s = s.replace('\\"', '*')
mp3_url, web_url, attr, img, dur, title, summ, source, sender, pubDate = Audio_get_items_single(s, key)
tag = "Folgeseiten"
if "programSets" in key: # Sendungen
tag = "%s\nSender: %s" % (tag, sender)

PLog(title); PLog(web_url); PLog(img);
title=py2_encode(title); web_url=py2_encode(web_url);
fparams="&fparams={'url': '%s', 'title': '%s'}" % (quote(web_url), quote(title))
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="Audio_get_sendung", \
fanart=img, thumb=img, fparams=fparams, tagline=tag, summary=summ)

if ID == "Collections" or ID == "Categories": # Sammlungen
items = blockextract('"id":', page, '}]},')
for item in items:
img = stringextract('url":"', '"', item)
img = img.replace('{width}', '640')

node_id = stringextract('"id":"', '"', item)
title = stringextract('"title":"', '"', item)
summ = stringextract('"description":"', '"', item)
summ = repl_json_chars(summ)
attr = stringextract('"attribution":"', '"', item)
if attr:
summ = "%s | %s" % (attr, summ)

tag = u"Folgeseiten"
if ID == "Collections":
api_url = ARD_AUDIO_BASE + "editorialcollections/%s?%s" % (node_id, href_add)
api_url = ARD_AUDIO_BASE + "editorialcategories/%s?%s" % (node_id, href_add)
title = repl_json_chars(title)

PLog(title); PLog(api_url); PLog(img); PLog(node_id);

title=py2_encode(title); api_url=py2_encode(api_url);
fparams="&fparams={'title': '%s', 'url': '%s'}" % (quote(title), quote(api_url))
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="Audio_get_sendung_api", \
fanart=img, thumb=img, fparams=fparams, tagline=tag, summary=summ)


xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(HANDLE, cacheToDisc=True)

# Aufrufer: Audio_get_rubriken_web (Liste Rubriken),
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions changelog.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,17 @@ CHANGE HISTORY
max_col 97

26.03.2023 4.6.6
KikaninchenFilme (Modul child): Quelle geändert ../filme-122.html ->
../filme-122.json (mit html nur noch 1 film erreichbar), Anpassung mit
alternativer m3u8-Url in Kikaninchen_VideoSingle (<adaptiveHttp..Url>).
Kika_Start (Modul child): quote(title) für + in Titel (Bsp. PUR+) und
repl_json_chars für Titel, Verkettung mit Folgeblock bei Subchanneln und
identischer structureBrand-ID.
Suche in ARD-Audiothek: Umstellung Web -> json nach ARD-Änderungen -
Anpassungen in AudioSearch, AudioSearch_cluster, Audio_get_search_cluster,
Audio_get_webslice, Audio_get_items_single.

19.03.2023 4.6.5
Audio_get_homescreen (Audiothek): Listeneinträge ohne Titel übersprungen
(z.B. in Entdecken -> Exklusive Podcasts).
Expand Down

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