diff --git a/ardundzdf.py b/ardundzdf.py
index 57e2012..d34105b 100644
--- a/ardundzdf.py
+++ b/ardundzdf.py
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@
# +++++ ARDundZDF - Addon Kodi-Version, migriert von der Plexmediaserver-Version +++++
# VERSION -> addon.xml aktualisieren
-# 90 # Numerierung für Einzelupdate
+# 91 # Numerierung für Einzelupdate
VERSION = '4.6.6'
-VDATE = '26.03.2023'
+VDATE = '27.03.2023'
# (c) 2019 by Roland Scholz, rols1@gmx.de
@@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ def AudioStartHome(title, ID, page='', path=''): # Auswertung Homepage
li = xbmcgui.ListItem()
ID = py2_decode(ID)
- if ID == 'Rubriken': # Rubriken: eig. api-Call
+ if ID == 'Rubriken': # Rubriken-Liste: eig. api-Call
path = ARD_AUDIO_BASE + "editorialcategories"
if ID == 'Sport': # Menü: Rubrik Sport herausgehoben
path = 'https://www.ardaudiothek.de/rubrik/sport/42914734'
@@ -1531,6 +1531,7 @@ def Audio_get_sendung(url, title, page=''):
page = page.replace('\\"', '*')
elements = stringextract('"numberOfElements":', ',', page) # für Mehr anzeigen
+ PLog("elements: %s" % elements)
items = blockextract('"id":', page, '}]},{') # bis nächste "id" (nicht trennsicher)
@@ -1553,13 +1554,14 @@ def Audio_get_sendung(url, title, page=''):
summ_par = summ
- PLog(tag); PLog(summ[:80]);
+ PLog(title); PLog(tag); PLog(summ[:80]); PLog(mp3_url); PLog(web_url);
title=py2_encode(title); web_url=py2_encode(web_url); mp3_url=py2_encode(mp3_url);
img=py2_encode(img); summ_par=py2_encode(summ_par);
if mp3_url:
downl_list.append("%s#%s" % (title, mp3_url))
+ summ_par = "%s\n\n%s" % (tag, summ)
+ summ_par = summ_par.replace('\n', '||')
fparams="&fparams={'url': '%s', 'title': '%s', 'thumb': '%s', 'Plot': '%s'}" % (quote(mp3_url),
quote(title), quote(img), quote_plus(summ_par))
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="AudioPlayMP3", fanart=img, thumb=img,
@@ -1581,8 +1583,9 @@ def Audio_get_sendung(url, title, page=''):
PLog("" % (msg1, msg2))
- myfunc = "Audio_get_sendung"
- Audio_get_nexturl(li, url_org, title_org, elements, cnt, myfunc) # Mehr anzeigen
+ if elements and url_org:
+ myfunc = "Audio_get_sendung"
+ Audio_get_nexturl(li, url_org, title_org, elements, cnt, myfunc)# Mehr anzeigen
if len(downl_list) > 1: # Button Sammel-Downloads
title=u'[B]Download! Alle angezeigten %d Podcasts speichern?[/B]' % cnt
@@ -1632,6 +1635,7 @@ def Audio_get_sendung_api(url, title, page='', home_id='', ID=''):
page = page.replace('\\"', '*')
elements = stringextract('"numberOfElements":', ',', page) # für Mehr anzeigen
+ PLog("elements: %s" % elements)
items = blockextract('"duration"', page)
@@ -1677,8 +1681,9 @@ def Audio_get_sendung_api(url, title, page='', home_id='', ID=''):
PLog("" % (msg1, msg2))
- myfunc = "Audio_get_sendung_api"
- Audio_get_nexturl(li, url_org, title_org, elements, cnt, myfunc) # Mehr anzeigen
+ if elements and url_org:
+ myfunc = "Audio_get_sendung_api"
+ Audio_get_nexturl(li, url_org, title_org, elements, cnt, myfunc)# Mehr anzeigen
if len(downl_list) > 1: # Button Sammel-Downloads
title=u'[B]Download! Alle angezeigten %d Podcasts speichern[/B]' % cnt
@@ -1738,7 +1743,7 @@ def Audio_get_items_single(item, ID=''):
mp3_url = stringextract('"url":"', '"', audios)
if mp3_url == '':
web_url = stringextract('"sharingUrl":"', '"', item) # Weblink
- if mp3_url == '' and web_url == "": # neu ab 25.03.2023
+ if mp3_url == '' and web_url == "": # neu ab 25.03.2023 (Web-json)
web_url = base + stringextract('"path":"', '"', item)
attr = stringextract('"attribution":"', '"', item) # Sender, CR usw.
@@ -1758,7 +1763,7 @@ def Audio_get_items_single(item, ID=''):
if "clipTitle" in item: # Abschnitt "tracking"
title = stringextract('"clipTitle":"', '"', item)
- title = stringextract('"title":"', '"', item)
+ title = stringextract('"title":"', '",', item) # '",' gegen Hochkommas im Titel
title = repl_json_chars(title)
summ = stringextract('"synopsis":"', '"', item)
summ = repl_json_chars(summ)
@@ -1783,14 +1788,14 @@ def Audio_get_items_single(item, ID=''):
# 22.02.2022 Anpassung an ARD-Änderung
# Ausführung: AudioSearch_cluster
+# 26.03.2023 Umstellung Web.json -> api.json
def AudioSearch(title, query='', path=''):
CacheTime = 6000 # 1 Std.
title_org = title
- base = "https://www.ardaudiothek.de/suche/%s/"
- # api-Bsp.: https://api.ardaudiothek.de/search?query=pandemie:
+ # Web.json.: "https://www.ardaudiothek.de/suche/%s/" # ähnlich, abweich. Bezeichner
+ base = "https://api.ardaudiothek.de/search?query=%s"
if query == '':
query = get_query(channel='ARD Audiothek')
@@ -1849,9 +1854,8 @@ def AudioSearch_cluster(li, url, title, page='', key='', query=''):
search_url = url # für Step2
- page = Audio_get_webslice(page, mode="json") # json ausschneiden
page = json.loads(page)
- objs = page["pageProps"]["initialData"]["data"]["search"]
+ objs = page["data"]["search"]
except Exception as exception:
PLog("search_error: " + str(exception))
@@ -1880,9 +1884,9 @@ def AudioSearch_cluster(li, url, title, page='', key='', query=''):
for clus in cluster:
key, tag = clus.split("|")
PLog("%s | %s" % (key, tag))
- anz = str(objs[key]["totalCount"])
+ anz = str(objs[key]["numberOfElements"])
- if objs[key]["totalCount"] > 0:
+ if objs[key]["numberOfElements"] > 0:
item = objs[key]["nodes"][0] # 1. Beitrag
tag = u"Folgeseiten | [B]%s[/B]" % (tag)
if key != "items": #
@@ -1916,33 +1920,35 @@ def Audio_get_search_cluster(objs, key):
PLog('Audio_get_search_cluster: ' + key)
li = xbmcgui.ListItem()
href_add = "offset=0&limit=12"
if key=="items" : # Einzel (Episoden)
items = objs[key]["nodes"]
- s=str(items); s=s.replace("'", '"'); s=s.replace('": "', '":"'); s=s.replace('", "', '","')
- s = s.replace('\\"', '*')
- Audio_get_sendung(url="", title="", page=s)
+ s=str(items); s=s.replace(u"'", '"'); s=s.replace(u'": "', '":"'); s=s.replace(u'", "', '","')
+ s = s.replace(u'\\"', '*')
+ s = s.replace(u'""', '"*')
+ Audio_get_sendung(url="", title="Search_%s" % key, page=s)
else: # Kategorien, Kollektionen, ProgrammSets
li = home(li,ID='ARD Audiothek') # Home-Button
items = objs[key]["nodes"]
- for item in items:
+ for item in items:
+ node_id = item["id"] # -> api-Path
# Anpassung für string-Auswertung:
s=str(item); s=s.replace("'", '"'); s=s.replace('": "', '":"'); s=s.replace('", "', '","')
s = s.replace('\\"', '*')
mp3_url, web_url, attr, img, dur, title, summ, source, sender, pubDate = Audio_get_items_single(s, key)
tag = "Folgeseiten"
- if "programSets" in key: # Sendungen
- tag = "%s\nSender: %s" % (tag, sender)
+ if "programSets" in key: # Sendungen der Sender
+ tag = "%s\nSender: %s" % (tag, sender)
+ href = ARD_AUDIO_BASE + "%s/%s/?offset=0&limit=20" % (key, node_id)
- PLog(title); PLog(web_url); PLog(img);
- title=py2_encode(title); web_url=py2_encode(web_url);
- fparams="&fparams={'url': '%s', 'title': '%s'}" % (quote(web_url), quote(title))
+ PLog(title); PLog(href); PLog(img);
+ title=py2_encode(title); href=py2_encode(href);
+ fparams="&fparams={'url': '%s', 'title': '%s'}" % (quote(href), quote(title))
addDir(li=li, label=title, action="dirList", dirID="Audio_get_sendung", \
fanart=img, thumb=img, fparams=fparams, tagline=tag, summary=summ)
@@ -2237,7 +2243,7 @@ def Audio_get_homescreen(page='', cluster_id=''):
if cluster_id == "Highlights":
ID = "AudioHomescreen"
title = cluster_id # Stage auswerten
- Audio_get_cluster_single(title, rubrik_id=ID, section_id='STAGE') # lädt Dict "AudioHomescreen
+ Audio_get_cluster_single(title, rubrik_id=ID, section_id='STAGE') # lädt Dict "AudioHomescreen"
li = home(li, 'ARD Audiothek') # Home-Button
@@ -8556,7 +8562,7 @@ def ZDF_get_teaserDetails(page, NodePath='', sophId=''):
title = unescape(title);
title = repl_json_chars(py2_decode(title));
enddate = stringextract('-end-date="', '"', page) # kann leer sein, wie get_teaserElement
- enddate = time_translate(enddate, add_hour=0)
+ enddate = time_translate(enddate, add_hour=0) # Abgleich summer_time entfällt für ZDF
path = stringextract('plusbar-url="', '"', page)
if path == '':
@@ -9160,7 +9166,7 @@ def ZDF_get_content(li, page, ref_path, ID=None, sfilter='Alle ZDF-Sender', skip
plusbar_title = stringextract('plusbar-title="', '"', rec) # Bereichs-, nicht Einzeltitel, nachrangig
plusbar_path = stringextract('plusbar-url="', '"', rec) # plusbar nicht vorh.? - sollte nicht vorkommen
enddate = stringextract('plusbar-end-date="', '"', rec) # kann leer sein
- enddate = time_translate(enddate, add_hour=False) # ohne Abgleich summer_time
+ enddate = time_translate(enddate, add_hour=False) # Abgleich summer_time entfällt für ZDF
PLog('plusbar_path: ' + plusbar_path); PLog('ref_path: %s' % ref_path); PLog('enddate: ' + enddate);
if plusbar_path == '':