All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
1.21.0 - 2023-09-08
- Change category names. #1179
1.20.0 - 2023-09-06
- Update Event categories and subcategories list. #1150
1.19.0 - 2023-08-29
- Add multiple groupIds support in the put endpoint of events building block. #1026
- Add multiple groupIds support in the delete endpoint of events building block. #1118
- UI table spacing for details pages. #1117
- Form fields and placeholder text for contribute form. #1116
- Logs Building Block dependencies and Python base version. #1130
- Events BB dependencies and Python base version. #1135
- Dependabot alerts and dependency fixes for Appconfig BB. #1131
- Dependabot alerts and dependency fixes for Contributions BB. #1133
- Dependabot alerts and dependency fixes for Contributions Catalog BB. #1132
1.18.0 - 2023-03-30
- UI for capability view page. #1034
- Updated footer UI. #1036
- UI changes to top navigation bar. #1040
- UI for talent view page. #1060
- UI changes for contribution details page. #1041
- Catalog home page UI. #1063
- CODEOWNERS file to include CHANGELOG. #1059
- Create contribution page UI. #1065
- Review block in contribution details page. #1066
- Rearranged divs in contribute page. #1079
- Element stylings in contribute page. #1087
- Cryptography version bump for contributions. #1089
- Cryptography version bump for appconfigservice. #1089
- Catalog home page card alignment. #1084
- Updated button styles to match design. #1085
- Update werkzeug version in catalog. #1099
- Custom dropdown menu style. #1090
- Fill footer at the bottom of pages. #1092
- Contribute form field labels and placeholders. #1102
- Wordings of view pages. #1069
- Detect secrets GitHub action build error and updated baseline. #1077
- Overlapping divs in catalog contribute create page. #1054
1.17.0 - 2022-12-06
- Cancel button in contribution edit page. #986
- Add group ids and user ids fields in events yaml file. #1017
- Compound text indexes for contribution collection. #1004
- Hide data deletion api key in capability view page. #1010
- Support multiple group ids in post endpoint in events building block. #1020
- User confirmation on cancel contribution. #1022
- Close button to remove environment key value pairs. #980
- Make environmentVariable key required if present in Catalog. #1028
- Added set and get functions for ApiBaseUrl in catalog. #1047
- Show appropriate error message when catalog cannot display a contribution. #961
- Position of Add capability and talent buttons in catalog form. #971
- Page re-direct after contribution edit. #976
- Add more fields button changed to Add environment variables. #975
- Edit contribution button color changed to grey. #981
- Heading for add a talent or capability in contribution edit page if talent or capability exists. #984
- Arrange environment variables into single row in capability view page. #993
- Arrange environment variables and data deletion endpoint into single row in capability. #989
- API Doc Dockerfile URLs to include new building blocks and remove unsupported building blocks. #831
- Talent fields yaml configuration #949
- Drop old indexes in contributions collection in mongodb. #1029
- Fix Core BB service token support in events #994
- Updated gevent in contributions. #1003
- Updated gevent in catalog. #1007
- Delete capability and talent functionality in catalog. #1009
- Edit database detail field in catalog. #1048
- Display multiple contribution admins in catalog. #1050
- VersionUrl field name in contribution edit page. #1056
- SourceUrl field display on IsOpenSourceUrl radio button in catalog. #1053
1.16.0 - 2022-08-29
- Ability to delete a capability or talent from contribution. #951
- Hide sensitive data in capability view page. #950
- Minimum user privacy level in talent form. #970
- Change to allow all group admins to manage group events. #996
- Upgrade Swagger UI base Docker image to v4.13.2. #991
1.15.0 - 2022-07-11
- Support in Contributions BB to upload an icon for Talents and Capabilities. #945
- Added error message when the Contributions are not retrieved from the Contributions BB #923
- Delete contribution button. #944
- Add support for hybrid events in Events BB. #955
- Display of Talent Self Certification fields when empty. #913
- Updated #946
- Validate start and end dates. #906
- Bug if reviewers collection is empty. #929
- Fixed indexing of environment variables key and value pairs. #921
- Update PyJWT package version and corresponding auth middleware library code. #935
1.14.1 - 2022-05-26
- ProxyFix for OAuth Lib Transport Error when deploying in docker containers. #928
1.14.0 - 2022-05-17
- Sending email to reviewers. #839
- Self certification information to talent #878
- Items in contact details are added to required field data validation #907
- Version endpoint to contribution building block #897
- Version endpoint to logging building block #898
- Endpoint for showing required building blocks to contribution building block #904
- Multiple selection list for required building block added to talent #917
- Hide and toggle sensitive data. #905
- Modified required capability in talent detail page #877
- Minimum end user role as text in talent detail page #879
- Made person and organization display order more consistence in catalog #908
- Show general html values instead of raw data format in catalog #909
- Contact information in contribution detail page shows html formatted data #914
- Environmental variables in capability detail page shows html formatted data #915
- Posting contribution error when required capability is empty in talent #874
- End user role in posting doesn't update multiple selection #870
- Show and hide of source repo url based on the selection of open source #869
- Saving multiple capabilities error #858
- GET contributions returns 401 for unpublished contributions. #826
- Warning in Logs Building Block. #881
- Editing multiple talent and capabilities. #883
- Contributor editing for person and organization. #888
- Fix the Jinja version. #893
1.13.0 - 2022-04-04
- UI changes to 'Source Repo URL' field in catalog. #814
- Talent form bug fixed in Contribution Catalog. #857
field name in Events BB API Doc. #846- Build error in Events BB. #884
- Add a Review section to Contribution. #756
- Error message text to event building block when it is internal sever error. #840
- Added email field for reviewers. #864
- Add query filter to get events created by a user. #873
- Add Aquatics and Intramural tags. #872
- Change string comparisons to constant time comparisons in Profile BB. #850
1.12.1 - 2021-12-08
- Contributions Catalog login callback endpoint to /catalog/auth/callback. #803
- Catalog redirects to error page when the contribution request is not published. #774
- Successful POST of contribution redirect to contribution details page. #777
- Added additional env variable for audience for ROKWIRE_AUTH_HOST tokens. #842
- String comparisons to constant time comparisons in auth middleware library. #825
- Removed unused method in token utility. #837
1.12.0 - 2021-11-19
- Add edit contribution capability in catalog. #737
- Add edit contribution button based on the logged in user. #766
- Add contributionAdmins to capability and talent detail end point. #730
- Catalog release script. #784
- /ok endpoint for healthcheck in AppConfig.#754
- /version endpoint in AppConfig.#760
- Core BB Auth Support #808
- Core BB profile migration #809
- file. #804
- Add version endpoint in Events building block.#725
- Updated pre-commit config and corresponding GitHub Action to use
version 1.0.3. #649 - Make catalog pages to show all the items for contribution admins. #728
- Make contribution details pages to show all items for reviewers and admins. #728
- Catalog default port and default URL prefix. #784
- Modified contribution schema for required capability #790
- Default Contributions Catalog port to 5000 and made it configurable. #788
- Fix get event endpoint with user auth key. #746
- Fix published capabilities and talents not showing without login. #767
- Fix catalog use python generated result instead of java script. #772
- Contribution POST gives proper error message. #714
- Hard coded base url. #780
- Multiple bugs/improvements around login. #782
- Fix login problem with session. #796
- Fix logout. #775
- Fix top navigation to provide correct login info. #773
- Fix login button provide correct info when user not logged in. #778
- Contributions Catalog release script and Dockerfile. #787
- Added version and gitsha in catalog footer #770
- Auth middleware lib to recognize Rokwire issuer. #823
- Groups membership request in Events BB. #823
1.11.3 - 2021-11-18
- More information to logs in event services when performing POST, PUT, DELETE. #822
1.11.2 - 2021-09-17
- Update Events Building Block logs and related configuration. #793
1.11.1 - 2021-08-11
- Temporarily turn off group authentication on image get endpoints.#750
1.11.0 - 2021-07-29
- Show different components in catalog based on the user. #709
- Add copyright to the catalog codes. #708
- Add group authorization to GET /events/{event_id}/images endpoint.#716
- Add group authorization to GET/events/{event_id}/images/{image_id} endpoint.#718
- Add group authorization to PUT/events/{event_id}/images/{image_id} endpoint.#719
- Add group authorization to DELETE /events/{event_id}/images/{image_id} endpoint.#720
- Make catalog pages to show different items for reviewers and non reviewers. #709
1.10.0 - 2021-06-29
- Add endpoints for listing contributions, capabilities, and talents. #602
- Add query parameters to contribution building block's api spec and function arguments. #616
- Add user auth to Events Building Block yml file. #598
- Use dovenv library for organizing enviroment variables.#614
- Add CORS support for Contribution Building Block.#621
- Add login option for Contribution Catalog.#634
- Add logout option for Contribution Catalog.#636
- Update event schema to add new field createdByGroupId.#396
- Add ApiKeyAuth and status to contribution building block.#654
- Add ids to capability and talent.#661
- Add auth check for login required pages.#657
- Add /contribute as prefix for ./profile page. #663
- Add UUID for capability and talent in Contribution Catalog.#666
- Add autocomplete feature when inputting admin name for contribution catalog.#665
- Add search endpoints using capability and talent id.#662
- Add release script for Contributions Building Block.#675
- Add okay endpoint to Contributions Building Block.#679
- Add isGroupPrivate to Events schema.#682
- Add group authorization to GET /events endpoint. #683, #684
- Add reviewers management endpoints. #692
- Add get group event by groupid parameter.#685
- Add isEventFree field to Events Building Block yaml file.#695
- Add group authroziation on get event endpoint.#693
- Add basic detailed views for Contributions, Talents, and Capabilities. #638, #669, #670
- Add group authroziation on put event endpoint.#699
- Add group authroziation on patch event endpoint.#701
- Add group authroziation on deletion event endpoint#700
- Fix Contribution catalog's home page display issue. #448
- Use dovenv library for organizing enviroment variables. #614
- Add CORS support for Contribution Building Block. #617
- Add strict validation in Contribution Building Block. #627
- Add authentication and authorization using GitHub account in Contribution Building Block. #635
- Add github authorization in new contribution post via catalog. #647
- Fix date format issue in the events endpoint of GET /events/. #438
- Fix error code in GET /contributions/{contributionID}. #672
- Fix status in contribution. #668
- Fix returning an object when there is only single result in GET /contributions. #681
- Updated CODEOWNERS file. #631
- Modified environmental variables in Dockerfile. #677
- Updated location description in Events Building Block. #706
- Remove db index on sponsor field. #686
1.9.1 - 2021-02-22
- Fix Docker build errors. #633
1.9.0 - 2020-12-17
- Fix the error code to 400 on events missing fields query. #448
- Text changes to Contributions Catalog. #601
- Add capabilities dataset in contribution building block. #401
- Add contribution building block. #406
- Add talent data to contribution dataset. #407
- Add search option in contribution and capability dataset. #458
- Contributor guidelines. #572
- A pull request template. #573
- Add Contributions Catalog Frontend. #462
- Add Github authentication for Contributions Catalog. #580
- Add Rokwire Group admins AD group to list of authorized event write groups. #607
- Separated contribution yaml from rokwire.yaml. #514
- Timestamp format for non pii dataset has been changed. #566
- Apply query parameters to subevent search. #581
- Support multiple groups when doing authorization. #447
- Support events building block group authorization. #596
1.8.0 - 2020-10-01
- Add multiple client id ability to auth library. #548
- Add more time range query parameters to events yml and Readme.#551
- Add query parameters to enhance events search. #551
- Replace the record on put endpoint. #550
- Runtime error in building blocks by updating gunicorn and gevent versions. #560
- Runtime error when Auth Library validates manually generated ID tokens. #562
- Disabled logger to provide detailed PII information in profile BB. #556
- Update base docker image when doing release. #564
1.7.0 - 2020-09-03
- Add Standard License Header for Events Building Block. #480
- Add Standard License Header for Authentication Building Block. #497
- Add Standard License Header for Authentication Library. #498
- Add CODEOWNERS file. #508
- Add Standard License Header for API Doc. #501
- Add bug report and feature request issue templates. #510
- Add Talent Chooser Building Block APIs documentation. #528
- Add flags isVirtual and displayOnlyWithSuperEvent to events schema. #542, #541
- Add
query parameter to events search endpoint. #545
- OpenAPI specification file rokwire.yaml file split across different building blocks. #485
- Update Swagger-UI version. #500
- Rokwire API Doc Dockerfile to integrate multiple OpenAPI specifications file. #486
- Update Appconfig Building Block docker base image. #515
- Update Authentication Building Block docker base image. #517
- Update Authentication Building Block README. #519
- Changed docker base image for Profile and Logging Building Block. #521
- Changed README for auth-middleware-test-svc based on new change. #523
- Update issue template. #537
- Update README. #539
- rokwire.yaml file and deployment scripts that were not getting used. #486
- Docker image vulnerabilities in Authentication Building Block. #499
- Docker image vulnerabilities in Events Building Block. #484
- Re-fixed bug related to including .env files in docker images. #419
1.6.0 - 2020-07-14
- App Config database and collection names are now configurable via environment variables. #492
- Docker image vulnerabilities in App Config Building Block. #482
1.5.0 - 2020-07-01
- Add environment variable for on/off of printing logs out. #459
- LICENSE file. #466
- Add documentType field in PII dataset. #473
- Add standard license header to code file #470
- Add license header for app config building block #470
- Add enum value to documentType field in PII. #476
1.4.0 - 2020-06-11
- Index to PII and Non-PII database collections. #428
- Add search option in contribution and capability dataset. #458
- Incoming requests can be validated against a list of API keys. #277
1.3.1 - 2020-06-05
- Stop printing logs in the Logging Building Block. #444
1.3.0 - 2020-05-15
- Add more fields in PII and updated API design. #411
- Couple of examples to Profile PII API documentation. #426
- Differentiated verified and unverified data items in PII data and made unverified data updatable. #424
- Some PII data fields became read-only (pid, creation date). #431
- Read-only property from couple of PII fields. #432
1.2.2 - 2020-05-03
- Bug related to including env file in docker image. #419
1.2.1 - 2020-05-01
- Version number in API Design YAML file. #414
1.2.0 - 2020-03-24
- Add capabilities dataset in contribution building block. #401
- Add contribution building block. #406
- Add environment variable to set url prefix for the connexion events building block. #369
- Add super events tag to refactoring branch. #316
- Get events by multiple event ids. #268
- Add dnspython module to enable mongodb+srv:// URIs #235
- API design changes to support super events. #302
- Add an optional
object in app config #328 - Add a method to auth_middleware library for doing authorization. #342
- Add a base path to logging and profiles service. #362
- Add a base path to appconfig service. #364
- Add error handlers in posting PII. #376
- Add nullable to several non-pii fields. #398
- Add endpoint for filtering non-pii data by using eventIds. #391
- Refactored Profile building block using connexion. #284
- Update release script to build and push refactoring branch docker image. #308
- Refactored App Config building block using connexion. #294
- Refactored Events Building Block using connexion. #296
- Set App Config Building Block's debug flag to false by default. #332
- UUID entry for posting new PII dataset changed to list from string. #329
- Update authorization calls in refactored Events, Profile, and App Config building blocks. #342
- fix the return code when delete on a non-existing event.
- Issue with incompatible Python and Connexion version in Authentication Building Block. #389
- Issue with date time format in event response. #402
- Issue with fields that need to be marked as nullable. #409
1.0.6 - 2020-02-25
- Compatibility in Profile PII's UUID for string and list #372
- Profile PII PUT endpoint related to updating UUID list #372
1.0.5 - 2020-02-05
- Add super event tags.
- Add super event tags endpoint into rokwire.yaml file.
- Super events operation Id.
1.0.4 - 2020-01-17
- API design and code changes to support super events. #302
1.0.3 - 2019-12-06
- Get events by multiple event ids.
- Add dnspython module to enable mongodb+srv:// URIs #235
- Update Events Service Readme to add CACHE_DIRECTORY. #275
1.0.2 - 2019-10-30
- Updated version number and server URLs in API definition. #269
1.0.1 - 2019-10-30
- Updated CHANGELOGs with release information. #256
1.0.0 - 2019-10-10
- Add Docker env for AWS fargate deploy
- Add recurring event search
- Add events multiple titles search.
- Add skip and limit on events query.
- This CHANGELOG file
- Events Building Block.
- Issue template.
- Definitions for PUT method for events in YAML file.
- Fields to event schema for storing submission status and date modified.
- Scripts for deploying Swagger docker to host Rokwire API document on AWS
- Profile Building Block
- Added time stamp
- Checking method for email and phone number to prevent duplicate entry
- Profile rest service dockerized
- Image update and fileDescriptor moved to pii from non-pii
- Test profiles building block rest service deployed in AWS server
- Add searching by mobile app version feature to App Config API
- Add secretKeys to App Config
- Logging building block API definitions.
- Auth middleware library.
- Dockerfile for Rokwire Platform API documentation and updated README.
- Add caching to app-config and events GET endpoints.
- Create profile data model boiler plate. SCCI-103
- Created profile restservice boiler plate. SCCI-130
- Added time stamp. SCCI-131
- Added age over 13. SCCI-132
- Checking method for email and phone number to prevent duplicate entry. #37
- Profile rest service dockerized. #62
- Added favorites. #115
- Added positive and negative interest tags. #116
- Added an ability to store and retrieve schema free information. #117
- Added privacySettings in PII data model. #138
- created initial logging building block end point. #61
- created a sample logging data. #173
- download events image file from S3 without checking the image id from db.
- add events building block S3 folder as env variable.
- events tag search has been changed to logic or.
- Update events schema to remove endDate as required field and add createdBy and createDate.
- Update events schema according to discussion and feedback.
- Update rokwire.yaml for events build block.
- Update rokwire.yaml for API endpoint authentication.
- Update README to include how to view Rokwire API document using Swagger
- The code repository name to rokwire-building-blocks-api.
- Fix README to use updated API definition YAML file URL.
- Fix API definition YAML file to use rokwire instead of SCCI.
- Add App Config API definition to Swagger YAML file
- Events building block API definition and schema to include event categories and sub categories
- Separated non-pii data and pii data and database in profile building block
- Profile building block rest api changed to Flask RESTFul api service
- Profile building block non-pii interests has been changed by using category and subcategory
- Update rokwire.yaml for images entry points of events building block
- Temporarily ignoring
search query string in events. - Changed api doc path from http://.../api/docs to http://.../docs since our domain contains "api" word.
- Update Events schema to include registrationLabel
- Gunicorn gevent worker class to increase performance.
- Make better use of event category indexes for performance.
- Sort events by startDate and then endDate.
- Switch profile service to use gunicorn.
- Redirect events images to S3 instead of trying to serve them directly.
- Separated non-pii data and pii data
- Separated non-pii and pii database
- Image update and fileDescriptor moved to pii from non-pii
- Separated non-pii data and pii data. SCCI-104
- Separated non-pii and pii database. SCCI-123
- Image update and fileDescriptor moved to pii from non-pii. #72
- Separated non-pii and pii database url. #73
- Profile building block rest api changed to Flask RESTFul api service. #31
- Non-pii interests has been modified with category and subcategory. #86
- README file has examples for the endpoints. #119
- Database indexing system changed for document DB. #127
- Updated logging system based on Flask RESTFul service. #130
- Made profile building block flask using the flask server configuration. #92
- Modified profiles building block's rest endpoint prefix to environmental variable. #187
- Modified profiles building block's log to show the endpoint information. #244
- Created a method for checking the id information by comparing id token and db information. #66
- Information in the id token is used for creating and updating the pii dataset. #257
- URL prefix to be configurable. #181
- All log entries are inserted in one database call.
- Events building block API definition to improve text.
- API documentation in YAML file to reflect the latest code and made text improvements.
- Issues with API specification YAML file related to app config building block.
- Indentation issues with API specification YAML file
- MongoClient use in several blocks broke connection pooling
- Don't send clickstream logs through the logging library
- References to AWS keys and variables in the Events Building Block.