this is simple Airline Reservation System Project which is build in Spring boot, Thymeleaf and mysql database. three Roles - 1- Public 2- Admin 3-Agent 1- USER dont need to login. user authorities 1- seach flight 2- verfiy flight 3-check famous destinations 4-Contat us page
Admin and Agent need to login. 2- Admin authorities. 1- admin can add airport and see all airport. 2- admin can add aircraft and see all aircraft. 3- admin can add and see all flight.
3- Agent authorities 1-Book a flight.
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data JPA
- Thymeleaf
- Spring Security (Auth authentication + session based)
- Mysql Database
- Welcome Page
- Search a Flight
- Cheack Flight Status
- Contact Us
- Famous Destinations - Indian Destinations
- Famous Destinations - International Destinations
- Famous Destinations - Get Inspired
Login as Admin username: admin password: admin@123
-aircarft list page
-airport list page
-flight list
-add new airport
-add new aircraft
-schedule new flight