This is a Scrapy-powered Web-Scraper written in Python 3.6 which is capable of scraping Mountain Project, a popular online guide of thousands of rock-climbing routes around the world.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Python
- Pip
- Scrapy
- VirtualEnv
A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running
Pull the code down from Github
git clone
Install PIP Instructions available here:
Install VirtualEnv
[sudo] pip install virtualenv
Install Scrapy
pip install Scrapy
Enter the cloned project and setup a Virtual Environment
cd mountain_project_scraper
virtualenv -p python3.6 env
. env/bin/activate
By default, the Spider will run and scrape using the contents of the start_urls
Enter the Scraper project
cd mountain_project_scraper
Run the Areas Spider (will crawl all area pages i.e. not route or boulder problem description pages)
scrapy crawl areas -o [file_path of output file]
To play around with the markup for a single page (i.e. good way to debug or play around with CSS/Xpath selectors)
scrapy shell [url]
I use Intellij as my IDE of choice. In order to debug the Scraper/Spider code, utilize the following instructions:
Create a new Run/Debug Configuration with the following parameters
* Script: [path to scraper project]/env/bin/scrapy # This folder will get setup when you execute the virtualenv setup above
* Script Parameters: crawl [Spider name] # e.g. crawl coordinates
* Environment Variables: PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1
* Python Interpreter: There should be a dropdown option with an interpreter located in the env folder
* Working Directory: [Path to Scraper]/env/bin
* Add Content Roots to PYTHONPATH: Checked
* Add Source Roots to PYTHONPATH: Checked
All other options are default
- Rohan Balakrishnan
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details