Assign jobs to workers and write the information who is doing when which job as ics file
The project was intended to have jobs, which must be assigned to a group of people. This will be done by round robin. The jobs can be configured, when they have to be done. If the workers are on holiday on their specific time they won’t re-work the missing work. This is done because we do not struggle the work order of the people.
see cli below
caution the csv files are expected to always start with a headline, this first line is always ignored!
Please see paramters annotations in java file
If all files are in place this software will generate ics files according to:
ics files for all workers will generate
allEvents.ics will be generated which will name the workers on weekdays
for each job there will be
this is done via modified ical2html and is not part of this repository
see Holidays.csv
06.01.2017,06.01.2017,Heilige Drei Könige
01.05.2017,01.05.2017,Tag der Arbeit
25.05.2017,26.05.2017,Christi Himmelfahrt
14.08.2017,15.08.2017,Mariä Himmelfahrt
03.10.2017,03.10.2017,Tag der Deutschen Einheit
25.12.2017,25.12.2017,1. Weihnachtsfeiertag
26.12.2017,26.12.2017,2. Weihnachtsfeiertag
name,startDayOfWeek(mo=1,...,sun=7),duration,begin,end,moveInfoToThisDay (off=0, mo=1,...,sun=7)
Breakfast,1, 5,09.01.2017,01.06.2017,7
Lunch,1 2 3 4 5, 1,11.01.2017,01.06.2017,0
Cleaning,1, 2,23.01.2017,01.06.2017,6
If you want to move the weekly information of a job to another day this is the moveInfoToDay column. For example you want to have breakfast the whole week and want to move the information to sunday. This is done because of better layout in the end.
name,jobs,Vacation days
Jasmina+Julian,Breakfast Cleaning, 20.12.2016-31.12.2016 01.01.2017
Henrike+Wolfgang,Breakfast Lunch(Linsensuppe),
Ann+Flo,Breakfast Lunch(Käsespätzle),
Sina+Memo,Breakfast Lunch(Spätzle) Cleaning,
Alex+Christian,Breakfast Lunch(Blumenkohl),
Ricarda+Björn,Breakfast Lunch(Gemüsecurry),
Susanne+Daniel,Breakfast Lunch,
Katinka+Shpend,Breakfast Lunch,
Carina+Jürgen,Breakfast Lunch(Pizza) Cleaning,
Marlene+Carsten,Breakfast Lunch(Quinoa),
Kathrin+Bob,Breakfast Lunch(Spinatnudeln) Cleaning,
Caro+Basti,Breakfast Lunch(Kürbissuppe),
Andrea+Peter,Breakfast Lunch(Gemüseeintopf),
Martina+Roger,Breakfast Lunch(Pancakes),
The text in () is called job proposal. This will be set in the ics file as category.
In travis.yml you will see a full compile and deployment of the example above. Additionally there is a configuration for pushing the calculated ics file to a dedicated server (owncloud) updating the calendar automatically.
The will check previously deployed entries delete them and add new events. Changed calendar entries will not be removed and stay in the calendar.
"If you’d like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome."
see LICENSE file in repository