- Selenium: is a popular automation tool that allows developers to programmatically interact with and test web applications by controlling web browsers. It provides a powerful framework to simulate user actions, such as clicks and form submissions, across different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
- Python 3: The programming language used in the tests.
- Allure Report: is a flexible, lightweight tool for generating visual, informative reports from test results. It integrates with popular testing frameworks to provide detailed insights, including step-by-step execution logs, screenshots, and metadata, making it easier to analyze and improve software testing outcomes
To perform your automation, it is necessary to install some resources, as described below:
- Download from: https://www.python.org/downloads/.
- Run the downloaded file and follow the instructions by clicking ‘next’.
- Select the 3 displayed checkboxes and continue clicking ‘next’ until ‘finish’.
- In the prompt Console, type the command
python --version
; if the installation is correct, the installed version will appear.
- After installing Python, within terminal type:
pip install selenium pytest allure-pytest webdriver-manager
- Open the Windows PowerShell and type:
irm get.scoop.sh | iex
- In the prompt Console, type the command
allure --version
; if the installation is correct, the installed version will appear. If you had any problem during installation, follow this documentation: https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Install#readme
And that's it, your environment is set up.
To execute the automated tests, we will use some commands from the root folder of our project.
To execute all implemented scenarios, we use the following code:
pytest test_google.py --alluredir=allure-results
To generate and serve the Allure report, you can go to the project folder and execute:
allure serve allure-results
Just open it in your browser to view the results.