A version of the HeatHack card game for the Scottish Episcopal Church; written in Jekyll with the Just the Docs template and relying on Liquid to render many of the pages.
Done in a hurry to generate most of the website from CSV files so it's a mess :TODO: rationalise to be easy to update.
Collections are generated from a spreadsheet using the scripts in aux. To generate, open the Excel, copy all the cells on each tab and paste values in place, then save in a new
temporary filename. Stick in aux/master-spreadsheet.xlsx. Ensure there is a python environment with openpyxl and pandas installed. I was installing tidyverse but most of it isn't
python -m venv card-game-venv --- to create virtual environment source card-game-venv/bin/activate --- to start using the virtual environment python -m pip install openpyxl pandas
and then:
cd aux python generate-website.py
rm -rf ../collections/* mv output/* ../collections
To test,
cd .. bundle exec jekyll serve -w --baseurl '' --port 4000
All markdown apart from the collections is hand-written, including a wildcard page (because otherwise this is hidden as it's not part of the petal/step/task navigation structure).
change the representation of heat_air in the master spreadsheet, get cards 44 and 45 marked properly for heat_people.
do the Excel fix to replace formulae with values automatically in the python, it's too painful this way.
ideally, make the site build automatic
discuss how to make it not a techy job to update the toolkit - spreadsheet is OK, but how do they change the markdown and static page structure? For individual pages, use https://www.writage.com/?
check for/remove extraneous header material in markdown files
make the css more rational
fix the magic wand size and colouring, couldn't use what was provided, always rendered tiny
- colours for petals and how to represent - coloured grid outline? coloured icon?
- colours for icons, placement for tag and wand icons
- step and task icons, and fact we aren't using on website, breadcrumbs are sufficient and we don't want to look like a Pokemon card
- the root directory appears to be different on the local build than on github.io, so the graphics don't appear during development. To fix this, use e.g. href='{{ "/graphics/card_icons/maintenancerecords.svg" | relative_url }}'. When testing locally use bundle exec jekyll serve -w --baseurl '' --port 4000