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On-Call/DevOps Assistant - Get a head start on fixing alerts with AI investigation


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Get a head start on fixing alerts with AI investigation

HolmesGPT - The Open Source On-Call/DevOps Agent

Examples | Key Features | Installation | YouTube Demo

The only AI assistant that investigates incidents like a human does - by looking at alerts and fetching missing data until it finds the root cause. Powered by OpenAI, Azure AI, AWS Bedrock, or any tool-calling LLM of your choice, including open source models.

What Can HolmesGPT Do?

  • Investigate Incidents (AIOps) from PagerDuty/OpsGenie/Prometheus/Jira/more
  • Bidirectional Integrations see investigation results inside your existing ticketing/incident management system
  • Automated Triage: Use HolmesGPT as a first responder. Flag critical alerts and prioritize them for your team to look at
  • Alert Enrichment: Automatically add context to alerts - like logs and microservice health info - to find root causes faster
  • Identify Cloud Problems by asking HolmesGPT questions about unhealthy infrastructure
  • Runbook Automation in Plain English: Speed up your response to known issues by investigating according to runbooks you provide

See it in Action

AI Alert Analysis


Kubernetes Troubleshooting
holmes ask "what pods are unhealthy in my cluster and why?"
Prometheus Alert RCA (root cause analysis)

Investigate Prometheus alerts right from Slack with the official Robusta integration.

342708962-e0c9ccde-299e-41d7-84e3-c201277a9ccb (1)

Or run HolmesGPT from the cli:

kubectl port-forward alertmanager-robusta-kube-prometheus-st-alertmanager-0 9093:9093 &
holmes investigate alertmanager --alertmanager-url http://localhost:9093

Note - if on Mac OS and using the Docker image, you will need to use http://docker.for.mac.localhost:9093 instead of http://localhost:9093

Log File Analysis

Attach files to the HolmesGPT session with -f:

sudo dmesg > dmesg.log
poetry run python3 ask "investigate errors in this dmesg log" -f dmesg.log
Jira Ticket Investigation
holmes investigate jira --jira-url https://<PLACEDHOLDER> --jira-username <PLACEHOLDER_EMAIL> --jira-api-key <PLACEHOLDER_API_KEY>

By default results are displayed in the CLI . Use --update to get the results as a comment in the Jira ticket.

GitHub Issue Investigation
holmes investigate github --github-url https://<PLACEHOLDER> --github-owner <PLACEHOLDER_OWNER_NAME> --github-repository <PLACEHOLDER_GITHUB_REPOSITORY> --github-pat <PLACEHOLDER_GITHUB_PAT>

By default results are displayed in the CLI. Use --update to get the results as a comment in the GitHub issue.

OpsGenie Alert Investigation
holmes investigate opsgenie --opsgenie-api-key <PLACEHOLDER_APIKEY>

By default results are displayed in the CLI . Use --update --opsgenie-team-integration-key <PLACEHOLDER_TEAM_KEY> to get the results as a comment in the OpsGenie alerts. Refer to the CLI help for more info.


PagerDuty Incident Investigation
holmes investigate pagerduty --pagerduty-api-key <PLACEHOLDER_APIKEY>

By default results are displayed in the CLI. Use --update --pagerduty-user-email <PLACEHOLDER_EMAIL> to get the results as a comment in the PagerDuty issue. Refer to the CLI help for more info.


K9s Plugin

You can add HolmesGPT as a plugin for K9s to investigate why any Kubernetes resource is unhealthy.

Add the following contents to the K9s plugin file, typically ~/.config/k9s/plugins.yaml on Linux and ~/Library/Application Support/k9s/plugins.yaml on Mac. Read more about K9s plugins here and check your plugin path here.

Note: HolmesGPT must be installed and configured for the K9s plugin to work.

Basic plugin to run an investigation on any Kubernetes object, using the shortcut Shift + H:

    shortCut: Shift-H 
    description: Ask HolmesGPT 
      - all 
    command: bash
    background: false
    confirm: false
      - -c
      - |
        holmes ask "why is $NAME of $RESOURCE_NAME in -n $NAMESPACE not working as expected"
        echo "Press 'q' to exit"
        while : ; do
        read -n 1 k <&1
        if [[ $k = q ]] ; then

Advanced plugin that lets you modify the questions HolmesGPT asks about the LLM, using the shortcut Shift + O. (E.g. you can change the question to "generate an HPA for this deployment" and the AI will follow those instructions and output an HPA configuration.)

    shortCut: Shift-Q
    description: Custom HolmesGPT Ask
      - all 
    command: bash
    background: false
    confirm: false
      - -c
      - |
        INSTRUCTIONS="# Edit the line below. Lines starting with '#' will be ignored."
        DEFAULT_ASK_COMMAND="why is $NAME of $RESOURCE_NAME in -n $NAMESPACE not working as expected"


        # Open the line in the default text editor
        ${EDITOR:-nano} "$QUESTION_FILE"

        # Read the modified line, ignoring lines starting with '#'
        user_input=$(grep -v '^#' "$QUESTION_FILE")
        echo running: holmes ask "\"$user_input\""
        holmes ask "$user_input"
        echo "Press 'q' to exit"
        while : ; do
        read -n 1 k <&1
        if [[ $k = q ]] ; then

Like what you see? Checkout other use cases or get started by installing HolmesGPT.

Key Features

  • Connects to Existing Observability Data: Find correlations you didn’t know about. No need to gather new data or add instrumentation.
  • Compliance Friendly: Can be run on-premise with your own LLM (or in the cloud with OpenAI/Azure/AWS)
  • Transparent Results: See a log of the AI’s actions and what data it gathered to understand how it reached conclusions
  • Extensible Data Sources: Connect the AI to custom data by providing your own tool definitions
  • Runbook Automation: Optionally provide runbooks in plain English and the AI will follow them automatically
  • Integrates with Existing Workflows: Connect Slack and Jira to get results inside your existing tools


Prerequisite: Get an API key for a supported LLM.

Installation Methods:

Brew (Mac/Linux)
  1. Add our tap:
brew tap robusta-dev/homebrew-holmesgpt
  1. Install holmesgpt:
brew install holmesgpt
  1. Check that installation was successful. This will take a few seconds on the first run - wait patiently.:
holmes --help
  1. Run holmesgpt:
holmes ask "what issues do I have in my cluster"
Prebuilt Docker Container

Run the prebuilt Docker container, with extra flags to mount relevant config files (so that kubectl and other tools can access AWS/GCP resources using your local machine's credentials)

docker run -it --net=host -v ~/.holmes:/root/.holmes -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws -v ~/.config/gcloud:/root/.config/gcloud -v $HOME/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config ask "what pods are unhealthy and why?"
Cutting Edge (Pip and Pipx)

You can install HolmesGPT from the latest git version with pip or pipx.

We recommend using pipx because it guarantees that HolmesGPT is isolated from other python packages on your system, preventing dependency conflicts.

First Pipx (skip this step if you are using pip).

Then install HolmesGPT from git with either pip or pipx:

pipx install ""

Verify that HolmesGPT was installed by checking the version:

holmes version

To upgrade HolmesGPT with pipx, you can run:

pipx upgrade holmesgpt
From Source (Python Poetry)

First install poetry (the python package manager)

git clone
cd holmesgpt
poetry install --no-root
poetry run python3 ask "what pods are unhealthy and why?"
From Source (Docker)

Clone the project from github, and then run:

cd holmesgpt
docker build -t holmes . -f
docker run -it --net=host -v -v ~/.holmes:/root/.holmes -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws -v ~/.config/gcloud:/root/.config/gcloud -v $HOME/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config holmes ask "what pods are unhealthy and why?"
Run HolmesGPT in your cluster (Helm)

Most users should install Holmes using the instructions in the Robusta docs ↗ and NOT the below instructions.

By using the Robusta integration you’ll benefit from an end-to-end integration that integrates with Prometheus alerts and Slack. Using the below instructions you’ll have to build many of those components yourself.

In this mode, all the parameters should be passed to the HolmesGPT deployment, using environment variables.

We recommend pulling sensitive variables from Kubernetes secrets.

First, you'll need to create your holmes-values.yaml file, for example:

- name: MODEL
  value: gpt-4o
  value: <your open ai key>

Then, install with helm;

helm repo add robusta && helm repo update
helm install holmes robusta/holmes -f holmes-values.yaml

For all LLMs you need to provide the MODEL environment variable, which specifies which model you are using.

Some LLMs requires additional variables:


For OpenAI, only the model and api-key should be provided

- name: MODEL
  value: gpt-4o
      name: my-holmes-secret
      key: openAiKey

Note: gpt-4o is optional since it's default model.

Azure OpenAI

To work with Azure AI, you need to provide the below variables:

- name: MODEL
  value: azure/my-azure-deployment         # your azure deployment name
  value: 2024-02-15-preview                # azure openai api version
  value:  # base azure openai url
      name: my-holmes-secret
      key: azureOpenAiKey
AWS Bedrock
enablePostProcessing: true
- name: MODEL
  value: bedrock/anthropic.claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620-v1:0 
  value: us-east-1
      name: my-holmes-secret
      key: awsAccessKeyId
      name: my-holmes-secret
      key: awsSecretAccessKey

Note: bedrock claude provides better results when using post-processing to summarize the results.

Trusting custom Certificate Authority (CA) certificate:

If your llm provider url uses a certificate from a custom CA, in order to trust it, base-64 encode the certificate, and store it in an environment variable named CERTIFICATE

Getting an API Key

HolmesGPT requires an LLM API Key to function. The most common option is OpenAI, but many LiteLLM-compatible models are supported. To use an LLM, set --model (e.g. gpt-4o or bedrock/anthropic.claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620-v1:0) and --api-key (if necessary). Depending on the provider, you may need to set environment variables too.

Instructions for popular LLMs:


To work with OpenAI’s GPT 3.5 or GPT-4 models you need a paid OpenAI API key.

Note: This is different from being a “ChatGPT Plus” subscriber.

Pass your API key to holmes with the --api-key cli argument. Because OpenAI is the default LLM, the --model flag is optional for OpenAI (gpt-4o is the default).

holmes ask --api-key="..." "what pods are crashing in my cluster and why?"

If you prefer not to pass secrets on the cli, set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable or save the API key in a HolmesGPT config file.

Azure OpenAI

To work with Azure AI, you need an Azure OpenAI resource and to set the following environment variables:

  • AZURE_API_VERSION - e.g. 2024-02-15-preview
  • AZURE_API_BASE - e.g.
  • AZURE_API_KEY (optional) - equivalent to the --api-key cli argument

Set those environment variables and run:

holmes ask "what pods are unhealthy and why?" --model=azure/<DEPLOYMENT_NAME> --api-key=<API_KEY>

Refer LiteLLM Azure docs ↗ for more details.

AWS Bedrock

Before running the below command you must run pip install boto3>=1.28.57 and set the following environment variables:


If the AWS cli is already configured on your machine, you may be able to find those parameters with:

cat ~/.aws/credentials ~/.aws/config

Once everything is configured, run:

holmes ask "what pods are unhealthy and why?" --model=bedrock/<MODEL_NAME>

Be sure to replace MODEL_NAME with a model you have access to - e.g. anthropic.claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620-v1:0. To list models your account can access:

aws bedrock list-foundation-models --region=us-east-1

Note that different models are available in different regions. For example, Claude Opus is only available in us-west-2.

Refer to LiteLLM Bedrock docs ↗ for more details.

Using Ollama Ollama is supported, but buggy. We recommend using other models if you can, until Ollama tool-calling capabilities improve. Specifically, Ollama often calls tools with non-existent or missing parameters.

If you'd like to try using Ollama anyway, see below:

export OLLAMA_API_BASE="http://localhost:11434"
holmes ask "what pods are unhealthy in my cluster?" --model="ollama_chat/llama3.1"

You can also connect to Ollama in the standard OpenAI format (this should be equivalent to the above):

# note the v1 at the end
export OPENAI_API_BASE="http://localhost:11434/v1"
# holmes requires OPENAPI_API_KEY to be set but value does not matter
export OPENAI_API_KEY=123
holmes ask "what pods are unhealthy in my cluster?" --model="openai/llama3.1"
Using other OpenAI-compatible models

You will need an LLM with support for function-calling (tool-calling).

  • Set the environment variable for your URL with OPENAI_API_BASE
  • Set the model as openai/<your-model-name> (e.g., llama3.1:latest)
  • Set your API key (if your URL doesn't require a key, then add a random value for --api-key)
holmes ask "what pods are unhealthy and why?" --model=openai/<MODEL_NAME> --api-key=<API_KEY_HERE>

Important: Please verify that your model and inference server support function calling! HolmesGPT is currently unable to check if the LLM it was given supports function-calling or not. Some models that lack function-calling capabilities will hallucinate answers instead of reporting that they are unable to call functions. This behaviour depends on the model.

In particular, note that vLLM does not yet support function calling, whereas llama-cpp does support it.

Enabling Integrations

Confluence HolmesGPT can read runbooks from Confluence. To give it access, set the following environment variables:
Jira, GitHub, OpsGenie, PagerDuty, and AlertManager

HolmesGPT can pull tickets/alerts from each of these sources and investigate them.

Refer to holmes investigate jira --help etc for details, or view the examples.

Other Use Cases

HolmesGPT was designed for incident response, but it is a general DevOps assistant too. Here are some examples:

Ask Questions About Your Cloud
holmes ask "what services does my cluster expose externally?"
Ticket Management - Automatically Respond to Jira tickets related to DevOps tasks
holmes investigate jira  --jira-url https://<PLACEDHOLDER> --jira-username <PLACEHOLDER_EMAIL> --jira-api-key <PLACEHOLDER_API_KEY>
Find the right configuration to change in big Helm charts

LLM uses the built-in Helm toolset to gather information.

holmes ask "what helm value should I change to increase memory request of the my-argo-cd-argocd-server-6864949974-lzp6m pod"
Optimize Docker container size

LLM uses the built-in Docker toolset to gather information.

holmes ask "Tell me what layers of my pavangudiwada/robusta-ai docker image consume the most storage and suggest some fixes to it"

Customizing HolmesGPT

HolmesGPT can investigate many issues out of the box, with no customization or training.

That said, we provide several extension points for teaching HolmesGPT to investigate your issues, according to your best practices. The two main extension points are:

  • Custom Tools - give HolmesGPT access to data that it can't otherwise access - e.g. traces, APM data, or custom APIs
  • Custom Runbooks - give HolmesGPT instructions for investigating specific issues it otherwise wouldn't know how to handle
Add Custom Tools

The more data you give HolmesGPT, the better it will perform. Give it access to more data by adding custom tools.

New tools are loaded using -t from custom toolset files or by adding them to the ~/.holmes/config.yaml with the setting custom_toolsets: ["/path/to/toolset.yaml"].

Add Custom Runbooks

HolmesGPT can investigate by following runbooks written in plain English. Add your own runbooks to provided the LLM specific instructions.

New runbooks are loaded using -r from custom runbook files or by adding them to the ~/.holmes/config.yaml with the custom_runbooks: ["/path/to/runbook.yaml"].

Reading settings from a config file

You can customize HolmesGPT's behaviour with command line flags, or you can save common settings in config file for re-use.

You can view an example config file with all available settings here.

By default, without specifying --config the agent will try to read ~/.holmes/config.yaml. When settings are present in both config file and cli, the cli option takes precedence.

Custom Toolsets

You can define your own custom toolsets to extend the functionality of your setup. These toolsets can include querying company-specific data, fetching logs from observability tools, and more.

# Add paths to your custom toolsets here
# Example: ["path/to/your/custom_toolset.yaml"]
#custom_toolsets: ["examples/custom_toolset.yaml"]
Alertmanager Configuration

Configure the URL for your Alertmanager instance to enable alert management and notifications.

# URL for the Alertmanager
#alertmanager_url: "http://localhost:9093"
Jira Integration

Integrate with Jira to automate issue tracking and project management tasks. Provide your Jira credentials and specify the query to fetch issues and optionally update their status.

# Jira credentials and query settings
#jira_username: ""
#jira_api_key: "..."
#jira_url: ""
#jira_query: "project = 'Natan Test Project' and Status = 'To Do'"
  1. jira_username: The email you use to log into your Jira account. Eg:
  2. jira_api_key: Follow these instructions to get your API key.
  3. jira_url: The URL of your workspace. For example: (Note: schema (https) is required)
  4. project: Name of the project you want the Jira tickets to be created in. Go to Project Settings -> Details -> Name.
  5. status: Status of a ticket. Example: To Do, In Progress
GitHub Integration

Integrate with GitHub to automate issue tracking and project management tasks. Provide your GitHub PAT (personal access token) and specify the owner/repository.

# GitHub credentials and query settings
#github_owner: "robusta-dev"
#github_pat: "..."
#github_url: "" (default)
#github_repository: "holmesgpt"
#github_query: "is:issue is:open"
  1. github_owner: The repository owner. Eg: robusta-dev
  2. github_pat: Follow these instructions to get your GitHub pat (personal access token).
  3. github_url: The URL of your GitHub API. For example: (Note: schema (https) is required)
  4. github_repository: Name of the repository you want the GitHub issues to be scanned. Eg: holmesgpt.
PagerDuty Integration

Integrate with PagerDuty to automate incident tracking and project management tasks. Provide your PagerDuty credentials and specify the user email to update the incident with findings.

pagerduty_api_key: "..."
pagerduty_user_email: ""
pagerduty_incident_key:  "..."
  1. pagerduty_api_key: The PagerDuty API key. This can be found in the PagerDuty UI under Integrations > API Access Key.
  2. pagerduty_user_email: When --update is set, which user will be listed as the user who updated the incident. (Must be the email of a valid user in your PagerDuty account.)
  3. pagerduty_incident_key: If provided, only analyze a single PagerDuty incident matching this key
OpsGenie Integration

Integrate with OpsGenie to automate alert investigations. Provide your OpsGenie credentials and specify the query to fetch alerts.

opsgenie_api_key : "..."
opsgenie-team-integration-key: "...."
opsgenie-query: "..."
  1. opsgenie_api_key: The OpsGenie API key. Get it from Settings > API key management > Add new API key
  2. opsgenie-team-integration-key: OpsGenie Team Integration key for writing back results. (NOT a normal API Key.) Get it from Teams > YourTeamName > Integrations > Add Integration > API Key. Don't forget to turn on the integration and add the Team as Responders to the alert.
  3. opsgenie-query: E.g. 'message: Foo' (see
Slack Integration

Configure Slack to send notifications to specific channels. Provide your Slack token and the desired channel for notifications.

# Slack token and channel configuration
#slack_token: "..."
#slack_channel: "#general"
  1. slack-token: The Slack API key. You can generate with pip install robusta-cli && robusta integrations slack
  2. slack-channel: The Slack channel where you want to receive the findings.
Custom Runbooks

Define custom runbooks to give explicit instructions to the LLM on how to investigate certain alerts. This can help in achieving better results for known alerts.

# Add paths to your custom runbooks here
# Example: ["path/to/your/custom_runbook.yaml"]
#custom_runbooks: ["examples/custom_runbooks.yaml"]

Large Language Model (LLM) Configuration

Choose between OpenAI, Azure, AWS Bedrock, and more. Provide the necessary API keys and endpoints for the selected service.

# Configuration for OpenAI LLM
#api_key: "your-secret-api-key"
# Configuration for Azure LLM
#api_key: "your-secret-api-key"
#model: "azure/<DEPLOYMENT_NAME>"
#you will also need to set environment variables - see above
# Configuration for AWS Bedrock LLM
#model: "bedrock/<MODEL_ID>"
#you will also need to set environment variables - see above


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


If you have any questions, feel free to message us on

How to Contribute

To contribute to HolmesGPT, first follow the Installation instructions for running HolmesGPT from source using Poetry. Then follow an appropriate guide below, or ask us for help on Slack

Adding new runbooks

You can contribute knowledge on solving common alerts and HolmesGPT will use this knowledge to solve related issues. To do so, add a new file to ./holmes/plugins/runbooks - or edit an existing runbooks file in that same directory.

Note: if you prefer to keep your runbooks private, you can store them locally and pass them to HolmesGPT with the -r flag. However, if your runbooks relate to common problems that others may encounter, please consider opening a PR and making HolmesGPT better for everyone!

Adding new toolsets

You can add define new tools in YAML and HolmesGPT will use those tools in it's investigation. To do so, add a new file to ./holmes/plugins/toolsets - or edit an existing toolsets file in that same directory.

Note: if you prefer to keep your tools private, you can store them locally and pass them to HolmesGPT with the -t flag. However, please consider contributing your toolsets! At least one other community member will probably find them useful!

Modifying the default prompts (prompt engineering)

The default prompts for HolmesGPT are located in ./holmes/plugins/prompts. Most holmes commands accept a --system-prompt flag that you can use to override this.

If you find a scenario where the default prompts don't work, please consider letting us know by opening a GitHub issue or messaging us on Slack! We have an internal evaluation framework for benchmarking prompts on many troubleshooting scenarios and if you share a case where HolmesGPT doesn't work, we will be able to add it to our test framework and fix the performance on that issue and similar ones.

Adding new data sources

If you want HolmesGPT to investigate external tickets or alert, you can add a new datasource. This requires modifying the source code and opening a PR. You can see an example PR like that here, which added support for investigating GitHub issues.