Download the catkin packages
Note that '~/catkin_ws' is the directory of catkin workspace in your computer. Adapt the syntax wrt the workspace setting of your machine.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
Build the rplidar package and configure new installed package:
cd ~/catkin_ws
rospack profile
Do the following if you want to update the package from the git repository:
Move to the ~/catkin_ws/src/rplidar-turtlebot2 folder
Pull the new updated files from the github repository
git pull
Compile again
cd ~/catkin_ws
Move to the script folder of rplidar_ros package.
roscd rplidar_ros/scripts
Make the script executable.
chmod +x
Launch the script provided in the rplidar_ros package and it will automatically setup the rules.
enter user password when prompted
Do the following to test if your RP-LiDAR is correctly installed on your TurtleBot
roslaunch turtlebot_le2i rplidar_minimal.launch
roslaunch turtlebot_le2i view_robot_rplidar.launch
Do the following to test if your RP-LiDAR is correctly installed alongside your Kinect RGB-D sensor on your TurtleBot
roslaunch turtlebot_le2i rplidar_minimal.launch
roslaunch turtlebot_le2i rplidar_3dsensor.launch
roslaunch turtlebot_le2i view_robot_rplidar_kinect.launch
We give here an example on how to start the TurtleBot with the RP-LiDAR and perform navigation and localization using a map and amcl.
ROS uses the amcl package to localize the robot within an existing map using the current scan data coming from the RP-LiDAR.
Refer to the following chapters of the ROS By Example vol.1 book for further details:
- 8.5 Navigation and Localization using a Map and amcl
- 8.5.2 Using amcl with a Real Robot
Remapping is mandatory to ensure the compatibility with ROS By Example vol1. source code examples (examples are publishing Twist messages to /cmd_vel topic). It is smarter to use the Command Velocity Multiplexer of the TurtleBot2 instead of publishing directly to "mobile_base/commands/velocity"
roslaunch turtlebot_le2i remap_rplidar_minimal.launch
We assume that you have already created a map of the environment called laboratory_map.yaml in the directory .../rbx1_nav/maps Launch the tb_demo_amcl.launch file with the map as an argument:
roslaunch rbx1_nav tb_demo_amcl.launch map:=laboratory_map.yaml
Start RViz with the included navigation test configuration file:
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find rbx1_nav`/nav_test.rviz