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3.1: Prove that for an associative operation, all possible parentheses groupings are equivalent Footnote 3.3 (page 34) Footnote 4.4 (page 55) Exercise 4.5: Prove that my solution performs 5 2/3 comparisons on average Exercise 4.6: My solution is really sloppy Footnotes 5.9-5.11 (page 81) Draw out the hierarchy of algebraic types Prove that NonnegativeDiscreteArchimedeanSemiring and DiscreteArchimedeanRing are univalent Implement an adapter that converts an IndexedIterator into a RandomAccessIterator Exhaustive test cases for bifurcate_compare Generating random trees? [DONE] traverse that can terminate early Revisit Exercise 8.1 more rigorously Rewrite the proof of Lemma 8.2 more concisely Exercise 8.3: Something more precise than “it’s about n lg n”? How to calculate average case? How does the Writable concept justify exactly one assignment to sink(x)? How do we know that only multipass algorithms both read from and write to the same range? Why does the definition of write_aliased use a forall instead of an exists? Exercise 9.4 What’s an example of an ordering-based arrangement? Lemma 10.18 Clarify axioms for arithmetic between iterators and integers [DONE] *Lemma 10.26 Add versions of reduce (my_iterator.h, plus my_reduce_balanced) that don’t take that god damn “fun” parameter Lemma 11.12 Lemma 11.13 Mechanism for tracing assignments and comparisons Fix linked list iterator type so that arithmetic works What is an “output-restricted” deque?


What would it look like for a programming language to distinguish value types from object types? How can we tell when a given finite set of procedures actually forms a computational basis for a type? What does it mean to have a concept defined on more than one type? What's an example of such a concept? How would you formally define the "action" concept? When would a transformation be more efficient than an action? Footnote 3.6 (page 42): How would you write such an identity_element function? What's an example of an optimization that can be made for non-regular functions / types? Is the difficulty of order-selection with order 5 somehow related to the insolubility of quintics? What's the motivation for the axiom w(a * b) >= w(a) in the definition of a EuclideanSemiring? Chapter 5 Conclusion: What's a case of "adjusting theories to fit algorithmic requirements"? What are some sample implementations of "source" for a readable type, and how can we verify that the implementation is about as fast as an ordinary pointer dereference? How should we define equality for iterators? What's the motivation for having count_if accept (and return) an iterator, as opposed to an integer? What sort of copy semantics do we need to ensure for iterators? When would operations involving the identity element "be slow or require extra logic to implement"? How did floor(lg(n)) + 1 become lg(n) in Lemma 6.13? When would we have an IndexedIterator that's not (already) a RandomAccessIterator? [DONE] How is WeightType (for a BifurcateCoordinate) used? What's a (useful) example where traversing a binary tree would change its shape, i.e. what's a useful example of a WeakBifurcateCoordinate that's not a BifurcateCoordinate? [DONE] Is it possible to implement height using traverse and a function object? When would it be useful to traverse multiple trees concurrently? What does it mean for traversal to be "uniform"? What do we gain by thinking about "concept schemas"? Why doesn't the book make more use of optional parameters? In linker_to_tail, why don't we need the precondition that successor(t) is defined? [DONE] What's meant by "to avoid sharing of proper tails"? Sharing proper tails can save memory, but would also lead to strange behavior (i.e. changing one iterator's source value can change the outcome of seemingly unrelated traversals) Is there a stable way to partition a range of n elements using 2n + 1 assignments? How can the iterative version do up to a linear amount of extra work, and what does that even mean (page 202)? Exercise 12.1: is the implementation of less any different from operator<? How would make “requires” serve as more than just documentation?



An abstract entity is an individual thing that is eternal and unchangeable A concrete entity is an individual thing that comes into and out of existence in space and time An attribute is a correspondence between a concrete entity and an abstract entity that describes some property, measurement, or quality of the concrete entity Identity determines the sameness of a thing changing over time A snapshot (of a concrete entity) is a complete collection of its attributes at a particular point in time An abstract species describes common properties of essentially equivalent abstract entities A concrete species describes the set of attributes of essentially equivalent concrete entities A function is a rule that associates one or more abstract entities, called arguments (from corresponding species) with an abstract entity, called the result, from another species An abstract (or concrete) genus describes different abstract (or concrete) species that are similar in some respect


A datum is a finite sequence of 0s and 1s A value type is a correspondence between a species (abstract or concrete) and a set of datums A datum corresponding to a particular entity is called a representation of the entity (we say the datum represents the entity) An entity corresponding to a particular datum is called an interpretation of the datum A value is a datum (which we sometimes refer to as the representation of the value; we also sometimes say that the datum represents the value) together with the datum's interpretation (which we sometimes refer to as the interpretation of the value; we also sometimes say that the value represents its datum's interpretation) [When we say value, we may be referring to the actual value (i.e. the datum together with its interpretation), only the datum, or only the interpretation; the usage should (hopefully) be clear from context] A datum is well-formed (with respect to a value type) if that datum represents an abstract entity A value type is properly partial if its values represent a proper subset of the abstract entities in the corresponding species; otherwise it is total A value type is uniquely represented if at most one value corresponds to each abstract entity A value type is ambiguous if a datum has more than one interpretation; otherwise, it is unambiguous Two values of a value type are equal if they represent the same abstract identity (i.e. if they have the same interpretation) Two values of a value type are representationally equal if their datums are identical sequences of 0s and 1s A function defined on a value type is regular if substituting an equal value for an argument gives an equal result


A memory is a set of words, each with an address and a content The addresses are values of a fixed size, called the address length The contents are values of another fixed size, called the word length The content of an address is obtained by a load operation The association of a content with an address is changed by a store operation An object is a representation of an entity as a value in memory An object has a state that is a value of some value type The state is changeable The state corresponds to a snapshot of the concrete entity corresponding to the object An object owns a set of resources (memory, file) to hold its state An object (for the purposes of this book) has a unique starting address from which all of its resources can be reached An object type is a pattern for storing and modifying values in memory An object is {well-formed, properly partial, total, uniquely represented} if its state is {well-formed, properly partial, total, uniquely represented} Each object type has a corresponding value type describing states of objects of that type An identity token is a value expressing the identity of an object, and is computed from the value of the object and the address of its resources Testing equality of identity tokens corresponds to testing equality of identity Two objects of the same type are equal if their states are equal If two objects are equal, and the two objects do not have equal identity tokens, then we say that one is a copy of the other Making a change to an object does not affect any copy of it When we say type (without qualification), we mean object type


A procedure is a sequence of instructions that modifies the state of some objects; it may also construct or destroy objects Procedures interact with four different kinds of objects:

  1. Input/output: objects passed to/from a procedure directly or indirectly through its arguments or returned result
  2. Local state: objects created, destroyed, and usually modified during a single invocation of the procedure
  3. Global state: objects accessible to this and other procedures across multiple invocations
  4. Own state: objects accessible only to this procedure (and its affiliated procedures) but shared across multiple invocations An object is passed directly if it is passed as an argument or returned as a result An object is passed indirectly if it is passed by a pointer or a pointerlike object An object is an input to a procedure if it is read, but not modified, by a procedure An object is an output from a procedure if it is written, created, or destroyed by the procedure, but its initial state is not read by the procedure An object is an input/output of a procedure if it is modified as well as read by the procedure A computational basis for a type is a finite set of procedures that enable the construction of any other procedure on the type A basis is efficient if any proceduer implemented using it is as [asymptotically] efficient as an equivalent procedure written in terms of an alternative basis A basis is expressive if it allows compact and convenient definitions of procedures on the type


A type is regular if its basis includes equality, assignment, destructor, default constructor, copy constructor, total ordering, and underlying type Equality is a procedure that takes two objects of the same types and returns true if and only if the object states are equal (inequality is the negation of equality) Assignment is a procedure that takes two objects of the same type and makes the first object equal to the second without modifying the second; the meaning of assignment does not depend on the initial value of the first object A destructor is a procedure causing the cessation of an object's existence A constructor is a procedure transforming memory locations into an object An object is in a partially formed state if it can be assigned to or destroyed A default constructor is a constructor that takes no arguments and leaves the object in a partially formed state A copy constructor for a type is a constructor that takes an argument of the same type and constructs a new object equal to the argument


A procedure is regular if replacing its inputs with equal objects results in equal output objects A functional procedure is a regular procedure defined on regular types, with one or more direct inputs and a single output that is returned as a result of the procedure Note that we can pass inputs either by value (making a local copy) or by constant reference A functional procedure can be implemented as a C++ function, function pointer, or functor (function object) The definition space for a functional procedure is the subset of values for tis inputs to which it is intended to be applied A functional procedure always terminates on input in its definition space A homogeneous functional procedure is one whose input objects are all the same type The domain of a homogeneous functional procedure is the type of its inputs The codomain for a functional procedure is the type of its output The result space for a functional procedure is the set of all values from its codomain returned by the procedure for inputs from its definition space


A concept is a collection of requirements (expressed as syntactic and semantic properties) on types Type represents species; concepts represent genera A type attribute is a mapping from a type to a value describing some characteristic of the type A type function is a mapping from a type to an affiliated type An indexed type function takes an additional constant integer parameter A type constructor is a mechanism for creating a new type from one or more existing types More formally, a concept is a description of requirements on one or more types stated in terms of the existence and properties of procedures, type attributes, and type functions defined on the types We say a concept is modeled by specific types, or that the types model the concept, if the requirements are satisfied for those types A concept C' refines another concept C if whenever C' is satisfied for a set of types, C is also satisfied for that set of types A concept C weakens another concept C' if C' refines C A type concept is a concept defined on one type We define a concept C by writing

    C(T_0, ..., T_{n-1}) := E_0 ^ E_1 ^ ... ^ E^{k-1}

The T_i are formal type parameters Each E_i is a concept clause that takes one of three forms: 1. Application of a previously defined concept, indicating a subset of the formal type parameters that model it 2. Signature of a type attribute, type function, or procedure that must exist for any types modeling the concept A procedure signature takes the form f: T -> T', where T is the domain and T' is the codomain A type function signature takes the form F: C -> C', where the domain and codomain are concepts 3. Axiom expressed in terms of these type attributes, type functions, and procedures We sometimes include the definition of a type attribute, type function, or procedure following its signature in the second kind of concept clause, though particular models may override this definition

    UnaryFunction(F) :=
      ^ Arity(F) = 1
      ^ Domain: UnaryFunction -> Regular
            F |-> InputType(F, 0)

    HomogeneousFunction(F) :=
      ^ Arity(F) > 0
      ^ (forall i, j in N)(i, j < Arity(F)) => (InputType(F, i) = InputType(F, j))
      ^ Domain: HomogeneousFunction -> Regular
            F |-> InputType(F, 0)

An abstract procedure is parametrized by types and constant values, with requirements on those parameters An abstract procedure is regular if all its instantiations are regular Preconditions describe properties of particular objects


Predicate(P) :=
  ^ Codomain(P) = bool

HomogeneousPredicate(P) :=
  ^ HomogeneousFunction(P)

UnaryPredicate(P) :=
  ^ UnaryFunction(P)

Operation(Op) :=
  ^ Codomain(Op) = Domain(Op)

A procedure is partial if its definition space is a subset of the direct product of the types of its inputs A procedure is total if its definition space is equal to the direct product of the types of its inputs (we consider a total function to be partial) A procedure is nontotal if it is partial but not total A definition-space predicate for a partial procedure f is a [total] predicate p, with the same input types as f, that returns true if and only if the inputs are within the definition space of f

Transformation(F) :=
  ^ UnaryFunction(F)
  ^ DistanceType: Transformation -> Integer

When f is a transformation, we define its powers as follows:

f^n(x) = | x              if n = 0
         | f^{n-1}(f(x))  if n > 0


y is reachable from x under a transformation f if for some n >= 0, y = f^n(x) x is cyclic under f if for some n >= 1, x = f^n(x) x is terminal under f if x is not in the definition space of f The orbit of x under a transformation f is the set of all elements reachable from x under f If y is reachable from x under f, the distance from x to y is the smallest non-negative integer n such that f^n(x) = y Given a transformation type F, DistanceType(F) is an integer type large enough to encode the distance between any two elements of Domain(F) An orbit of x under a transformation is: infinite if it has no cyclic or terminal elements (otherwise, it is finite) terminating if it has a terminal element circular if x is cyclic p-shaped if x is not cyclic, but its orbit contains a cyclic element The orbit cycle is the set of cyclic elements in the orbit (empty for infinite orbits and terminating orbits) The orbit handle is the complement of the orbit cycle with respect to the orbit (empty for circular orbits) The connection point is the first cyclic element (i.e. f^n(x) where n is the smallest non-negative integer such that f^n(x) is cyclic under f) The connection point of a circular orbit is the first element The connection point of a p-shaped orbit is the first element after the handle Infinite orbits and terminating orbits do not have a connection point The orbit size (o) of an orbit is the number of distinct elements in the orbit The handle size (h) of an orbit is the number of elements in the orbit handle The cycle size (c) of an orbit is the number of elements in the orbit cycle


The collision point of a transformation f and a starting point x is the unique y such that y = f^n(x) = f^{2n+1}(x), and n >= 0 is the smallest integer satisfying this condition


An action is a procedure that changes the state of an object

Chapter 3

BinaryOperation(Op) :=
  ^ Arity(Op) = 2

If f and g are transformations on the same domain, their composition, g o f, is a transformation mapping x to g(f(x)) An element x has finite order under an associative operation if there exist integers 0 < n < m such that x^n = x^m An element x is an idempotent element under an associative operation if x = x^2

Theorem 3.1. An element of finite order has an idempotent power. Proof. Suppose x has finite order, i.e. x^n = x^m for integers 0 < n < m. Let f be the transformation that maps y to xy; then the orbit of x under f contains the cyclic element x^n (since f^{m-n}(x^n) = x^{m-n} * x^n = x^m = x^n). Then

x^{n*(m-n)}^2 = x^{n*(m-n)} * x^n * x^{n*(m-n-1)}
              = f^{n*(m-n)}(x^n) * x^{n*(m-n-1)}
              = x^n * x^{n*(m-n-1)}
              = x^{n*(m-n)}

which shows that x^{n*(m-n)} is idempotent.

Proof. (EoP) Suppose x has finite order, and let f be the transformation that maps z to xz. Then the orbit of x under f has a cyclic element. Let y = f^n(x) be the collision point of f and x; then f^n(x) = f^{2n+1}(x), and by the definition of f, x^{n+1} = x^{2n+2}, which shows that x^{n+1} is idempotent.

A recursive procedure is in tail-recursive form if the procedure's execution ends with the recursive call A recursive procedure is in strict tail-recursive form if all the tail-recursive calls are done with the formal parameters of the procedure being the corresponding arguments Using an operator symbol or procedure name with the same semantics on different types is called overloading In this case, we say that the operator symbol or procedure name is overloaded on the type A linear recurrence function of order k is a function f such that

f(y_0, ..., y_{k-1}) = \Sum_{i=0}^{k-1} a_i y_i, where a_0, a_{k-1} != 0

A sequence is a linear recurrence of order k if there is a linear recurrence function of order k--say f--and

(forall n >= k) x_n = f(x_{n-1}, ..., x_{n-k})

Changing the state of an object by combining it with another object via a binary operation defines an accumulation procedure on the object An algorithm is abstract if it can be used with different models satisfying the same requirements (eg. associativity)

Chapter 4

A [binary] relation is a predicate taking two parameters of the same type:

Relation(Op) :=
  ^ Arity(Op) = 2

A relation is transitive if whenever it holds between a and b, and between b and c, it holds between a and c

property(R: relation)
transitive: R
    r |-> (forall a, b, c in Domain(R)) (r(a, b) ^ r(b, c) implies r(a, c))

A relation is strict if it never holds between an element and itself A relation is reflexive if it always holds between an element and itself

property(R: relation)
strict: R
    r |-> (forall a in Domain(R)) !r(a, a)

property(R: relation)
reflexive: R
    r |-> (forall a in Domain(R)) r(a, a)

A relation is symmetric if whenever it holds in one direction, it holds in the other A relation is asymmetric if it never holds in both directions

property(R: relation)
symmetric: R
    r |-> (forall a, b in Domain(R)) (r(a, b) implies r(b, a))

property(R: relation)
asymmetric: R
    r |-> (forall a, b in Domain(R)) (r(a, b) implies !r(b, a))

Given a relation r(a, b), we define the following derived relations with the same domain:

            complement_r(a, b) <=> !r(a, b)
              converse_r(a, b) <=> r(b, a)
complement_of_converse_r(a, b) <=> !r(b, a)

A relation is an equivalence if it is transitive, reflexive, and symmetric

property(R: relation)
equivalence: R
    r |-> transitive(r) ^ reflexive(r) ^ symmetric(r)

An equivalence class for an equivalence relation is a subset of its domain containing all elements equivalent to a given element We can implement an equivalence relation by defining a key function, a function that returns the same value for all elements in a given equivalence class (and different values for elements in different equivalence classes)

property(F: UnaryFunction, R: Relation)
    requires(Domain(F) = Domain(R))
key_function: F x R
    (f, r) |-> (forall a, b in Domain(F)) (r(a, b) <=> f(a) = f(b))

A relation is a total ordering if it is transitive and obeys the trichotomy law (for every pair of elements, exactly one of the following holds: the relation, its converse, or equality)

property(R: Relation)
total_ordering: R
    r |-> transitive(r) ^
          (forall a, b in Domain(R)) exactly one of the following holds:
              r(a, b), r(b, a), or a = b

A relation is a weak ordering if it is transitive and there is an equivalence relation on the same domain such that the original relation obeys the weak-trichotomy law (for every pair of elements, exactly one of the following holds: the relation, its converse, or the equivalence relation)

property(R: Relation, E: Relation)
    requires(Domain(R) = Domain(E))
weak_ordering: R
    r |-> transitive(r) ^ (exists e in E) equivalence(e) ^
          (forall a, b in Domain(R)) exactly one of the following holds:
              r(a, b), r(b, a), or e(a, b)

Given a relation r, the relation !r(a, b) ^ !r(b, a) is called the symmetric complement of r Given a key function f on a set T, together with a total ordering r on the codomain of f, we can define the following weak ordering on T:

r'(x, y) <=> r(f(x), f(y))

We refer to total and weak orderings as linear orderings An algorithm is stable if it respects the original order of equivalent objects

TotallyOrdered(T) :=
  ^ <: T x T -> bool
  ^ total_ordering(<)

Chapter 5

An element is called an identity element of a binary operation if, when combined with any other element as the first or second element, the operation returns the other element:

property(T: Regular, Op: BinaryOperation)
    requires(T = Domain(Op))
identity_element: T x Op
    (e, op) |-> (forall a in T) op(a, e) = op(e, a) = a

A transformation is called an inverse operation of a binary operation with respect to a given element (usually the identity of the binary operation) if it satisfies the following:

property(F: Transformation, T: Regular, Op: BinaryOperation)
    requires(Domain(F) = T = Domain(Op))
inverse_operation: F x T x Op
    (inv, e, op) |-> (forall a in T) op(a, inv(a)) = op(inv(a), a) = e

A binary operation is commutative if its result is the same when its arguments are interchanged:

property(Op: BinaryOperation)
commutative: Op
    op |-> (forall a, b in Domain(Op)) op(a, b) = op(b, a)

A set with an associative operation is called a semigroup A type with + (which should be commutative) is called an additive semigroup

AdditiveSemigroup(T) :=
  ^ +: T x T -> T
  ^ associative(+)
  ^ commutative(+)

A type with * (which is not necessarily commutative) is called a multiplicative semigroup

MultiplicativeSemigroup(T) :=
  ^ *: T x T -> T
  ^ associative(*)

A semigroup with an identity element is called a monoid We denote the additive identity element by 0, and define an additive monoid as follows:

AdditiveMonoid(T) :=
  ^ 0 in T
  ^ identity_element(0, +)

We denote the multiplicative identity element by 1, and define a multiplicative monoid as follows:

MultiplicativeMonoid(T) :=
  ^ 1 in T
  ^ identity_element(1, *)

A monoid with an inverse operation is called a group We denote the inverse operation of an additive monoid by -, and define an additive group as follows:

AdditiveGroup(T) :=
  ^ -: T -> T
  ^ InverseOperation(unary -, 0, +)
  ^ -: T x T -> T
        (a, b) |-> a + (-b)

Similarly, we define a multiplicative group as follows:

MultiplicativeGroup(T) :=
  ^ multiplicative_inverse: T -> T
  ^ InverseOperation(multiplicative_inverse, 1, *)
  ^ /: T x T -> T
        (a, b) |-> a * multiplicative_inverse(b)

We write multiplicative_inverse(x) as x^{-1} When both + and * are present on a type, they are [i.e. should be] interrelated with axioms defining a semiring:

Semiring(T) :=
  ^ MultiplicativeMonoid(T)
  ^ 0 != 1
  ^ (forall a in T) a * 0 = 0
  ^ (forall a, b, c in T)
        a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c
      ^ (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c

The axiom about multiplication by zero is called the annihilation property The axiom connecting + and * is called the distributive property, or distributivity

CommutativeSemiring(T) :=
  ^ commutative(*)

Ring(T) :=
  ^ Semiring(T)

CommutativeRing(T) :=
  ^ CommutativeSemiring(T)

A relational concept is a concept defined on two types semimodule is a relational concept that connects an additive monoid and a commutative semiring:

Semimodule(T, S) :=
  ^ CommutativeSemiring(S)
  ^ *: S x T -> T
  ^ (forall A, B in S) (forall a, b, in T)
        A * (B * a) = (A * B) * a
        (A + B) * a = A * a + B * a
        A * (a + b) = A * a + A * b
              1 * a = a

If Semimodule(T, S), we say that T is a semimodule over S; we call elements of T vectors and elements of S scalars

Theorem 5.1 AdditiveMonoid(T) implies Semimodule(T, N), where scalar multiplication is defined as n * x = x + ... + x (n times). Proof. Let A, B be natural numbers, and let a, b be vectors in T. Then

A * (B * a) = (B * a) + ... + (B * a)
            = (a + ... + a) + ... + (a + ... + a)

where there are A parenthesized terms and B copies of a inside each parenthesized term, for a total of A * B copies of a; thus A * (B * a) = (A * B) * a. Next,

A * a + B * a = (a + ... + a) + (a + ... + a)

where there are A copies of a in the left parenthesized term and B copies of a in the right parenthesized term, for a total of A + B copies of a; thus A * a + B * a = (A + B) * a. Furthermore,

A * (a + b) = (a + b) + ... + (a + b)

and by commutativity of addition, the expression on the left becomes (a + ... + a) + (b + ... + b); thus A * (a + b) = A * a + A * b. Finally, 1 * a = a follows immediately from the definition of *.

Replacing the additive monoid with an additive group and replacing the semiring with a ring in the definition of a semimodule transforms the semimodule into a module:

Module(S, T) :=
    Semimodule(T, S)
  ^ AdditiveGroup(T)
  ^ Ring(S)

A model is called partial when the operations satisfy the axioms where they are defined, but are not everywhere defined

OrderedAdditiveSemigroup(T) :=
  ^ TotallyOrdered(T)
  ^ (forall a, b, c in T) a < b implies a + c < b + c

OrderedAdditiveMonoid(T) :=
  ^ AdditiveMonoid(T)

OrderedAdditiveGroup(T) :=
  ^ AdditiveGroup(T)

CancellableMonoid(T) :=
  ^ -: T x T -> T
  ^ (forall a, b in T) b <= a implies
        a - b is defined ^ (a - b) + b = a

ArchimedeanMonoid(T) :=
  ^ (forall a, b in T) (a >= 0 ^ b > 0) implies slow_remainder(a, b) terminates
  ^ QuotientType: ArchimedeanMonoid -> Integer

HalvableMonoid(T) :=
  ^ half: T -> T
  ^ (forall a, b in T) b > 0 ^ a = b + b implies half(a) = b

For a >= b and b > 0 in an Archimedean monoid T, we define divisibility as follows:

b divides a <=> (exists n in QuotientType(T)) a = nb

A greatest common divisor of a and b, denoted by gcd(a, b), is a divisor of a and b that is divisible by any other common divisor of a and b

Theorem. subtractive_gcd_nonzero(sqrt(2), 1) does not terminate [assuming an arbitrary precision representation of sqrt(2)] Proof. Suppose it terminates and returns d. Write m = sqrt(2) / d and n = 1 / d. Then m / n = sqrt(2), so m^2 = 2n^2, and m is even. Write m = 2u; then (2u)^2 = 4u^2 = 2n^2, so n is even. This contradicts Lemma 5.15; we conclude that subtractive_gcd_nonzero does not terminate.

A Euclidean monoid is an Archimedean monoid where subtractive_gcd_nonzero always terminates:

EuclideanMonoid(T) :=
  ^ (forall a, b in T) (a > b ^ b > 0) implies subtractive_gcd_nonzero(a, b) terminates

EuclideanSemiring(T) :=
  ^ NormType: EuclideanSemiring -> Integer
  ^ w: T -> NormType(T)
  ^ (forall a in T) w(a) >= 0
  ^ (forall a in T) w(a) = 0 <=> a = 0
  ^ (forall a, b in T) b != 0 implies w(a * b) >= w(a)
  ^ remainder: T x T -> T
  ^ quotient: T x T -> T
  ^ (forall a, b in T) b != 0 implies a = quotient(a, b) * b + remainder(a, b)
  ^ (forall a, b in T) b != 0 implies w(remainder(a, b)) < w(b)

w is called the Euclidean function [Euclidean norm?]

EuclideanSemimodule(T, S) :=
    Semimodule(T, S)
  ^ remainder: T x T -> T
  ^ quotient: T x T -> S
  ^ (forall a, b in T) b != 0 implies a = quotient(a, b) * b + remainder(a, b)
  ^ (forall a, b in T) (a != 0 v b != 0) implies gcd(a, b) terminates

An Archimedean group must also satisfy the following properties (b != 0):

a = quotient(a, b) * b + remainder(a, b)
|remainder(a, b)| < |b|
remainder(a + b, b) = remainder(a - b, b) = remainder(a, b)

Dirichlet: If two numbers a and b have the same remainder r relative to the same modulus k they will be called congruent relative to the modulus k (following Gauss)

ArchimedeanGroup(T) :=
  ^ AdditiveGroup(T)

DiscreteArchimedeanSemiring(T) :=
  ^ ArchimedeanMonoid(T)
  ^ (forall a, b, c in T) a < b ^ 0 < c implies a * c < b * c
  ^ !(exists a in T) 0 < a < 1

Discreteness refers to the property that there is no element between 0 and 1

NonnegativeDiscreteArchimedeanSemiring(T) :=
  ^ (forall a in T) 0 <= a

DiscreteArchimedeanRing(T) :=
  ^ AdditiveGroup(T)

Two types T and T' are isomorphic if it is possible to write conversion functions from T to T' and from T' to T that preserve the procedures and their axioms A concept is univalent if any types satisfying it are isomorphic. A proposition is independent from a set of axioms if there is a model in which all of the axioms are true, but the proposition is false A proposition is dependent or provable from a set of axioms if it can be derived from them [in which case for every model where the axioms are true, the proposition is also true] A concept is consistent if it has a model A concept is inconsistent if both a proposition and its negation can be derived from its axioms [in which case no model exists for that concept] A concept is useful if there are useful algorithms for which this is the most abstract setting A bounded unsigned binary integer type U_n, where n = 8, 16, 32, 64, ..., is an unsigned integer type capable of representing a value in the interval [0, 2^n) A bounded signed binary integer type S_n, where n = 8, 16, 32, 64, ..., is a signed integer type capable of representing a value in the interval [-2^{n-1}, 2^{n-1})

Chapter 6

A type T is readable if a unary function "source" defined on it returns an object of type ValueType(T):

Readable(T) :=
  ^ ValueType: Readable -> Regular
  ^ source: T -> ValueType(T)

A pseudotransformation has the signature of a transformation but is not necessarily regular

Iterator(T) :=
  ^ DistanceType: Iterator -> Integer
  ^ successor: T -> T
  ^ successor is not necessarily regular

An iterator algorithm is single-pass if it applies successor to the value of each iterator once

property(I: Iterator)
weak_range: I x DistanceType(I)
    (f, n) |-> (forall i in DistanceType(I))
                   (0 <= i <= n) implies successor^i(f) is defined

property(I: Iterator, N: Integer)
counted_range: I x N
    (f, n) |-> weak_range(f, n) ^
                   (forall i, j in N) (0 <= i < j <= n) implies
                       successor^i(f) != successor^j(f)

property(I: Iterator)
bounded_range: I x I
    (f, l) |-> (exists k in DistanceType(I))
                   counted_range(f, k) ^ successor^k(f) = l

A half-open weak (or counted) range [[f, n|), where n >= 0 is an integer, denotes the sequence of iterators

{successor^k(f) | 0 <= k < n}

A closed weak (or counted) range [[f, n]], where n >= 0 is an integer, denotes the sequence of iterators

{successor^k(f) | 0 <= k <= n}

A half-open bounded range [f, l) is equivalent to the half-open counted range[[f, l - f|) A closed bounded range [f, l] is equivalent to the closed counted range [[f, l - f]] [Also known as a compact range--jk lol] If r is a range and i is an iterator, we say i is in r, or i is an element of r, if i is a member of r when we consider the set of iterators in r (note that r itself is a sequence of iterators, not a set of iterators) We denote empty half-open ranges by [[i, 0|) or [i, i) for some iterator i An iterator l is called the limit of a half-open bounded range [f, l); also, f + n is the limit of the half-open weak range [[f, n|) Note that i is the limit of the empty ranges [[i, 0|) and [i, i) Given two iterators i and j in a counted or bounded range, we say i precedes j if i != j and bounded_range(i, j), i.e. one or more applications of successor leads from i to j A range of iterators from a type modeling Readable and Iterator is readable if source is defined on all iterators in the range:

property(I: Readable)
readable_bounded_range: I x I
    (f, l) |-> bounded_range(f, l) ^ (forall i in [f, l)) source(i) is defined

property(I: Readable)
readable_weak_range: I x DistanceType(I)
    (f, n) |-> weak_range(f, n) ^ (forall i in [[f, n))) source(i) is defined

property(I: Readable)
readable_counted_range: I x DistanceType(I)
    (f, n) |-> counted_range(f, n) ^ (forall i in [[f, n))) source(i) is defined

property(Op: BinaryOperation)
partially_associative: Op
    op |-> (forall a, b, c in Domain(Op))
               if op(a, b) and op(b, c) are defined,
               op(op(a, b), c) and op(a, op(b, c)) are defined
               and are equal

Given a weak ordering r, we say that a range is r-increasing if it is relation preserving with respect to the complement of the converse of r (i.e. adjacent elements i, j of the range satisfy !r(j, i)) Given a weak ordering r, we say that a range is strictly r-increasing if it is relation preserving with respect to r (i.e. adjacent elements i, j of the range satisfy r(i, j)) Given a predicate p on the value type of some iterator, a range over that iterator type is called p-partitioned if any values of the range satisfying the predicate follow every value of the range not satisfying the predicate The first iterator in the range whose value satisfies the predicate is called the partition point

ForwardIterator(T) :=
  ^ regular_unary_function(successor)

The lower bound of an r-increasing range with respect to a given value a is the first iterator in that range whose value x satisfies !r(x, a) The upper bound of an r-increasing range with respect to a given value a is the first iterator in that range whose value x satisfies r(a, x)

IndexedIterator(T) :=
  ^ +: T x DistanceType(T) -> T
  ^ -: T x T -> DistanceType(T)
  ^ + takes constant time
  ^ - takes constant time

BidirectionalIterator(T) :=
  ^ predecessor: T -> T
  ^ predecessor takes constant time
  ^ (forall i in T) successor(i) is defined implies
                        predecessor(successor(i)) is defined and equals i
  ^ (forall i in T) predecessor(i) is defined implies
                        successor(predecessor(i)) is defined and equals i

RandomAccessIterator(T) :=
  ^ BidirectionalIterator(T)
  ^ TotallyOrdered(T)
  ^ (forall i, j in T) i < j <=> i precedes j
  ^ DifferenceType: RandomAccessIterator -> Integer
  ^ +: T x DifferenceType(T) -> T
  ^ -: T x DifferenceType(T) -> T
  ^ -: T x T -> DifferenceType(T)
  ^ < takes constant time
  ^ - between an iterator and an integer takes constant time

Theorem 6.1 For any procedure defined on an explicitly given range of random-access iterators, there is another procedure defined on indexed iterators with the same complexity. Proof. Suppose we are given a range [f, l). We will show that each of the operations listed in the definition of RandomAccessIterator can be simulated with an IndexedIterator in constant time.

(1) predecessor: given an iterator i in the range [f, l), predecessor(i) is given by f + ((i - f) - 1), where the latter subtraction is over the integer type DistanceType(T) (2) <: given two iterators i and j in the range [f, l), i < j <=> (i - f) < (j - f), where the latter comparison is over the integer type DistanceType(T) (3) -: T x DifferenceType(T) -> T: given an iterator i in the range [f, l) and an integer n in DistanceType(T), i - n is the same as f + ((i - f) - n)

Thus we can implement an adapter that, given an IndexedIterator, produces a RandomAccessIterator without any (asymptotic) loss of efficiency.

Chapter 7

BifurcateCoordinate(T) :=
  ^ WeightType: BifurcateCoordinate -> Integer
  ^ empty: T -> bool
  ^ has_left_successor: T -> bool
  ^ has_right_successor: T -> bool
  ^ left_successor: T -> T
  ^ right_successor: T -> T
  ^ (forall i, j in T) (left_successor(i) = j v right_successor(i) = j) implies !empty(j)

A bifurcate coordinate y is a proper descendent of another coordinate x if y is the left or right successor of x, or if it is a proper descend of the left or right successor of x A bifurcate coordinate y is a descendent of a coordinate x if y = x or y is a proper descendent of x The descendents of x for a directed acyclic graph (DAG) if for all y in the descendents of x, y is not its own proper descendent x is called the root of the DAG of its descendents If the descendents of x form a DAG and are finite in number, then they form a finite DAG The height of a finite DAG is one more than the maximum sequence of successors starting from its root, or zero if it is empty A bifurcate coordinate y is left reachable from x if it is a descendent of the left successor of x A bifurcate coordinate y is right reachable if it is a descendent of the right successor of x The descendents of x form a tree if they form a finite DAG and for all y, z in the descendents of x, z is not both left reachable and right reachable from y (i.e. there is a unique sequence of successors from a coordinate to any of its descendents) Algorithms for traversing DAGs and cyclic structures require marking, a way of remembering which coordinates have been previously visited There are three primary depth-first tree-traversal orders; all three fully traverse the left descendents and then the right descendents preorder visits to a coordinate occur before the traversal of its descendents inorder visits to a coordinate occur between the traversals of the left and right descendents postorder visits occur after traversing all descendents

BidirectionalBifurcateCoordinate :=
  ^ has_predecessor: T -> bool
  ^ (forall i in T) !empty(i) implies has_predecessor(i) is defined
  ^ predecessor: T -> T
  ^ (forall i in T) has_left_successor(i) implies
        predecessor(left_successor(i)) is defined and equals i
  ^ (forall i in T) has_right_successor(i) implies
        predecessor(right_successor(i)) is defined and equals i
  ^ (forall i in T) has_predecessor(i) implies
        is_left_successor(i) v is_right_successor(i)

property(C: Readable)
readable_tree: C
    x |-> (forall y in C) reachable(x, y) implies source(y) is defined

A concept schema is a way of describing some common properties of a family of concepts A concept is a coordinate structure if it consists of one or more coordinate types, zero or more value types, one or more traversal functions, and zero or more access functions Let c = {c1, ..., cn} be a collection of coordinates of a type C, and let d = {d1, ..., dm} be a collection of coordinates of a type D, where C and D belong to the same coordinate structure concept. We say c and d are isomorphic if there is a bijection f from c to d such that for any traversal function t and any element ci, t(ci) is defined if and only if t(f(ci)) is defined, and if whenever both are defined, they are equal Let c = {c1, ..., cn} and d = {d1, ..., dn} be isomorphic collections of coordinates that have the same value types, and let f be an isomorphism between c and d. We say that c and d are equivalent under given equivalence relations (one per value type) if for any access function a and any element ci, a(ci) is defined if and only if a(f(c)), and if whenever both are defined, they are equivalent under the corresponding equivalence relation Replacing the equivalence relations on the value types with equality on the value types leads to a definition of equality for collections of coordinates

Chapter 8

A linked iterator type is a forward iterator type for which a linker object (an object that, when applied to an iterator, allows the successor of that iterator to be changed)

ForwardLinker(S) :=
    IteratorType: ForwardLinker -> ForwardIterator
  ^ Let I = IteratorType(S) in:
        (forall s in S) (s: I x I -> void)
      ^ (forall i, j in I) if successor(i) is defined, then
            s(i, j) establishes successor(i) = j

BackwardLinker(S) :=
    IteratorType: BackwardLinker -> BidirectionalIterator
  ^ Let I = IteratorType(S) in:
        (forall s in S) (s: I x I -> void)
      ^ (forall i, j in I) if predecessor(j) is defined, then
            s(i, j) establishes i = predecessor(j)

BidirectionalLinker :=
  ^ BackwardLinker(S)

Two ranges are disjoint if they include no iterator in common

property(I: Iterator)
disjoint: I x I x I x I
    (f0, l0, f1, l1) |-> (forall i in I) !(i in [f0, l0] and i in [f1, l1])

property(I: Iterator)
disjoint: I x DistanceType(I) x I x DistanceType(I)
    (f0, n0, f1, n1) |-> (forall i in I) !(i in [[f0, n0]] and i in [[f1, n1]])

A link rearrangement is an algorithm taking one or more linked ranges, returning one or more linked ranges, and satisfying the following properties:

* Input ranges (either counted or bounded) are pairwise disjoint
* Output ranges (either counted or bounded) are pairwise disjoint
* Every iterator in an input range appears in an output range
* Every iterator in an output range appeared in an input range
* Every iterator in each output range designates the same object as before the rearrangement, and this object has the same value

Note that successor and predecessor relationships that held in the input range might not hold in the output ranges A link rearrangement is precedence preserving if, whenever two iterators i, j in an output range, with i preceding j, came from the same input range, the same precedence relation held in the input range A sort on a linked range is stable with respect to a weak ordering r if, whenever i and j have equivalent values with respect to r but i precedes j in the input range, i precedes j in the output range.

LinkedBifurcateCoordinate(T) :=
  ^ set_left_successor: T x T -> void
        (i, j) |-> establishes left_successor(i) = j
  ^ set_right_successor: T x T -> void
        (i, j) |-> establishes right_successor(i) = j

EmptyLinkedBifurcateCoordinate(T) :=
  ^ empty(T())
  ^ !empty(i) implies left_successor(i) and right_successor(i) are defined
  ^ !empty(i) implies (!has_left_successor(i) <=> empty(left_successor(i)))
  ^ !empty(i) implies (!has_right_successor(i) <=> empty(right_successor(i)))

Chapter 9

A type is writable if a unary procedure sink is defined on it (sink can only be used on the left side of an assignment whose right side evaluates to the corresponding value type):

Writable(T) :=
    ValueType: Writable -> Regular
  ^ (forall x in T) (forall v in ValueType(T))
        sink(x) <- v is a well-formed statement

A writable object x and a readable object y are aliased if sink(x) and source(y) are both defined and if assigning any value v to sink(x) causes it to appear as the value of source(y)

property(T: Writable, U: Readable)
    requires(ValueType(T) = ValueType(U))
aliased: T x U
    (x, y) |-> sink(x) is defined ^
               source(y) is defined ^
               (forall v in ValueType(T))
                   sink(x) <- v establishes source(y) = v

Mutable(T) :=
  ^ Writable(T)
  ^ (forall x in T) sink(x) is defined <=> source(x) is defined
  ^ (forall x in T) sink(x) is defined <=> aliased(x, x)
  ^ deref: T -> ValueType(T)&
  ^ (forall x in T) sink(x) is defined <=> deref(x) is defined

property(I: Writable)
writable_bounded_range: I x I
    (f, l) |-> bounded_range(f, l) ^ (forall i in [f, l)) sink(i) is defined

(similarly for writable_weak_range and writable_counted_range)

property(I: Mutable)
mutable_bounded_range: I x I
    (f, l) |-> bounded_range(f, l) ^ (forall i in [f, l)) sink(i) is defined

(similarly for mutable_weak_range and mutable_counted_range)

property(I: Readable, O: Writable)
    requires(Iterator(I) ^ Iterator(O))
not_overlapped_forward: I x I x O x O
    (f_i, l_i, f_o, l_o) |->
        readable_bounded_range(f_i, l_i) ^
        writable_bounded_range(f_o, l_o) ^
        (forall k_i in [f_i, l_i), k_o in [f_o, l_o))
            aliased(k_o, k_i) implies k_i - f_i <= k_o - f_o

property(I: Readable, O: Writable)
    requires(Iterator(I) ^ Iterator(O))
not_overlapped_backward: I x I x O x O
    (f_i, l_i, f_o, l_o) |->
        readable_bounded_range(f_i, l_i) ^
        writable_bounded_range(f_o, l_o) ^
        (forall k_i in [f_i, l_i), k_o in [f_o, l_o))
            aliased(k_o, k_i) implies l_i - k_i <= l_o - k_o

property(I: Readable, O: Writable)
    requires(Iterator(I) ^ Iterator(O))
not_overlapped: I x I x O x O
    (f_i, l_i, f_o, l_o) |->
        readable_bounded_range(f_i, l_i) ^
        writable_bounded_range(f_o, l_o) ^
        (forall k_i in [f_i, l_i), k_o in [f_o, l_o))
            !aliased(k_o, k_i)

property(I: Readable, O: Writable)
    requires(Iterator(I) ^ Iterator(O))
not_overlapped_reverse_forward: I x I x O x O
    (f_i, l_i, f_o, l_o) |->
        readable_bounded_range(f_i, l_i) ^
        writable_bounded_range(f_o, l_o) ^
        (forall k_i in [f_i, l_i), k_o in [f_o, l_o))
            aliased(k_o, k_i) implies l_i - k_i <= k_0 - f_o

property(I: Readable, O: Writable)
    requires(Iterator(I) ^ Iterator(O))
not_overlapped_reverse_backward: I x I x O x O
    (f_i, l_i, f_o, l_o) |->
        readable_bounded_range(f_i, l_i) ^
        writable_bounded_range(f_o, l_o) ^
        (forall k_i in [f_i, l_i), k_o in [f_o, l_o))
            aliased(k_o, k_i) implies k_i - f_i <= l_o - k_o

property(T: Writable, U: Writable)
    requires(ValueType(T) = ValueType(U))
write_aliased: T x U
    (x, y) |-> sink(x) is defined ^ sink(y) is defined ^
               (forall V in Readable) (forall v in V)
                 aliased(x, v) <=> aliased(y, v)

property(O_0: Writable, O_1: Writable)
    requires(Iterator(O_0) ^ Iterator(O_1))
not_write_overlapped: O_0 x O_0 x O_1 x O_1
    (f_0, l_0, f_1, l_1) |->
        writable_bounded_range(f_0, l_0) ^
        writable_bounded_range(f_1, l_1) ^
        (forall k_0 in [f_0, l_0))
        (forall k_1 in [f_1, l_1))
            !write_aliased(k_0, k_1)

property(I: Readable, O: Writable, N: Integer)
    requires(Iterator(I) ^ Iterator(O))
backward_offset: I x I x O x O x N
    (f_i, l_i, f_o, l_o, n) |->
        readable_bounded_range(f_i, l_i) ^
        n >= 0 ^
        writable_bounded_range(f_o, l_o) ^
        (forall k_i in [f_i, l_i))
        (forall k_o in [f_o, l_o))
            aliased(k_o, k_i) implies
                k_i - f_i + n <= k_o - f_o

property(I: Readable, O: Writable, N: Integer)
    requires(Iterator(I) ^ Iterator(O))
forward_offset: I x I x O x O x N
    (f_i, l_i, f_o, l_o, n) |->
        readable_bounded_range(f_i, l_i) ^
        n >= 0 ^
        writable_bounded_range(f_o, l_o) ^
        (forall k_i in [f_i, l_i))
        (forall k_o in [f_o, l_o))
            aliased(k_o, k_i) implies
                l_i - k_i + n <= l_o - k_o

Chapter 10

A transformation f is an into transformation if, for all x in its definition space, there exists a y in its definition space such that y = f(x) A transformation f is an onto transformation if, for all y in its definition space, there exists an x in its definition space such that y = f(x) A transformation f is a one-to-one transformation if, for all x, x’ in its definition space, f(x) = f(x’) implies x = x’ A fixed point of a transformation is an element x such that f(x) = x An identity transformation is one that has every element of its definition space as a fixed point We denote the identity transformation on a set S as identity_S A permutation is an onto transformation on a finite definition space A cycle is a circular orbit within a permutation A trivial cycle is a cycle with one element (the element in a trivial cycle is a fixed point) A permutation containing a single nontrivial cycle is called a cyclic permutation A transposition is a cyclic permutation with a cycle size of 2 A finite set S of size n is a set for which there exists a pair of functions

choose_S: [0, n) -> S
 index_S: S -> [0, n)


choose_S(index_S(x)) = x
index_S(choose_S(i)) = i

If p is a permutation on a finite set S of size n, there is a corresponding index permutation p’ on [0, n) defined as:

p’(i) = index_S(p(choose_S(i)))

A rearrangement is an algorithm that copies the objects from an input range to an output range such that the mapping between the indices of the input and output ranges is a permutation In a position-based rearrangement, the destination of a value depends only on its original position and not on the value itself In a predicate-based rearrangement, the destination of a value depends only on the result of applying a predicate to the value In an ordering-based arrangement, the destination of a value depends only on the ordering of values A mutative rearrangement is a rearrangement in which the input and output ranges are identical; every mutative rearrangement corresponds to two permutations: (1) a to-permutation that maps an iterator i to the iterator j that points to the destination of the element at i (2) a from-permutation that maps an iterator j to the iterator i that points to the origin of the element moved to j A memory-adaptive algorithm uses as much additional space as it can acquire to maximize performance The permutation p of n elements defined by an index permutation p(i) = (i + k) mod n, where we define (i + k) mod n to be the unique integer in [0, n) that is congruent to i + k (mod n), is called the k-rotation

Chapter 11

A partition rearrangement is stable if the relative order of elements not satisfying the predicate is preserved, as is the relative order of elements satisfying the predicate A partition rearrangement is semistable if the relative order of elements not satisfying the predicate is preserved

property(I: ForwardIterator, N: Integer, R: Relation)
    requires(Mutable(I) ^ ValueType(I) = Domain(R))
mutable: I x N x I x N x R
    (f0, n0, f1, n1, r) |-> f0 + n0 = f1 ^
        mutable_counted_range(f0, n0 + n1) ^
        weak_ordering(r) ^
        increasing_range(f0, n0) ^
        increasing_range(f1, n1)

A merge is stable if the output range preserves the relative order of equivalent elements both within each input range and between the first and second input range A sorting algorithm is stable if it preserves the relative order of elements with equivalent values An iterator i in a range is a pivot if its value is not smaller than any value preceding it and not larger than any value following it

Linearizable(W) :=
  ^ IteratorType: Linearizable -> Iterator
  ^ ValueType: Linearizable -> Regular
        W |-> ValueType(IteratorType(W))
  ^ SizeType: Linearizable -> Integer
        W |-> DistanceType(IteratorType(W))
  ^ begin: W -> IteratorType(W)
  ^ end: W -> IteratorType(W)
  ^ size: W -> SizeType(W)
        x |-> end(x) - begin(x)
  ^ empty: W -> bool
        x |-> begin(x) == end(x)
  ^ []: W x SizeType(W) -> ValueType(W)&
        (w, i) |-> deref(begin(x) + i)

A container is a sequence that owns its elements; a linearizable type is not necessarily a container An object is a composite object if it is made up of other objects, called its parts; the whole-part relationship satisfies the following properties: (1) connectedness: an object has an affiliated coordinate structure that allows every part of the object to be reached from the object’s starting address (2) noncircularity: an object is not a subpart of itself, where subparts of an object are its parts and subparts of its parts (3) disjointness means that if two objects have a subpart in common, one of the two is a subpart of another (4) ownership means that copying an object copies its parts, and destroying an object destroys its parts [Note that B might be reachable from A’s starting address even though B is not a subpart of A] A composite object is dynamic if the set of its parts could change over its lifetime

Sequence(S) :=
  ^ (forall s in S) (forall i in [begin(s), end(s)))
        deref(i) is a part of s
  ^ =: S x S -> bool
        (s, s’) |-> lexicographical_equal(begin(s), end(s), begin(s’), end(s’))
  ^ <: S x S -> bool
        (s, s’) |-> lexicographical_less(begin(s), end(s), begin(s’), end(s’))

property(I: Readable, F: UnaryFunction)
    requires(Domain(F) = I)
projection_regular_function: F
    f |-> (forall i, j in I) source(i) = source(j) implies f(i) = f(j)

A part is remote if it does not reside at a constant offset from the address of an object but must be reached via a traversal of the object’s coordinate structure starting at its header The header of a composite object is the collection of its local parts