What's Changed
New Features
- move to codecov action and update special case for atomic density in 2D materials by @robinzyb in #30
- add badges by @robinzyb in #31
Bug Fixes
- fix rutile 1p11 edge structure parser by @robinzyb in #26
- update get_rotM_edged_rutile110. adhoc but fix 16 water failures. by @ruihao99 in #27
- Fix typo of indices, Fix bug for parse edge models by @robinzyb in #29
- wrap the surface z postiions to the first frame by @robinzyb in #33
Other Changes
- Patch for Rutile1p11Edge: robustness improvement by @ruihao99 in #25
- Fix typo and improve algorithms by @ruihao99 in #28
- add pytest for atom density analysis by @robinzyb in #32
- update the doc for atomdensity analysis by @robinzyb in #34
Full Changelog: v0.2.5...v0.2.6