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Zilin Chen edited this page Aug 6, 2015 · 24 revisions

The PLS reading group is a casual reading group run by members of UNSW's Programming Languages and Systems group. The discussions are unstructured and usually held over beer. Anyone is welcome to join us.

In the past we've never really had a fixed schedule and just gathered whenever we all felt like it, but I (Rob) would like to try and make it a regular fortnightly occurence.

If you want to attend in 2nd semester 2015, add a row to the following table that shows your availability and we can figure out a good time from that. Also, if you have any paper suggestions, add them as well.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Rob Any time after 3 Anytime Anytime after 3. Could clash with FP-Syd. Anytime after 5 Anytime
Liam Any time Any time except 4-5 Any time before 5. Any time except 11am-12pm, 3pm-5pm. Any time
Tim Any time After 11am Any time After 11am Before 2pm
Andrew 11 - 2 10 - 3 After 11 - -
Zilin Unavailable Any time except 12-15 Any time Any time but not preferable Any time

Paper suggestions

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