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Chat Video Simple-Peer is a powerful video conferencing tool inspired by Google Meet, built using Next.js, Socket.IO, and Simple Peer. It allows users to join a room, share their video, and communicate in real-time through a seamless interface.

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🚧 Work in Progress

Please note that Chat Video Simple-Peer is currently under development. Features and documentation may change.

Progress: 40%


📡 Chat Video Simple-Peer: A Real-time Video Chat Application

Chat Video Simple-Peer is a powerful video conferencing tool inspired by Google Meet, built using Next.js, Socket.IO, and Simple Peer. It allows users to join a room, share their video, and communicate in real-time through a seamless interface. The application boasts a dynamic VideoContainer for the speaker, a right panel for participants, and an integrated chat container for messages.

Demo: Click Here! - Remember it is in progress

📷 Screenshots



Meeting Room (In Progress)


Screen Sharing


🚀 Features

  • Video Conferencing: Real-time video streaming, supporting multiple participants.
  • Dynamic Video Container: Automatically highlights the current speaker in the main container.
  • Participant Panel: Shows participants with their camera on or off in the right panel.
  • Real-time Chat: Integrated chat container for participants to send messages.
  • Responsive Design: Built with Tailwind CSS for a responsive, mobile-friendly interface.

📦 Project Structure

The project is organized into several key directories:

  • components/: Contains reusable UI components.
  • context/: Context API components for global state management across components.
  • hooks/: Custom React hooks for managing state and side effects.
  • icons/: Houses SVG icons used throughout the application.
  • interfaces/: Typescript interfaces for type checking.
  • utils/: Utility functions and helpers.

🔌 Plugins

This application utilizes the following plugins:

  • simple-peer: Facilitates peer-to-peer communication.
  • Enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication.
  • classnames: A utility for conditionally joining classNames together.
  • tailwind: A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.

🛠️ Installation

To get started with NextMeet, clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone
cd chat-video-simple-peer
npm install

🏃‍♂️ Running the Application

To run the NextMeet application, you need to start both the client and the server.

Start the client:

npm run dev

The application will now be running and accessible at http://localhost:3000.

In a separate terminal, start the server:

npm run server

The server will now be running and accessible at http://localhost:3001.

📝 Testing

Ensure that both your client and server are running. Join a room using one browser window, then open another window or use a different browser to join the same room and test the video, audio, and chat features.

🏗️ Under Construction

  • Destroy video or/and screen sharing;
  • Send message using;
  • Not allow access to /chat without click in Join Now at Home Page;
  • Connect Peer Signal between the connected users;
  • Add code to stop sharing;
  • Create a list of users with peer connection enabled;
  • Improve socket connection using Next API;
  • Probably I have more thing to do but I am tired, it is 1:32 am.... 😴

🪲 Bugs

  • Mobile version is not a responsive design;
  • The camera is frozen on mobile version;
  • The share screen button is not working on mobile;
  • Chat is not appearing properly on mobile;
  • I will find more bugs... 🙁

🎓 Learning NextJS

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository as well.


Chat Video Simple-Peer is a powerful video conferencing tool inspired by Google Meet, built using Next.js, Socket.IO, and Simple Peer. It allows users to join a room, share their video, and communicate in real-time through a seamless interface.







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