A dart library for controlling the Sunix® RGB / RGBWWCW WiFi LED strip controller.
- Power the controller off and on
- Change the color of the led controller
- For RGB or RGBWWCW (warm white and cold white) colors
- Receive the current status of the controller, including the power state and color values
- Send multiple requests in quick succession
- Can be used to create a smooth transition from one color to another
You can install the package by adding the following to your pubspec.yaml
sunix_ledstrip_controller: ^1.0.2
A simple usage example:
import 'package:sunix_ledstrip_controller/sunix_ledstrip_controller.dart';
main() async {
// create a new controller object with a static ip
LedController controller = LedController("");
// power the controller on
if (await controller.powerOn()) {
// methods return true when the request was successfully sent
print("successfully powered on");
// change the controller color
controller.updateColorRgb(192, 255, 238);
// get the status of the controller
StatusResponse status;
await controller
.then((response) => status = response);
print("powered on: ${status?.poweredOn}");
print("red: ${status?.red}");
print("blue: ${status?.green}");
print("green: ${status?.blue}");
See the example
directory for a basic example.
A big thanks goes to @markusressel for his python library sunix-ledstrip-controller-client.