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Cwerg Language Overview

Cwerg tries to find the right balance between language expressiveness and compiler implementation complexity. The hope is to reach a sweet spot above what C gives us today: A small language that can be maintained by a single person and which is convenient for writing system software like operating systems and compilers.

Since small is subjective we have set a complexity budget of about 10kLOC for a compiler frontend with basic optimizations (there is a comparable complexity budget for the backend).

Cwerg is also meant to be a fast language enabling whole program compilation. We target a compilation speed of at least a million lines per second.


  • Low level, C-like language: no GC, no unexpected control flow
  • defer statement (scheduling code to run code at scope exit)
  • tagged unions (sum types)
  • optionally wrapped types (by-name type equivalence)
  • modules (not nested)
  • generics via generic modules
  • simple hygienic macro system
  • limited polymorphism
  • polymorphism and generics replace printf and enable custom formatters
  • slices (array views)
  • named blocks + multi-level break/continue
  • expression statements - cleaned up version of the C's comma operator
  • (almost) no implicit conversions and no truthinesss
  • all value are zero initialized by default
  • visibility is private by default
  • array indexing is checked by default
  • variables are immutable by default
  • no goto, no va-args, no bitfields
  • no cyclic dependencies between modules
  • no cyclic dependencies between types (self-cycles are allowed)


Cwerg currently has two syntaxes:

  1. Sexpr syntax that is close to the AST
  2. Python inspired concrete syntax

The two syntaxes are intended to be equivalent and one can be translated to the other without loss of information.

Concrete Syntax Examples

Cwerg use a Python inspired syntax where the indentation level is significant.

We give some examples below to convey a general feeling for the language. The details should become clear after reading the rest of the tutorial.

More examples can be found here:

Hello World (full example)


import fmt

fun main(argc s32, argv ^^u8) s32:
    fmt::print#("hello world\n")
    return 0

Every file starts with a module stanza.

The type information in the function declaration follows the Go model of identifier followed by type. Functions can only return one value.

fmt::print# is a macro call. All macros names must end in "#".

Sieve of Eratosthenes (excerpt)

-- a global constant
global N uint = 1000 * 1000 * 1000

-- a mutable global array of bools initialized to `true`
-- index i represents number 3 + 2 * i
global! is_prime = [N]bool{true}

-- Count the number of primes below n
fun sieve() uint:
    -- mutable local varible
    let! count uint = 1
    -- the type of loop variable `i`  is determined by `N`
    for i = 0, N, 1:
        if is_prime[i]:
            set count += 1
            let p uint = i + i + 3
            for k = i + p, N, p:
                set is_prime[k] = false
    return count

Exclamation marks at the end of keywords indicate mutability.

Binary Tree (parameterized/generic module)

        -- the payload type
        $type TYPE,
        -- the less-than function ($type x $type) -> bool
        $lt CONST_EXPR):

pub global Leaf = void

pub rec Node:
    left union(void, ^!Node)
    right union(void, ^!Node)
    payload $type

-- same as above for left and right
pub type MaybeNode = union(void, ^!Node)

type Visitor = funtype(node ^$type) void

pub fun InorderTraversal(root MaybeNode, visitor Visitor) void:
    -- return if the union root is a Leaf
    trylet node ^!Node = root, _:
    do InorderTraversal(node^.left, visitor)
    do visitor(&node^.payload)
    do InorderTraversal(node^.right, visitor)

-- returns the new root
pub fun Insert(root MaybeNode, node ^!Node) ^!Node:
    set node^.left = Leaf
    set node^.right = Leaf
    trylet curr ^!Node = root, _:
        return node
    if $lt(&node^.payload, &curr^.payload):
        set curr^.left = Insert(curr^.left, node)
        set curr^.right = Insert(curr^.right, node)
    return curr



import fmt

global DIM = 10_s32

type Board = [DIM][DIM]bool

fun DumpBoard(board ^Board) void:
    for i = 0, DIM, 1:
        for j = 0, DIM, 1:
            fmt::print#(board^[i][j] ? "Q" : ".")

fun HasConflict(board ^Board, row s32, col s32) bool:
    for i = 0, row, 1:
        if board^[i][col]:
            return true
        let j = row - i
        if col - j + 1 > 0 && board^[i][col - j]:
            return true
        if col + j < DIM && board^[i][col + j]:
            return true
    return false

fun Solve(board ^!Board, row s32) uint:
    if row >= DIM:
        do DumpBoard(board)
        return 1
    let! n = 0_uint
    for i = 0, DIM, 1:
        if !HasConflict(board, row, i):
            set board^[row][i] = true
            set n += Solve(board, row + 1)
            set board^[row][i] = false
    return n

fun main(argc s32, argv ^^u8) s32:
    -- initialized to false
    let! board = [DIM][DIM]bool{}
    let n = Solve(&!board, 0)
    fmt::print#(n, "\n")
    return 0

Word Count (full example)


import os

import fmt

fun is_white_space(c u8) bool:
    return c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\r'

-- word, line and character count statistics
rec TextStats:
    num_lines uint
    num_words uint
    num_chars uint

-- Returns either a TextStat or an Error
fun WordCount(fd os::FD) union(TextStats, os::Error):
    -- note limited type inference in next two stmts
    let! stats = TextStats{}
    let! in_word = false
    -- do not initialize buf with zeros
    let! buf [1024]u8 = undef
    while true:
        -- if FileRead returns an uint, assign it to n else return it
        trylet n uint = os::FileRead(fd, buf), err:
            return err
        if n == 0:
        set stats.num_chars += n
        -- index variable has the same type as n.
        for i = 0, n, 1:
            let c = buf[i]
                case c == '\n':
                    set stats.num_lines += 1
                case is_white_space(c):
                    set in_word = false
                case !in_word:
                    set in_word = true
                    set stats.num_words += 1
        if n != len(buf):
    return stats

fun main(argc s32, argv ^^u8) s32:
    trylet stats TextStats = WordCount(os::Stdin), err:
        return 1
    -- print# is a stmt macro for printing arbitrary values.
    -- (It is possible to define formatters for custom types.)
    fmt::print#(stats.num_lines, " ", stats.num_words, " ", stats.num_chars, "\n")
    return 0

Type System

Cwerg's type system is similar to C's with the following differences

  • there are very few implicit conversions
  • pointers cannot be null
  • there is a stronger emphasis on "const/mutability correctness"
  • arrays do not decay to to pointers and arrays of different sizes are different types
  • slices can be used where array-like objects with variable length are required
  • (tagged) unions are supported to simplifying error handling and emulate nullable pointers

Base Types

  • u8, u16, u32, u64 unsigned int in various widths
  • uint unsigned int big enough to hold a pointer
  • s8, s16, s32, s64 signed int in various widths
  • sint signed int big enough to hold a pointer
  • r32, r64 floating points in various widths
  • typeid unsigned int big enough to hold a type tag
  • bool
  • void

Pointer Types

The pointer type notation is similar to Pascal. The caret goes in front of type.

-- pointer to a u32

-- pointer to a mutable u32


Array dimension go in front of the element type:

    -- 10 element array of element type u32

Array of different length are not compatible and are different from pointers to the element type.

static_assert typeid_of([10]u32) != typeid_of([2]u32)
static_assert typeid_of([10]u32) != typeid_of(^u32)

The length and fist element of an array can be accessed with:

    -- returns a readonly pointer to the first element of the array
    ... = front(readomly_or_mutable_array)
    -- returns a mutable pointer to the first element of the mutable array
    ... = front!(mutable_array)
    -- returns a `uint` with the length of the array
    ... = len(a_array)

Note: array literals are readonly.


Slices are essentially fat pointers consisting of pointer to the first element of an array and a length.

    -- regular slice
    -- mutable slice

The two components of a slice can be accessed with:

    -- returns a readonly pointer to the first element of the slice
    ... = front(readomly_or_mutable_slice)
    -- returns a mutable pointer to the first element of the mutable slice
    ... = front!(mutable_slice)
    -- returns a `uint` with the length of the slice.
    ... = len(a_slice)

Function types

Function types can be described like so:

    funtype(param1 type1, param2 type2, ...) return-type


Record types, essentially C-structs, can be declared like so:

rec Date:
    year u16
    month u8
    day   u8
    hour u8
    minute u8
    second u8

There are plans to have per field private/public access control but for now if the rec is annotated with pub all fields are externally visible.


Enum types can be declared like so:

enum Color u8:
    blue auto
    green 10
    red auto

This declares an enum Color with 3 members (red, green, blue) with an underlying type of u8. auto is using the previously assigned value incremented by 1 or zero if it is the first member. So in the above example we get:

Color:blue has value 0
Color:green has value 10
Color:red has value 11

Enums are C-like in that they are essentially named integer constants. Unlike C, enums members are always used "fully qualified" using a single colon.

Type shortcuts and wrapped types

Abbreviations for length types can be declared like so:

type t1 = funtype(x u8, y u8) u1

This is strictly an abbreviation, the lhs and the rhs can be used interchangeably in the code.

To force by name type equivalence in this case, use the @wrapped annotation like so

@wrapped type t1 = funtype(x u8, y u8) u1

The type t1 is said to be a wrapped type.

(Tagged) Unions

Tagged unions can be declared like so:

    union(s32, void, u8, ^sint, [32]u8))

Note, that there are no names - only types. In case that the same type is needed twice in a single union, wrapped types can be used.

The annotation @untagged changes a union to untagged.

Unions are: order independent, duplicate eliminating, and auto-flattening. In the example below u1 and u2 are the same type:

type u1  = union(u8, s64, union(u8, s32), union(u8, void))
type u2  = union(s64, s32, void, u8))
static_assert typeid_of(u1)  ==  typeid_of(u2)

Sometimes it is useful to define the type of a union which is the delta of two unions A and B where B's member types are a subset of A's. This can be done like so:

type u1  = union(u8, s64, void, r64)
type u2  = union(s64, void))
static_assert typeid_of(union_delta(u1, u2)  ==  typeid_of(union(u8, r64))

More info in Unions


Boolean Literals

true, false

There is no concept of truthiness.

String Literals

Regular string literals are enclosed in double-quotes. e.g. "escaped string\n" and may contain back-slash escapes. Most single character escapes are supported ('\n', '\t', '\', etc). Also supported are hexadecimal escape ('\xff') but not octal escapes.

Unescaped (aka raw) strings are prefixed with "r", e.g. (r"string").

Hex strings are prefixed with x, e.g. (x"de ad be ef") and ignore all white space characters.

Multi-line strings are enclosed in triple quotes, e.g. """multi-line string:"""", and also come in unescaped (prefix "r") and hex (prefix "x") flavors.

Number Literals

Number literals may contain underscores ("_") which are ignored. Since Cwerg does not implicitly convert numbers it is often necessary use typed number by adding one of the following suffices: u8, u16, u32, u64, s8, s16, s32, s64, r32, r64, e.g. "0x1234_s16".

Both hexadecimal (0x) and binary (0b) basis are supported but no octal. For hexadecimal numbers only the lower case letters (a-f) are valid.

Array Literals

Array literals are declared like so:

    [5]s32{1, 2, 3}

If there are fewer initializers than the array size, the last value will repeated. So this is equivalent to:

    [5]s32{1, 2, 3, 3, 3}

If no initializer is provided, zero will be used. initializers for specific indices can declared like so:

   [5]s32{1:6, 3:9}

This is equivalent to:

[5]s32{0, 6, 6, 9, 9}

Record Literals

Assuming this record:

rec Date:
    year u16
    month u8
    day   u8
    hour u8
    minute u8
    second u8

record literals are declared like so:

    Date{2000, 1, 12}

If no initializer is provided, zero will be used.

Initializers for specific fields can declared like so:

    Date{year:2000, month:1, day:12}

Module Definitions

Every file starts with module definition. A simple version looks like:


A more complex definition for the generic case looks like:

module optional-name(param-name1 param-kind1, param-name2 param-kind2, ...):

All module parameters must start with a '$' (similar to macro parameters) and must be have one of the following kinds:

  • CONST_EXPR: a constant expression including a function
  • TYPE: a type expression

Top Level Declarations

By default all top level declarations are module private. The pub annotation will export the declaration and thereby make it visible to the importing module.

Note, the declarations listed here can only appear at the top level, not inside function bodies.

Global Constants

Global constants are declared like so

global a_global_const u64 = 7_u64

Cwerg has limit type inference so this could be simplified to either:

global a_global_const u64 = 7


global a_global_const = 7_u64

Global Variables

Variables use the same syntax as global except that the keyword is suffixed by !, e.g.:

global! a_global_var u64 = 7_u64

If an initializer expression is omitted, the global is initialized to zero.


Functions are declared like so:

 fun foo(param1 typ1, param2 type2, ...) returntype:

Functions can only have one result.

Function parameters are not mutable.

Enums, Types (Typedefs) and Recs (Structs)

These were covered in the Type Section above

Static Asserts

Static asserts are checked at compile time. Example:

-- this ensures that we are on a 64bit system
static_assert sizeof(^u8) == 8


TBD - see Macros


Note: all statements start with an introductory keyword.

Local Constants

Local constants have the same syntax as global constants except they are introduced with the let keyword. All these statements are equivalent:

let a_local_const u64 = 7_u64
let a_local_const u64 = 7
let a_local_const = 7_u64

Let Statements (Local Variables)

Local variable have the same syntax as local constants except that introductory keyword is suffixed with "!". All these statements are equivalent:

let! a_local_const u64 = 7_u64
let! a_local_const u64 = 7
let! a_local_const = 7_u64

If an initializer expression is omitted, the global is initialized to zero. The special initializer undef will leave the initial value undefined.

(Compound) Assignment Statements

set a_local_const = 666
set a_local_const += 666
set a_local_const and= 666

Trylet Statements

A trylet statement is most useful for processing unions that represent two states. e.g.

  • a valid pointer or null
  • a result or an error

Example error processing:

    trylet n uint = os::FileRead(fd, buf), err:
        return err

The call to os::FileRead returns either a uint or one of several error types. If the call returns uint, it will be assigned to n. Otherwise the error type will be assigned err and then subsequently returned.

Tryset Statements

tryset is to trylet what set is to let. Example:

    let! u uint = ...
    tryset n = os::FileRead(fd, buf), err:
        return err

Block Statements

A block introduces an optionally labelled new scope. Control-flow will resume at the next statement after block if the control flow falls through the last statement of the block.

block <NAME>?:

A continue statement inside the block will set control-flow to the beginning of the block and a break statement will exit the block. Both continue and break statements can have an optional label indicating which enclosing block they refer to.

While Loops

while <CONDITION>:

For Loops

for var-name = initial-expr, limit-expr, step-expr:

For loops differ from their C counterparts in the following way:

  • they are mostly meant for ranging over a sequence of integers
  • initial-expr, limit-expr, step-expr are evaluated once at the beginning
  • the type of var-name is determined by the type of limit-expr
  • var-name is not mutable

If you need a for loop to iterate over a custom data-structure, define a macro.

If-else Statements


if condition:

With else clause

if condition:

Cond Statements

    case condition1:
    case condition2:

Note, there is no fallthrough. Case are checked in order.z A default case be expressed as case true and must go last.

Defer Statements


The code in the defer body will be run when the enclosing scope is exited. The code in the defer body must not branch out of the body. Multiple defer statements in the same scope are run in the reverse order they are defined.

Return Statements

return optional-expression

Return a value from the enclosing function or expression statement. If no expression is provided, void is assumed.

Continue Statements

continue optional-label

Jump to the beginning of a block, while or for statement. The optional label can be used to name the block to exit.

Break Statements

break optional-label

Exit the enclosing block, while or for statement. The optional label can be used to name the block to exit.

    block label1:
        block label2:
            -- exits the block, label2
            break label2
            -- also exits the block, label2
            -- exits the block, label1
            break label1

Trap Statements


Stop execution of the program.

Do Statements

do expression

Runs the expression and discards the result. The expression will usually be a function call with a side-effect.


Prefix Operators

Name Symbol Description
NOT ! bitwise or logical not
MINUS - unary minus

Infix Operators

Name Notation Description
MIN min
MAX max
AND and bitwise and
OR or bitwise or
XOR xor bitwise xor
EQ ==
NE !=
LT <
LE <=
GT >
GE >=
ANDSC && short-circuit logical and
ORSC || short-circuit logical or
SHR >>
SHL <<
ROTR >>> bitwise rotate right
ROTL <<< bitwise rotate left
PDELTA &-& pointer difference

+, -, *, /. % for signed and unsigned integers have wrap-around sematics and do not trap on overflow.

The main additions to C are: MIN, MAX, ROTL, ROTR which are directly supported by the backend.

Note, operator precedence has yet to be finalized

Function Style Operators

Expression centric

Notation Description
len(E) -> uint length of an array or slice
front(E) -> P pointer to first element of array or slice
front!(E) -> P mutable pointer to first element of array or slice
slice(P, E) -> S make a slice from a pointer and length
slice!(P, E) -> S make a mutable slice from a mutable pointer and length
pinc(P, E [, E]) -> P increment pointer with optional bounds check
pdec(P, E [, E]) -> P decrement pointer with optional bounds check
stringify(E) -> []u8 convert an expression to a textual representation

Type centric

Notation Description
is(E, T) -> bool check if union expression is of given type
type(E) -> T type of expression
typeid_of(T) -> typeid typeid of a type
type_of(E) -> T type of an expression
union_delta(T, T) -> T type delta of two union type expressions
offset_of(R, F) -> uint offset of field in record
size_of(T) -> uint size of a type


Notation Description
wrap_as(E, T) -> E convert value to enum or wrapped type
unwrap(E) -> E convert enum or wrapped type to underlying type
narrow_as(E, T) -> E convert union value to actual type
widen_as(E, T) -> E convert value to union
as(E, T) -> E converts between numerical types
bitwise_as(E, T) -> E convert expression to a type of same width, including int to pointer
unsafe_as(E, T) -> E convert between pointers

Also see Casting

  • E: expression
  • T: type expression
  • T: record type
  • P: pointer value
  • F: record field name
  • S: slice

Expression Statements

Expression Statements are code blocks that evaluate to a value. Examples

let x s8 = foo()
let sign s8 = expr:
                    case x == 0:
                        return 0_s8
                    case x < 0
                        return -1_s8
                    -- default case
                    case true:
                        return 1_s8