The goal of this project is to learn how to handle and process an incoming stream of data. The use case is detection of motion based events in a stream of real-time location updates. The server receives a stream of location updates which consist of latitude, longitude, and timestamp. The data is transformed and checked; appropriate events are streamed back to the client.
Protocol Buffers are used to define the data model for location updates and events. gRPC is used for bidirectional streaming between the server and client.
The incoming stream of data is stored in-memory. The data is processed in batches; it is acquired in a sliding-window fashion, transformed and enriched, and then checked for the needed events. The response events are streamed back to the client.
Unit tests are provided for calculation utilities, transformations and event checks. Additionally, a test client is provided.
- Check for sharp turns by measuring angle change
- More robust testing
- Authentication and support for multiple concurrent clients