a Java wrapper of the Spigot resources REST API (XenforoResourceManagerAPI)
SpigotResourcesAPI aims to be simple, thread-safe and efficient.
Clone the repository, install the artifact locally (using mvn install
, for example)
and use the artifact information that is in the pom.xml
file as a dependency.
Alternatively, you can use JitPack:
Add JitPack as a repository
<!-- it is recommended to specify JitPack after all other repositories -->
Add SpigotResourcesAPI as a dependency
Add JitPack as a repository
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Add SpigotResourcesAPI as a dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.robertlit:SpigotResourcesAPI:1.3'
// Construct an API and specify how long should data be cached for
SpigotResourcesAPI api = new SpigotResourcesAPI(1, TimeUnit.HOURS);
// Get Author by id
CompletableFuture<Author> future = api.getAuthor(740512);
future.thenAccept(author -> {
// ...
// Get Resources by Author id
CompletableFuture<Collection<Resource>> future = api.getResourcesByAuthor(740512);
future.thenAccept(resources -> {
// ...
// Get Resource by id
CompletableFuture<Resource> future = api.getResource(72343);
future.thenAccept(resource -> {
// ...