- The background of this Project is to analyzing telecom customer churn data is crucial for providers to understand factors influencing customer departure.
- This data helps identify patterns in service quality, pricing, and customer satisfaction, allowing companies to proactively address issues, improve customer retention strategies, and enhance overall service delivery.
- Data analysis in this context enables telecom companies to stay competitive by adapting to evolving customer preferences and mitigating potential churn risks.
- To analyze "Customer Churn" and understand the factors associated with it by addressing some arising questions.
- Develop Churn Prediction Model
- Implement Machine Learning Algorithms and select the best method for Churn Prediction
- Insights from the data and project are presented through a set of slides to help drive business decisions.
Overview of Dataset:
- Data source: Customer_Analytics_Telecom_Master.xlsx
Key variables:
- Tenure, SeniorCitizen, Partner, Dependents, etc.
Initial Data Cleaning and Preparation:
- Handling missing values,
- Data type conversion
- A number of variables influencing Churn was identified and extracted from my findings and visualized further into Bar bar charts and histogram to help understand.
ML Models Used:
- Logistic Regression
- Decision Tree (DT)
- Naïve Bayes
- Random Forest
Feature Selection and Engineering:
- Conversion of categorical variables to factors
- Splitting data into training and test sets
- Metrics for Evaluation:
- Accuracy
- Precision
- Recall
- F1 Scoring
- Comparison of Model Performance:
- A confusion Matrix for each model
- Summary of model performances using resamples
- Confusion Matrix and ROC Curve