This is a Slack app to easily generate links from within Slack.
This allows you to share secrets without leaving Slack by using a /secret-message
Sharelock requires users to login to view secrets to ensure they can only be read by the intended recipient. Login via Google or Facebook is currently supported by Slack is not. In the near future I intend to update this app to support Slack login for viewing secrets to make the process seamless.
Install the app to your Slack workspace by following the link below.
Or create your own Slack app for your own workspace with the included code.
This app does not store any user data. I have not interest in keeping your secrets.
When a user uses the app to send a message to another user the recipients email address is retreived via the Slack API. The recipients email address is submitted to, alongisde the message, to authenicate the recipient so that only they can view the message.
For support open an issue or email