This is the official release of RedbackBot's 3D printable ball ramp for the RoboCup Soccer Standard Platform League (SPL).
Provided in this release are ready to 3D print files to be able to produce a ball ramp compatible with a 2024 rules compliant Soccer SPL ball.
The purpose of this design is for repeatable testing RoboCup SPL Soccer behaviours with a moving ball with varying speeds.
The ready-to-print files are located in the printing_files
Additionally, the raw design files are provided in the design_files
Non-printed parts that are required to complete the build are detailed in the parts list.
This design is provided 'as is'. Pull requests and feature suggestions may be made through GitHub.
Before cloning this repository, you must read our license terms.
Printing and assembly instructions are found in the SPL Ramp Manual PDF file.
Cite this repository and manual as:
Wiley, T., Peake, I., Babayigit, S., Ellis, T., George, B., Griffiths, S., Pham, M. H., Phillips, & C., Zhong Zhen, K. (2024). RedbackBots Soccer SPL Ball Ramp. AI Innovation Lab, School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
RedbackBots is a undergraduate and postgraduate student team supported by the AI Innovation Lab in the School of Computing Technologies at RMIT University. The goals of RedbackBots are (1) a research project of the AI Innovation Lab, and (2) to provide education for RMIT students in applications of AI to autonomous robotics systems. The release of our team's Soccer SPL software available at GitHub.
You may contact the RedbackBots team at:
For any issues or feature requests, feel free to contact us through our GitHub issues page or through the official RoboCup SPL discord or email