Make sure you've run the build command at least once ./Make/Common/buildSetup
. Run the following command:
nao_sync -a -r ROBOTNAME
Note: ROBOTNAME should be in all lowercase for the command.
You will replace ROBOTNAME with the name found on the back of the robot's head. Once this has finished, you'll see nao_sync done
in the terminal and the robot is ready to go.
From here you have two options to run the robot:
- Run a simple command via the command line on the robot
- Run the robot in Game mode and use GameController to let the robot(s) play a game by itself.
To have the robot run a simple command, use the following commands to make this happen:
# replace ROBOTNAME with name of robot or the robots IP address
On the command line of the robot (you should see the terminal say 'nao@ROBOTNAME:~$'), run:
./redbackbots -s COMMAND
Here you will replace COMMAND with any of the behaviours or skills found in the following folders:
- Src/behaviours/body/skills
- Src/behaviours/body/roles
- Src/behaviours/body/test
For example:
./redbackbots -s Stand
# A simple skill where the robot simply stands up
# This will run the code in Src/behaviours/body/skills/
After running the above command, and once you see the command line running, you will then press the chest button once, and the robot will stand up and start the given command.
Note: As a recommendation, run ./redbackbots -s Demo
if this is your first time. The robot will simply find the ball and kick it until stopped.
To safely stop the robot, place your hand on its head touching the 3 head buttons and the robot will sit down (To stop the code from running, you can swipe the head buttons from front to back). If running from the command line, you can also use Control + C to stop the code from running which again will make the robot stop and sit down.
For more information on how to turn on / turn off Nao, please check out Nao Button Interface