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Prometheus exporter for Tuya-based smartplug devices


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Tuya exporter for prometheus

Prometheus exporter for Tuya-based smart plug devices. Tested with Immax Neo Lite smart plug.



- name: plug-kitchen-1
  id: 87e98a987b87b12354a54c
  key: 0987654321abcdef

Run locally

ts=2024-02-25T08:18:50.577Z caller=main.go:83 level=info msg="Starting tuya_smartplug_exporter" version="(version=v1.0.0, branch=main, revision=9d0b7b3)" config=config.yaml
ts=2024-02-25T08:18:50.582Z caller=main.go:98 level=info msg="Configured 1 devices"
ts=2024-02-25T08:18:50.583Z caller=tls_config.go:313 level=info msg="Listening on" address=[::]:9999
ts=2024-02-25T08:18:50.583Z caller=tls_config.go:316 level=info msg="TLS is disabled." http2=false address=[::]:9999

Run using docker

docker run -ti -v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/config.yaml:ro

Example output

curl --silent localhost:9999/metrics | grep ^tuya
tuya_smartplug_exporter_build_info{branch="main",goarch="amd64",goos="linux",goversion="go1.23.0",revision="96c611a",tags="unknown",version="v1.0.4"} 1
tuya_smartplug_last_scrape_error 0
tuya_smartplug_current{device="livingroom-1"} 0.093
tuya_smartplug_power{device="livingroom-1"} 8.6
tuya_smartplug_scrape_duration_sum{device="livingroom-1"} 73
tuya_smartplug_scrape_duration_count{device="livingroom-1"} 1
tuya_smartplug_total_scrapes_sum 0.62671565
tuya_smartplug_total_scrapes_count 3
tuya_smartplug_voltage{device="livingroom-1"} 242.9

Description of metrics

Name Type Description Scope
tuya_smartplug_last_scrape_error Counter Indication of overall error during scrape Global
tuya_smartplug_scrapes_total Summary Overall duration and count of scrapes Global
tuya_smartplug_exporter_build_info Gauge Build info Global
tuya_smartplug_current Gauge Electrical current drawn, in Amperes Device
tuya_smartplug_power Gauge Total power used, in Watts Device
tuya_smartplug_scrape_duration Summary Summary of scrape operation Device
tuya_smartplug_switch_on Gauge Whether the plug is switched on (1 for on, 0 for off) Device
tuya_smartplug_voltage Gauge Electrical voltage, in Volts Device

Install using Helm chart to k8s cluster

First, make sure your values are present in file my-values.yaml, then run

helm repo add rkosegi --force-update
helm upgrade --install rkosegi/tuya-smartplug-exporter --values my-values.yaml

Sample Grafana dashboard



Portion of client code is inspired by @jasonacox implementation in powermonitor